Monday, September 11, 2017

How to Change Up Your At-Home Date Night for Lasting Love

at home dateEditor’s Note: This is a guest post from Nancy DeVault of

Life is full of responsibilities ─ work, kids, etc. ─ which can distract couples from making each other a priority. Consequently, spouses who don’t spend quality time together risk losing their connection and/or feeling less satisfied in their marriage.

Committing to a routine date night can be a small change with big relationship benefits! In fact, the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia recently published the Date Night Opportunity study, which found that regular date nights achieved higher levels of communication, sexual satisfaction and commitment. You may have reservations about carving out the time and creativity to plan date night ─ and you’re not alone.

Many couples feel life’s hurdles hinder the opportunity for date night, such as guilt, time, money and lack of babysitters.

Here’s a fix: Change your date night expectations with a simpler approach. Sure, a romantic restaurant dinner and elaborate adventure make for an amazing date night. But, a fun at-home date night is a simple and effective way to achieve quality time together too! Plus, this can make you happier as a couple and even combat all those excuses (oh, um, I mean life’s hurdles). For example, couples with children can schedule an hour or two for an at-home date night after the kids’ bedtime; thus, eliminating guilt over couple versus family time and the need for a babysitter. And, for couples with restricted budgets and time, at-home date night won’t break the bank or compete with hectic schedules. Think about how you spend your evenings currently… could you redirect your focus – again, even just for an hour or two per week ─ from social media, television and other non-essential pastimes toward your spouse instead? The effort is worth it!

Here are some at-home date night ideas to connect:

  • Game On: Couples who play together stay together! Gaming may seem silly, but this playful activity allows you to interact face-to-face, laugh together and even learn something new about one another.
  • Sensual Spa: Add a pop of much-needed romance with a relaxing bubble bath complete with candles, music and massage oils.
  • Stargaze: The stars already aligned to create your luminous love. Just download an app to magnify stars, constellations, planets and satellites for out-of- this-world entertainment.
  • Get Cheesy: Cheese plates and charcuterie boards can be great appetizers while your cook dinner together, an upgrade to popcorn for movie night or perfect snacks for any at-home date night.
  • Fondue Fun: Heat things up by indulging with a sweet interactive dessert.
  • DIY Project: Get crafty to strengthen your collaboration skills and accomplish a needed project together.
  • Home-Date Subscription: Similar to the service concept of meal delivery kits (i.e. Blue Apron, Hello Fresh), have date night delivered to your doorstep complete with an activity (with necessary tools/items), food and conversation starter questions.

Nancy DeVault is a freelance writer and managing editor of, a resource inspiring couples to love, laugh and live their best life together with fun and engaging date night ideas and real relationship insight.

The post How to Change Up Your At-Home Date Night for Lasting Love appeared first on Simple Marriage.

Article from: Simple Marriage, by Guest

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