While we desperately scout for happy hours with our buddies, these two friends from Texas have gone way ahead and pulled off a brilliant trick on a restaurant. Alex Nagle and Cati Domitrovich are best friends from Texas who enacted a fake proposal to get free dessert at an upscale restaurant. Seventeen-year-old Alex and 19-year-old Cati are just best friends who were having a bad week and they wanted to do something to salvage it.
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So they played their part well and when Cati went to the washroom, Alex approached the restaurant staff and told them he was going to propose to his girlfriend, asking them to take pictures to capture their special moment.
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Everyone clapped when Cati accepted Alex’s proposal and he put a fancy-looking ring on her finger. Their con was successful when the restaurant sent them a slice of chocolate cake and a crème brûlée to congratulate them.
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Before they knew, their brilliant con was all over the internet, with people bowing down to them for pulling it off. Their tweet got retweeted over 24,000 times.
we faked a proposal just to get free dessert http://pic.twitter.com/T58jHVVBur
— ☼ (@bathemeinnudes) March 26, 2017
Even the restaurant where they pulled off the trick responded and was too sweet about it:
@bathemeinnudes We’re glad to see this helped cheer up what was a bad week for you two. Hope to see you again at Biga, but next time, full price! http://pic.twitter.com/r04kCvn4Xq
— Biga on the Banks (@BigaontheBanks) March 31, 2017
Me too
@Banana_Cray @briasoboojie @bathemeinnudes I’m actually mad that I’ve never thought to do this
— (@MelaninIsKey) March 30, 2017
Friends for life!
@noellelessig @bathemeinnudes you know i’d do the same friends that scheme together stay together
— Gabrielle (@gabcaminiti) March 30, 2017
@mayeenh @bathemeinnudes @p3nchod http://pic.twitter.com/OjnfDpzfru
— Mehak (@Mehakshaz_) March 30, 2017
Article from: RELATIONSHIPS, by Neil W. Sen
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