Saturday, January 7, 2017

Interoffice Relationships Good Or Bad

There are often situations where people find that they are attracted to someone at work. This is not something that can be helped. We do not determine who we are going to be attracted to or fall in love with. However, there are certain things that need to be kept in mind and considered before entering into a relationship with a co-worker.

The first thing that you need to do is find out what your companies policy is on dating among co-workers. Read your employee manual and see what it says. If you cannot find information there, you may need to go to a supervisor for information. The only problem with this is that the person is going to wonder why you are asking. If interoffice relationships are forbidden, you could be putting yourself into a bad situation before you have ever done anything. You will be under the microscope just for asking. So, if you can find the information any other way, it is best to avoid going to higher ups.

As we cannot control our feelings and desires, there is really no way to avoid falling for a co-worker if that is what is meant to be. However, there are often risks and complications involved. You could end up losing your job once the relationship is out in the open. You could also have problems with other co-workers who may not approve of the relationship. Your boss could start treating you differently due to the fact that you are involved in a relationship within the office. There are numerous possible consequences of pursuing a relationship at work.

Talk with the person that you are interested in to determine what the best way to deal with the situation is. If you are both attracted to each other, you need to decide how to tell people. You will also want to discuss how you will handle any problems that arise. If there is a rule about not dating, you need to decide if the relationship is worth losing your job over. In some cases one person could switch to a different office or department. At other times, one person may need to quit their job in order to have their love and happiness. There are many possibilities and you both need to know how to deal with them before they come up.

Do not try to hide the relationship if you both decide it is what you want. You will often find that honesty is the best policy. If you are open and upfront with everyone from the beginning, you are more likely to get a more favorable response. If you try to hide it, then when it is found out, there could be much worse ramifications of your behavior and denial. Everyone needs to be made aware as soon as the relationship has begun. Tell your boss how you plan to deal with the relationship and the possible problems.

No matter what you do, it is important to avoid letting your relationship interfere with your work. This is the most common reason for a relationship to be frowned upon at work. It is also likely to result in negative repercussions. Keep work and personal life separate from each other at all costs.