Being newly single does not have to be a time of isolation and loneliness.
Get over your ex and get with someone new
Being single for the first time in a long while is both scary and exciting. Here is your guide to getting back into the dating game successfully after the demise of your LTR.No doubt you have heard all of the advice on working on yourself. It is only human to stack on the pounds when in a secure relationship. Make yourself as attractive as can be, by working on your body, improving your fashion sense, and pursuing your interests with passion and drive. Working on yourself does not mean you have to take time away from the dating scene, however. These tips will help you attract women as a newly single guy.
Go out with your single friends
You may have let certain friendships lapse while you were coupled up. There was no reason to go out with the boys every weekend, when at that point in your life you would rather have a cosy night in. Your new single status is the perfect excuse to catch up with old friends. Get a group together and go out. Make it a regular occasion. Say “yes” to as many social events as you can, as you never know when you will meet someone you click with. If the majority of your friends are happily in relationships, you may also need to make new friends who are interested in going out to bars.
Install Tinder
You have emerged from your long-term relationship cocoon to find that internet dating is no longer looked down upon. In fact, everyone is doing it. The fickle nature of Tinder is not for everyone, but it is worth a try at least. You may meet someone special, and you will have plenty of fun in the meantime. Tinder can also be a great confidence booster as well as a way to hone your texting game.
Be open-minded
Go on dates with women who would not be your usual type. Do not discount someone as a romantic interest just because she is into different music. You may think you know what you are looking for, but do you really? Going on plenty of dates will not only be an enjoyable experience, but it will also help you distil what you are really looking for in a partner. Don’t just go for girls who are similar to your ex because that is what you are used to.
Avoid being a desperado
Being desperate for a woman’s affection is a major turn-off. Many newly single guys think they should be pursuing every female organism within a one mile radius, and will only talk to women with the intent of pursuing things further. Avoid giving off this desperate vibe but not having huge expectations. Talk to women just for the sake of chatting, and you will find that some are interested in you while others are not. This is far more productive than hitting on every woman you see, which is off-putting to the targets of your affection.
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From TSB Magazine by Natasha Abrahams