Thursday, March 30, 2017

Travel For Single Seniors – How Senior Citizens Can Broaden Their Horizons

Travel for single seniors can sometimes be complicated by issues of health and mobility. Yet, seniors are as fit, healthy, and desiring of adventure and fun as the average adult. When senior citizens look for a vacation destination, their wants and needs are as varied as the general vacationing population.

One thing, which can be different for seniors, is finding companionship. Young singles frequently have friends easily available with the same likes and dislikes that they have. For the elderly, they may have to be content with their own company or hope to meet people along the way. Or of course, it is possible to plan a trip with one of the many travel agencies that put vacations together for groups of older singles.

Safety and Health

Safety is an issue for all travelers, but travel for single seniors may be safer than for youngsters. After all, seniors have more wisdom and common sense, and are less likely to get stupidly intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, and probably have the means to stay in safer, and nicer areas. Normal common sense rules apply.

Get a Checkup – You are likely to have health concerns as a senior citizen, so before you travel, get a check up from your doctor.

Medical Insurance – Get medical travel insurance. It should include Medevac and repatriation insurance, to enable you to get home for treatment if need be, or your body can be flown home should the unexpected happen.

Don’t Flash Your Jewels – Don’t wear conspicuous jewelry or carry fancy electronic equipment and cameras too openly, and don’t walk around alone at night.

Walk with a Friend – Even when you are content to wander around alone during the day, dine out at a restaurant, visit the local market or see a major tourist attraction, you should use extra precautions and be aware of your surrounding. There is always safety in numbers, and if you can find someone to walk with, it will be much safer for you.

Bring Enough Medicine – Make sure you take supplies of any medications you need along with you. This is particularly important with prescription medicine, which might be hard to find at your destination.

Travel for Single Seniors – An Example Destination

If you’re looking for a senior friendly travel destination that is not that far from the United States, take a look at Belize. This Central American country has a Caribbean coast, and it combines features of both cultures. It has the largest living barrier reef in the world (the Great Barrier Reef in Australia is dead in many areas). As well as beach resorts, Belize has tropical jungles, and an abundance of wildlife to explore. You can also visit ancient Mayan ruins. Take the time to explore this vibrant melting pot culture.

What makes Belize of particular interest to the senior single traveler is the great friendliness and warmth of the people. They also have a lot of respect for their elders, and you will find yourself called by the dignified name “Mami” or “Papi”.

Belize is a thinly populated country with a relatively small tourist industry. Most tours are organized into very small groups ” maybe six or seven people, so it is easy to make friends with others.

Travel for Senior Singles – Conclusion

Single seniors can find an interesting vacation to broaden their horizons in places like Belize. You can find travel for single seniors’ locations that are a little bit off the beaten track.

Seniors can locate fabulous places and can find like-minded people to enjoy them with.

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from Just Senior Singles