I talk a lot about gratitude here. When I started talking about it I wasn’t doing it nearly as much as I should have. But I’m getting better and better at it.
Last Wednesday (our Sabbath/Day off) I started the day by expressing my gratitude to Lori for being an amazing wife. I woke up feeling particularly thankful for the marriage we share, and I told her about what I was feeling in a good deal of detail. Then I went on to have one of the best, most enjoyable days I’ve had in my entire life. I had a good day in general, and Lori and I enjoyed each other in a variety of ways during the day. I went to bed feeling even more grateful for my life in general and my marriage in particular.
I can’t prove that sharing my gratitude with Lori in the morning made my day better than it would have been had I said nothing, but I have no doubt this is the cause. There are plenty of good studies that have proven a correlation between expressing gratitude and being happier, and my personal experience falls right in line with that. And, of course, the Bible is all about us expressing gratitude.
So yeah, you should do it because it’s the right thing to do. But if doing it because it will make your life better gets you to do it, I’m fine with that.
BTW: I’m grateful for all of you who read this blog. I’m grateful for the comments and the ways people share what I write. I’m grateful for the prayers and financial support. And I’m grateful for the emails and other contact I’ve had with many of you over the years. All of this blesses me, and I am thankful for it.
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