Thursday, June 1, 2017

FAQ on Saving a Relationship

If you are concerned that your relationship is falling apart at the seams and you guys might break up, than you should continue reading some of my personal answers to common questions asked about saving a relationship.

Q: Where do I start in saving my relationship?

A: The first thing you must do is know for sure that this relationship is important enough to you to save. Your situation might be different, but most troubled relationshipsconsist of one or both parties taking the relationship for granted. Neglecting to take the time to say “I love you” or show affection can be beginning of your problems.

Q: How can I mend my troubled relationship.

A: Blaming each other isn’t going to fix anything. Understanding that you control your own actions can help you save your relationship. Ask yourself these arduous questions. Reflect back on what you have done to hurt the relationship, if you want fix the relationship you need to improve yourself first. You can’t expect anyone other than yourself to change .

Q: How can I change my boyfriend?

A: Like the statement above, don’t expect anyone to change for you. Your love should be unmeasured. Some people these days think everything should be equally divided. It can be anything from household chores, paying for dinner, or even buying groceries. This would be ideal in a business relationship but could be really hurtful to a romantic relationship. No matter what your significant other does or doesn’t do, you need to love them no matter what.

Q: How is it possible to fix the relationship if it is already damaged?

A: If you know what caused your relationship to be damaged then you should already know what NOT to do. You just need to catch yourself before you say or do something that can cause another fight. It may be hard the first few times, but with practice it will get easier to catch yourself before you say something hurtful. If it’s not worth another argument, you should drop the issue.

Q: What else can I do to help our relationship?

A: If you want to fix your relationship, let him know. Be honest with your feelings and just tell him you are sorry for what you have contributed to the current situation. Don’t make excuses for your actions or try to be smug about it. Get ready to be open andtruthful and be prepared to be be vulnerable. Make sure he is aware that you are ready to do whatever it takes to save your relationship because the relationship is important to you. He might also take apologize for things he has done, but that’s not important. Being sincere and apologetic will let him know you are committed to fixing the relationship.

It may take some time to change things and learn to do and say things differently. If both of you are willing to commit to each other by being honest and open, than improving this relationship will come naturally.


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