Thursday, June 1, 2017

Got a question and not sure who to ask?

Got a question

There are many times in marriage and life where you may have a question but don’t know who to ask because the topic feels too personal, or intimate, or possibly even a little embarrassing. It is also possible that the relationships you have aren’t ready to go to that level – where you have conversations and questions about the more “behind closed doors” topics like sex and intimacy.

If this is you, I want to let you know that you have a place you can ask your questions.

The Sexy Marriage Radio Academy

Members of the Academy get some of their questions answered via the Quarterly Webinars, or the monthly live Coaching Q&A call, but the real conversations take place in the private Facebook Group page. And the coolest thing is the questions there create conversations with other Academy members.

Here’s a small sampling of some of the conversations …

Is it a good idea or a bad idea to have sex with your spouse when you are not feeling very loving towards them?

Question: how do you handle transparency/privacy with technology in your marriage? How open should you be?

When given a “rain check” by your spouse, who usually initiates the check cashing? Also how would you respond to the accusation of being too mechanical, but when you try something else it is out of bounds?

How do you handle sex during the woman’s period?

When was the last time one of you were able to laugh at something during sex and neither you or your spouse felt defensive?

I have a question- is masturbation a good way to make a HDP and LDP marriage stay happy and peaceful?

Curious about these topics or others? Join the Sexy Marriage Radio Academy today.

You can even try it out for 30 day for Free.

The post Got a question and not sure who to ask? appeared first on Simple Marriage.

Article from: Simple Marriage, by Corey

Read more here.

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