Monday, August 28, 2017

Preggophilia: A Bumpie Fetish Most Moms-to-Be Have No Idea About

Maybe you’re wondering why if you’re pregnant, why men look at you with a twinkle in their eyes. Well, it’s called preggophilia.

When someone’s pregnant, people’s go-to move is to touch the baby bump. They wanna feel the baby move. They also want to know how pregnant people have sex, but never mind. On the other side, you have people which take this to a different level of attraction and interest. This is when it’s called preggophilia.

If you post your baby bump on social media, you’re probably getting a stream of likes, but there are different reasons why people take interest in your photo. When it comes to pregnancy, people’s boundaries seem to lower as their curiosity and excitement overcome them.

What does preggophilia mean?

Listen, there’s an endless amount of fetishes that people enjoy. For some it’s feet, for others, it’s peeing on people—the list literally never ends. Now that you’ve seen the word preggophilia, it’s time to really find out what it means.

#1 What is preggophilia? This fetish, preggophilia, is the sexual attraction to pregnant women. Now, this isn’t just about the baby bump. People become turned on by lactation or specific stages of pregnancy.

It’s really quite individual when it comes to what turns someone on. However, in the role-playing community, there are many people who are into male pregnancies, gang bang impregnation, and alien egg impregnation. Of course, this is just role-playing. [Read: 15 effortlessly sexy role playing ideas for the shy]

#2 It isn’t just for men. You probably think preggophilia is strictly reserved for the male community, but you’re wrong. Women, as well, can also be into preggophilia.

Remember that sexual attraction and stimulation are really personal and different for everyone. So yes, it’s not only for men. Sure, the female preggophilia community isn’t as large, but it still exists. [Read: What it means to have a lesbian fantasy as a straight woman]

#3 Pregnancy is a hormonal whirlwind. This is also another reason why preggophilia is what it is. When a woman is pregnant, her body constantly changes and that goes the same for her hormones. It also makes her sexual, pregnant women can become extremely horny without being able to control it. This is what turns people on, the fact that this woman is uncontrollably horny.

#4 Pregnancy symbolizes she’s taken. When a woman is pregnant, whether she’s single or taken, it does visually show she’s taken. If she has another man’s child, it represents her commitment to the relationship which makes her desirable. Why? Because you can’t have her. This concept of pregnant women being desired by people is what turns some people on. It’s the idea you want what you can’t have.

#5 There’s an argument on it being sexist. Now, we all understand that childbirth is a natural process for women. By her becoming pregnant, she devoted herself to create a child and therefore she cannot be viewed as sexual during that time period.

Whether I agree with this or not is beside the point. Since women are the only ones able to carry children, the sexualization of them during pregnancy is argued to be sexist. [Read: 19 inspiring male feminist ideas from men around the world]

#6 Do not confuse preggophilia with pedophila. Many people feel that men who practice preggophilia, the attraction to pregnant women, are actually attracted to the child in the womb. This is completely false. There are various components to pregnancy that can turn a man on: lactation, the female body changing. It isn’t based on the baby growing inside her.

#7 Preggophilia is not wrong. The only time preggophilia is wrong *or really any sexual activity* is when it’s not consensual. If the pregnant woman engages in it on her own will, then there’s nothing wrong with it. Now, if someone is hacking into pregnant women’s computers and stealing their photos, yes, that’s wrong.

#8 If you don’t want to be subjected to it, control it. If you post pictures of your pregnancy on Instagram and Facebook, there’s nothing wrong with that. However, make sure that your profiles are properly secured. If you don’t care who sees your photos, then leave your profiles public. However, if you’re not wanting your photos to be used for preggophilia, then make your profiles private.

#9 Preggophilia is respectful. It isn’t based on the idea that pregnant women are bad or dirty, it’s quite the opposite. Those that practice preggophilia have a very high respect for pregnant women.

They’re fascinated by the concept of pregnancy, the strength of a woman, and the beauty of the human body changing. If, as a pregnant woman, you’re not comfortable with preggophilia, it’s perfectly fine. Just understand preggophilia isn’t negative. [Read: 9 amazing benefits of having sex while pregnant]

#10 People have fetishes for various reasons. You may be wondering why someone would have this fetish. Well, fetishes occur for many reasons. It could be that they had an experience which really opened their mind to preggophilia or could be a traumatic event, in which it was used as a coping mechanism.

[Read: 20 sexual fetishes bordering on crazy]

Now that you know about preggophilia, if you are into it or know someone who’s into it, you’re up-to-date on everything you need to know. Pregnancy is a beautiful part of life, the only difference is that pregnancy, for some people, turns them on.

The post Preggophilia: A Bumpie Fetish Most Moms-to-Be Have No Idea About is the original content of LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Article from: LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships, by Natasha Ivanovic

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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Why You Don’t Have A Type

Blondes, brunettes, and gingers; long hair and no hair; flat chested and big bosomed; tall and short; petite, athletic, voluptuous; the punk girl, the book worm, the ambitious professional, the stoner, the drinker, the slacker, the nerd; liberal and conservative; black, white, Asian, and Latino—you’ve dated all types. At first you thought it was a phase; an impulse to experiment while young. But as you moved on from your college you still found yourself attracted to many kinds of woman.

Most of your friends are settled in their tastes and preferences, and they seem to feel some security in dating a particular type of girl. This is consistent with society as a whole. For most people, their dating choices are limited by class, career, and education. But you tend to go outside your social sphere; you have gone in pursuit of women that most of your friends would consider completely wrong for you.

You are one of the precious few who don’t have a type. But what is it that draws you to the women you date?

It is no big mystery. It is the same thing that drives us all. With you and those like you the force of this thing is exceptional—to the point of being the overriding determinant of your dating choices. What is this thing? It is danger. That is what keeps you going after women: the danger, the peril, the adventure of it all.

Sexual release is incidental. You must know by now the ease with which you can get yourself off. But there is nothing like the tremulous uncertainty of that first approach—talking, smiling, laughing, staring, flirting, in short, entering the subtle and unconscious negotiations over some future carnal encounter. Nor the exhilarating sensation that washes over you the first time you walk into a strange girl’s bedroom.

Indeed, the stranger, the more unfamiliar and forbidden, the better. This is why you like to mix things up. Going out with a woman whose life, feeling, and point of view you know nothing about makes for high adventure. No matter how many times you’ve been out, no matter how much chit-chat you’ve engaged in, dating a woman who is nothing like you or your friends or anyone in your social circle is risky; she embodies the kind of risk that you cannot help being attracted to.

It is not unlike the feeling you get in a brothel. You know you have no business there, that it goes against all that you have been raised to believe; but somehow the very fact that you know it is forbidden by some ethical or moral code makes it irresistible.

Modern civilization keeps most of us thoroughly insulated from violence and discord. For the first time since our species has been on this planet, there are large groups of men who can, if they choose, live a life completely free of danger. The desire for danger nevertheless remains in our limbic system. For those of us privileged enough to be free from want, the hunt and quest for women is the only kind of danger that we can practically expose ourselves to. Pursuing someone who is like you in nearly every way is no danger at all. Going outside the confines of your social world is where the real hazard lies.

Article from: TSB Magazine | Dating and Lifestyle Advice for Men, by Christopher Reid

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Friday, August 25, 2017

The Passing of the Codependency Gauntlet

This is an excerpt from the 2nd edition of The Human Magnet Syndrome: Why We Love People Who Hurt Us, which will be published on 12/30/17.  The book is being been completely re-written: 70 pages of new content, reorganized, re-edited.

As much as we would like to, we cannot avoid certain indisputable immutable facts of life: We will have to pay taxes, we will get older, we will most likely gain a few pounds, and we will always be connected to our childhood. Sigmund Freud was right, we are, indeed, creatures of our past; affected more by our formative years than by recent events and circumstances. Although genes play a significant role in determining our adult selves, how we were cared for as a child is integrally connected to our adult mental health and the quality of our adult relationships. Whether we embrace our unique childhood history, or if we try to mute, forget or even deny it, there is no way of refuting its impact on our lives.

If you were fortunate, you may have had a childhood that was absent of major trauma, abuse, deprivation or neglect. As one of the fortunate ones, you would have had parents who made mistakes, but who also unconditionally loved and cared for you. Just by being yourself, despite your imperfections, you would have proved to your parents that all babies are perfect and the gift of life is sacred.

Your healthy but not perfect parents would have been intrinsically motivated to foster your personal and emotional growth, not because they had to, but because they believed you deserved it. The only requirement to receive your parents’ love and nurturing was to just be your genuine self. Consequently, you would have become a part of a multigenerational pattern of emotionally healthy children; you would have become a balanced and emotionally healthy adult. If you chose to have children, you would perpetuate the positive parenting “karma” by raising your own emotionally healthy child. Unfortunately, this was not my experience.

The child of psychologically unhealthy parents would also participate in a similar multigenerational pattern; one, however, that is perpetually dysfunctional. If one of your parents was a pathological narcissist, you would have been born into this world with specific expectations determined by that narcissistic parent.  And, if you could figure out what those expectations were, and could deliver on them, then you would have figured out how to motivate your narcissistic parent to nurture and love you.  If you kept in synch with your parents’ narcissistic fantasies, you would be the grateful recipient of the conditional love and conditional attention.

By molding yourself into a “trophy child,” you may have found a way to be hurt less, but it would have come at an unimagined cost.  Although your “trophyness” saved you from the darker and more menacing side of your narcissistic parent, it would have deprived you of emotional freedom, safety, and happiness.  Relaxing and enjoying the wonders of childhood would never be yours. Your comfort in sacrificing and being invisible would eventually coalesce into adult codependency, which would compel you to replay your childhood trauma in the people with whom you choose to be intimate.  

However, if you were unable to be your parents’ “trophy child,” you would trigger their own feelings of shame, anger and insecurity, which they would project onto you.  As the “bad seed” child who is incapable of assuaging your narcissistic parent’s unconscious but huge reservoir of toxic shame, you would likely be punished with deprivation, neglect and/or abuse. 

The nightmarish quality of your childhood would require you to find the biggest psychological boulder under which you will permanently hide your agonizing memories.  Your lonely, deprived, and/or abusive childhood would lay the foundation of a potentially permanent mental health disorder that would compel you to selfishly hurt others, with limited or conditional experiences of empathy or remorse.  Just like the parent who disfigured the beautiful child you naturally were, you will instinctively replicate the same harmful patterns to those who love you.  

©Ross Rosenberg, 2017

The book will be available on 12/30/17 or before and sold on Amazon and at

Article from: Relationships & Love – Psych Central, by Ross Rosenberg, MEd, LCPC, CACD, CSAT

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The Death Of Long Distance Relationships

It is not possible to control the circumstances under which you meet the woman of your dreams. She may be all that you have ever wanted. The looks, the brains, the body, the sense of humor, the shared outlook on life—all may be perfectly suited to your desire and temperament. But you met her while on vacation or while she was visiting friends where you live or in some other way that means the two of you, if you want to be together, will have to establish a long distance relationship.

The prospect of a long distance relationship was once the source of some trepidation to new couples. Men especially I think used to find the demands of it too much to put up with. No touching, no sex, no real dating for long periods of time. It was a case of having all the confidence of a man with a hot girlfriend but none of the perks, which made you irresistible to other women and cheating on your girl unavoidable.

If you are my age or slightly younger, it is safe to rid your mind of such fears. You no longer have to worry about the difficulties of sustaining a long distance relationship. Indeed, it occurs to me that the very concept of a long distance relationship is foreign to the generation now in its tweens and twenties.

I live near a university campus, and as a writer I frequently work and read in cafes, bars, and restaurants frequented by students. I have yet to overhear a conversation in which anyone’s girlfriend or boyfriend is described as actually living in the same city as they do. Fifteen or twenty years ago, most such talk was about the challenges of maintaining such a relationship. Nowadays people talk about their absent partners as if they see them every day.

In a sense, they do. Technology and prosperity have caused the death of long distance relationships as a concept. Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook, text messaging, and other video and textual communication devices have made it possible to stay in constant contact with your lover throughout the day.

The rise of discount airlines has also made a difference. You used to have to plan trips to see a far off girlfriend some months in advance; and last minute tasking at work or other obligations always threatened to interfere with your precious reunions. Today weekly trips are the norm; and competition between the smaller airlines is so fierce that it has driven down prices to the point at which anyone with a steady job can afford to make a weekend jaunt to wine and dine, fuck and cuddle their girl wherever in the lower 48 she may happen to be.

But more than this, we have, as a society, become more mobile and transient. Most jobs, especially in the high-end professions, require individuals to move from place to place every few years. Long distance relationships are now the norm for most couples. You should not expect to stay in the city you now live in forever, nor your girl to remain where she is. If you are both in high-power jobs, then it is likely that you will both be bounced from place to place at short notice for short periods of time.

The bottom line is that the concept of the long distance relationship is at an end. If you want to be with someone, it is much better to focus on the relationship and what it will take to make it work.

Article from: TSB Magazine | Dating and Lifestyle Advice for Men, by Christopher Reid

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How to Give Someone Space Without Losing Them: Letting Fear Go

Set free the one you love. If they return, it was meant to be. Bullshit, isn’t it? There’s no guarantee for how to give someone space without losing them.

That old saying, “If you love someone set them free, and if it was meant to be, they will come back,” sucks. Not because it isn’t true, but because it sounds so damn easy. If you want to know how to give someone space without losing them, the answer is mind over manner. For those of us who have a harder time with the inner voices that create anxiety, it can be torture.

Rationally, what you already know, and I don’t have to tell you, is that you can’t control anyone’s actions but your own. But, sometimes that doesn’t help. Fear, especially in love, is one of the hardest things to overcome. The problem is if you don’t create space, and let them figure out what they want and need, your smothering leads to them pushing you away anyway.

How to give someone space without losing them *and without anxiety*

A vicious cycle, the more they push you away, the harder you cling. Until one day you chase them around the house, texting them desperately, or stalking their home. That isn’t the answer, and you know it.

I don’t have to tell you what you need to do. I will try to give you some comfort to follow through with what won’t come naturally and probably feels like your heart is breaking. Hold strong! You can do this, I believe in you.

#1 Stop texting. Texting is about the worst thing for any relationship. Unless it is for fun at first, quick messages, or sexting, texting can be a cancer in your relationship. There was a time when you couldn’t get to someone, and that is just the way it was.

Learning to cut the umbilical cord was easier without such easy access. If you want to give someone space, stop texting them, like all together. When they are ready, they reach out to you. Don’t try to insert yourself into their day, just let them have their space by going radio silent. [Read: 16 commonly accepted relationship tips that ruin your love life]

#2 Don’t ask questions all the time. If you feel as if they need space, then you probably feel like something is wrong, they pull away, or you know something is changing. You ask them a question a minute, but until they are ready to let you in, they aren’t going to answer you.

They might not even know what they want or how they feel. All the questions do is to make them shut down and shut you out, which is a self-fulfilling prophecy to what you don’t want. [Read: Why some people go looking for drama]

#3 Do your own thing. If someone either tells you they need space or you just feel it, then something is going on in your relationship. Instead of worrying about giving them space and losing them, take the time apart to focus on what you want out of your relationship. Do all the things you gave up since you started your relationship.

You just might find you likewise need some space and time to do your own thing. You may have lost yourself in clinging to your partner. Being too close and not having separate lives is a recipe to lose yourself.

#4 Stop asking for permission. If you worry about losing someone, then chances are good that you constantly wait on them before you make decisions for you. You don’t take any initiative to be your own person. In a relationship, you should want someone around, but not need them.

If you worry that you’ll lose someone if you give them space, then I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but you never had them to begin with. Insecurity is not a sign of love, it is a sign of unsure feelings. [Read: 10 obvious hints your partner will give if they want their space]

#5 Make decisions for yourself. Instead of worrying about losing someone else, make some decisions all on your own. One of the best feelings when you suddenly find yourself standing on your own two feet or having your own space is that you get to make decisions for yourself without worrying about repercussions or what the other person is going to think or say.

It is all you, baby! Decision-making is very powerful, and it might give you the courage to walk away and let them come crawling back.

#6 Find out what makes you happy. If you worry about losing them, then you aren’t thinking about yourself, you think about all you are going to lose when they are gone. A significant other should be an extension of yourself, not a substitute.

Stop worrying about what happens if you let them go. Start thinking of all the potential things you do to find happiness all by yourself. [Read: You-complete-me relationships and why you need your space]

#7 Recognize you can’t control their decisions. If you truly want to know how to give someone space without losing them, you have to let go. You don’t have a choice in the matter. You can’t hold onto someone who doesn’t want to be held onto. If you look at it as a decision, then you put a lot of the onus on you and blame yourself for giving up.

You aren’t giving up, and you don’t have a choice. You can’t make someone stay. Giving them space isn’t what you are doing, let them decide for themselves what they need while you find what you need. The answer might surprise you.

#8 If they choose not to come back it will hurt, yes, but you will survive. A broken heart hasn’t killed anyone. Well, unless you read about those old couples who die days apart. But, you aren’t 90, and you haven’t lived a lifetime together.

Yes, it hurts like hell. In fact, it might be the hardest thing you ever experience. But, whatever happens, the sun shines again, and you will find your new normal with someone who acts and behaves as if they want to be with you, not like they need space. [Read: How to stop obsessing over someone]

#9 If they don’t come back, as hard as it is to see, they do you a favor. I am going to say it because you can’t reach into this screen and wring my neck, “Everything happens for a reason.” The truth is that if you don’t give them space now, it eventually happens the way that it is supposed to. They make their decision whether you back off and give them space or not.

And, God forbid, you let it go on until you end up old, angry, and hurt beyond repair. If it isn’t right and they know it, they do you both a favor by letting you know now instead of being a coward and not cutting the cord.

#10 Is this the way that you want the relationship to be? Limbo is hell, not the kind where you are bending under the stick, although wait… that is hell too. Do you want to be in a relationship with someone where you don’t know if they want you, they seem irritated with you, and you generally just know that something isn’t right?

The person you are with should love you unconditionally, treat you like they are happy to have you, and cherish every moment with you because life is too short.

Okay, times aren’t always going to be good. If you think they need space, then either they tell you something is wrong, or you know it in your own heart. Either way, you deserve to feel loved and appreciated, not anxiety ridden and confused. [Read: 18 emotions you should never feel in a healthy relationship]

#11 Immerse yourself into something. The best medicine for a broken heart is distraction. Find a new hobby, get a puppy *okay, maybe not really*, or join a social club.

If you sit around thinking about them all day, then it isn’t going to do anything but let the anxiety churn and predispose you to pick up your phone to make contact. Giving them space means no contact. So, find something else to tear your mind away, if only for now.

#12 Reconnect with friends. When it comes to knowing how to give someone space without losing them, friends are the best distraction ever. Just don’t pick the misery-loves-company group. No, misery doesn’t love sitting around crying and rehashing. Misery loves Vegas with friends and being in your element by not letting it break you.

#13 Make it clear you’re giving them space. Be sure to tell your partner that you feel they need space and that this is what you are doing. If you don’t make it clear that you back off for a reason, then they might misinterpret your cooling off and think it is something you want.

Giving them space is only good if you let them know that they have it, not that you are pissed. They should leave for now knowing where you are at and where they are at with you, not that you are cold and aloof for no reason. [Read: Does absence make the heart grow fonder or wander?]

#14 Turn off your social media for a bit. There are days when I am convinced that social media is going to destroy the world. It is so anxiety provoking. It is a wonder that we aren’t all walking around like crazy people. If you want to know how not to worry about losing someone, it is about getting off of social media and stop creating scenarios in your mind.

You’ll be looking for signs everywhere of what they are doing, what they are thinking, and whether they are going to choose you or not. You don’t need the additional anxiety of seeing other girls or guys liking or following the one you set free. [Read: 13 ways to wean yourself off of social media]

#15 Leave your phone behind. Back in the day, when we let each other have space, we left the house. We didn’t sit and wait for the phone to ring. Now, you just take the anxiety and carry it in your pocket.

If you want to give them space and not worry about it, then leave your cell phone behind. The constant reminder it isn’t ringing or you aren’t getting a message from them isn’t doing your brain any good. Leave it at home.

[Read: How to give space in a relationship without drifting apart]

When it comes to knowing how to give someone space without losing them, whether they asked for room to breathe in the relationship, or you just feel it, the key is to move on with your own life. Explore what makes you happy, and if they are destined to be with you, they will come back. 

The post How to Give Someone Space Without Losing Them: Letting Fear Go is the original content of LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Article from: LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships, by Julie Keating

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Thursday, August 24, 2017

5 Must See TED Talks for Your Marriage

In today’s world there are many resources that will help your marriage.

I’m biased but Simple Marriage and Sexy Marriage Radio are among the best. But there are also so must-see TED talks worth your time.

In no particular order:

Yann Dall’Aglio’s “Love — you’re doing it wrong.”

Dall’Aglio, a French philosopher and author says love is the desire of being desired. But in a world that often favors the self over others, how can people find the tenderness and connection they crave?

It may be easier than you think: “For a couple who is no longer sustained, supported by the constraints of tradition, I believe that self-mockery is one of the best means for the relationship to endure,” he says.

In this surprisingly convincing talk, Dall’Aglio explains how acknowledging our uselessness could be the key to sustaining healthy relationships. This TED Talk is in French, with English subtitles.

Esther Perel’s “The secret to desire in a long-term relationship.”

Perel also conducts research around the world on how couples can cultivate long-term sexual relationships. She says in her TED Talk that sustaining desire in a committed relationship comes down to reconciling our need for security and our need for adventure into one relationship.

How do we do this? You have to watch to find out.

Brené Brown’s “The power of vulnerability.”

Brown, a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work, studies how humans empathize, belong, and love, and her approach to embracing vulnerability and loving whole-heartedly could fundamentally change the way you live, love, work, and parent.

“When we work from a place, I believe, that says, ‘I’m enough,’ then we stop screaming and start listening, we’re kinder and gentler to the people around us, and we’re kinder and gentler to ourselves,” she says.

Esther Peril’s “Rethinking infidelity … a talk for anyone who has ever loved.”

Esther Perel traveled the world for 10 years examining hundreds of couples affected by cheating to find out why people cheat, even when they’re happy, and what “infidelity” actually means?

She questions whether infidelity needs to be the ultimate betrayal it’s perceived to be.

“When a couple comes to me in the aftermath of an affair that has been revealed, I will often tell them this: Today in the West, most of us are going to have two or three relationships or marriages, and some of us are going to do it with the same person,” Perel says. “Your first marriage is over. Would you like to create a second one together?”

Margaret Heffernan’s “Dare to disagree.”

Good relationships aren’t built on constantly agreeing with each other, as Heffernan, serial entrepreneur and “Beyond Measure” author, explains.

Great research teams, relationships, and businesses allow people to deeply disagree, she says, but “the truth won’t set us free until we develop the skills and the habit and the talent and the moral courage to use it. Openness isn’t the end. It’s the beginning.”

The post 5 Must See TED Talks for Your Marriage appeared first on Simple Marriage.

Article from: Simple Marriage, by Corey

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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

How To Save My Relationship Using The Secrets

Are you working a lot of hours? Is your partner feeling lonely? What about you, are you feeling like your partner is never available for you when you need them? Are you wondering “how to save my relationship”? Here are 7 strategies you can use on how to save your relationship.

Number one, do you actually want to save your relationship? Is your partner ready to do the work it takes to save your relationship? Any relationship may be saved but it is going to take some work and if either of you is unwilling to do anything that it takes to save the relationship there could be little hope that you will be able to make it work.

If you think that by staying in the relationship because it is convenient or because of your children will be enough, the truth is nothing could be further from the truth. If you seriously want to know how to save your relationship it will take a promise from both of you. You both need to feel that the relationship is truly worth the work to save it.

Do you know what the real problem or problems are in your relationship? Knowing what the symptoms are and what the real problem is, is not always the same thing. What is causing the problems? Are you fighting? Just ignoring each other? Why? Figure out what the biggest problem is and you will be much nearer to fixing it.

Some examples could be that you think an affair is the problem but the truth is that this is just a symptom of the bigger problem. An affair may be caused by lack of intimacy which can lead to somebody straying. The actual problem then is the lack of intimacy in the relationship and the affair was just a symptom of the problem. While you may be able to get past an affair, if you won’t take the time to deal with the problem of lack of intimacy, you could just run into other symptoms such as porn. In other words you have to deal with the core problem if you really want to save your relationship.

Once you have figured out what the real problems are you can begin to talk to your partner about your feelings. Listening to your partner is also key at this point. You have to both be willing to talk about your concerns and what you want to get from this relationship. If your partner says things that hurt, you have to consider that they are merely trying to let you know what it is that might be causing them pain. He or she is not trying to hurt you but just wants you to understand their side of things so that you can start to make the relationship better.

Now if you think that you understand what the actual problem is you may be able to begin to work on some strategy to resolve them. Take action steps toward making the situation better. Have you spent any time together lately, just the two of you? Go out on a date the way you did in the beginning. Come up with new things to do together weekly and make certain you both take the time to choose what you want to do.

Take some time talking before you go to bed at night and listen to what you both have been through. More than anything when you are talking to each other, seriously take the time to listen and understand how your partner is feeling about the day they had. It may be boring to you but they have lived it and may just need you to understand.

Lastly you need to know that learning how to save my relationship is going to be an ongoing work in progress. You may be fine one day and feel like you are going backwards the next. If you need to make an apology, just do it. Laughter and tears make the best bonds in any relationship so have fun and be there for one another.

If you actually do want to save your relationship at the very least take the time to think about what you can do and take what I have given you here as a place to begin.

Learning the secrets for how to save my relationship can be easy when you know how. Get a step by step plan for getting an ex back and start using it immediately to repair your relationship.


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5 reasons for the increasing popularity of online senior dating

Online senior dating has earned immense popularity since last few years. In recent past online senior date process was quite unfamiliar and online dating process was considered basically an initiative of youngsters to find and communicate their friends and finding a special friend in this process of network friendship. But due to change of life style, change of average viewpoint toward life, so-called senior people are now taking their own initiative for finding their friends and soul mate by online dating process because in today’s self-centered life style everybody needs a company to live in fine shape.

One of the main drives behind the increasing demand of senior online date is the changes social pattern. Most of the families are patterned in nuclear style and if anything happens regarding untimely termination of marital status in later age, there is high chance that the separated, divorcee, or in post-death phase of spouse, the panic of isolation starts haunting most of these senior persons. Online dating is a process which does not require any major disclosure of an intended dater for searching a friend or for a life partner to start another innings of life; this process can be done by maintaining complete privacy from the remotest corner of the room and at absolutely flexible time.

It has been observed that most of the seniors, who are looking for online friends and a life partner, are either professional or busy persons who face acute shortage of time to find sometimes for them in order to find their soul mate. Online dating sites are wonderful places for these matured and workaholic professional who can find out alike minded people from online community and if found can always consider with mutual consent to move further ahead with the relationship either to nourish or leave to perish.

There are different dedicated sites for senior online date and it is easy and convenient for a senior person to get enrolled in the specific site so that his search can bring good prospects within minimum time span. The utility of time and quick response is another reason for senior dating through senior dating sites.

Getting started a new life with fresh approach may not require much consideration, but it needs like minded people to start interaction. The dating sites which are meant for seniors contain the data base of like minded people with different age limit. As the other community members have taken their individual requirement and drive to find out a friend for further settlement, it becomes easier to get good and prompt responses.

However those who are not looking for soul mate and further settlement can find good friends online. There are different free dating sites where a person can search out his/her old friends and even old flames. Senior dating process is a wonderful opportunity to get reunited with all old friends and to taste the long lost taste of friendship.

To get quick and productive result from the process of online senior dating it is recommended to take enrollment in specific websites. Before making a registration it is better to check the community standard and their age ranges.

The best and totally free online dating is at hand now. This is one of the best singles dating sites where you can get the facility of matchmaking dating also.


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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Internet Dating: Four Essential Safety Guides

Whether you are new to online dating sites or you have used web dating personals before as a dating service, it is possible that you have come across safety topics and discussions with regard to online dating. These discussions have arisen as a result of the increased number of people now using internet dating sites as an avenue for meeting some one new. Before I go any further, I should like to point out that it is generally agreed by the experts in the dating circles that dating online is as safe as any other form of meeting singles. Therefore the purpose of this article is simply to show more ways to enhance the safety of online dating personals.

No Need To Rush

If you find a person’s profile in a dating service interesting, don’t be in a rush to get to know them better. At first, take it slow and start with short e mails that contain largely casual conversations. In the initial stages, treat the other person as you would if you had just met them on the street. If you had just met this person in the high street the conversation would probably centre on effortless subjects like the latest fashion. Do the same on an internet dating site to begin with until you develop the feeling that the other person s on the level. The more you communicate with the new person, the more you will notice aspects of the person that will give clues as to how genuine the person is. If you notice any issues out of the ordinary cut the communication and find somebody else to chat with. There sure will be lots of other people on the dating service to connect with.

Avoid giving out personal information

Nothing complicated here. You do not put your actual name, real address, telephone number or e mail address in your online dating site profile. This rule should be followed whether you are male or female. As soon as you start getting involved in internet dating, sign up for an e mail address that is separate from the e mail you use for your friends and family. Make sure that the signature on this e mail address does not reveal your proper details. A free e mail account is easy to acquire.

Use your head

Always be attentive and use caution when you begin a new interaction with some one in a dating website. As with your normal decision making process, think before you act. Watch the behaviour of the other person by reading their e mails properly and making sure that it is the kind of thing a normal individual would write. You should keep the conversation casual at least in the initial stages to enable you to gauge the kind of person you are communicating with.

Do not acknowledge people with no pictures

Internet dating is no longer something to hide about. Hence, there are no excuses for anyone not to upload at least one picture. Furthermore, pictures are easy to take in this modern age. Any up to date mobile phone will take a decent picture and upload very easily to an online dating site. My impression of anyone that neglects to put up a photo in their online dating profile is that they have something to hide. A lot of people share the same view.

In conclusion, online dating service is as safe as any other form of singles dating. You can meet your prospective match love anywhere. In the wine bar, Disco, Supermarket, and all other places that singles generally hook up. You still have to give them the once over before you agree to go on a date with them. You judge them by what they say and how they come across in conversation. The same thing happens in an electronic dating site.

Learn more about online dating personals. Stop by Chad Filos’s site where you can find out all about UK online dating and what it can do for you.


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Should I Give Up on Her? 10 Signs It’s Time to Let Go and Move On

When you love someone, it can be really hard to give up and move on. If you keep asking, “Should I give up on her?” here’s how to know if you should.

I get it. You’re in love with her but she left you. Your heart is basically destroyed and smashed into a million pieces and yet, you still want to try and make it work. Sometimes, this can be a great thing. But if you’ve been giving it your all and are now wondering, “Should I give up on her?” you might want to know for sure if it’s time to move on.

Because it might be. There are some circumstances that call for a guy owning up to his mistakes and putting in the effort to win a girl back. You can totally do it. However, some girls don’t want to be won over. In fact, they want you to give up.

Signs you should totally go for it and try to get back together

People breakup for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes those reasons can be harmless and just major misunderstandings. Other times it’s just timing and you can easily remedy that by waiting until the time is right.

If you’re thinking about getting back together, you’ll want to think about whether or not you should. Did your breakup end horribly or was it a mutual understanding? If you had a clean breakup with no hurt feelings, getting back together is totally possible.

You also need to consider if the issues within your relationship previously can be remedied easily. If there are long-standing, complex problems neither of you can get past, a reunion is definitely not on the tables for you. [Read: 10 signs you should get back with your ex]

Should I give up on her? How to know if it’s time to call it quits or give it your all

You may not want to admit when you need to give up and move on but there’s a certain point when you just need to. If it’s unclear to you and you find yourself wondering, “Should I give up on her?” these signs it’s time to end your efforts will help.

#1 She broke up with you for a legitimate reason. If you cheated on her or did anything else that broke her trust so much she can’t ever trust you again, there’s really no going back. She broke up with you for a real reason. You can’t fix something that’s broken in that way.

On the flip side, she may have ended things because of her own reasons. Perhaps she didn’t love you any more or didn’t see a future based on beliefs, religion, or morals. If that’s the case, you can’t change who you are and you can’t change her, either. [Read: 14 valid reasons to break up with someone]

#2 You’ve already tried everything. After a certain amount of time and effort, it’s just time to call it quits. If you’ve already tried everything and you’re not getting anywhere with her, it’s time to give up and move on.

Sure, you could try the same things again and again. But honestly, if they didn’t work before, they won’t work now. She’s numb to your advances and it’s time to just pick yourself up and move on.

#3 You’ve sat down and discussed what happened. Having closure is very, very important. If you keep thinking, “Should I give up on her?” and you’ve discussed, in detail, why you broke up, then it’s time to let her go.

There’s nothing more you can do. You both got your feelings out and everything was shared. There’s really no hope of making it work after you both have said your pieces. She wasn’t receptive of your desire to fix things then and she won’t be now. [Read: How to find closure after a break up]

#4 She’s made it clear she doesn’t want you to keep trying. By making it clear, I mean she’s told you time and time again that you need to stop talking to her. Not only is it bad for you to continue pursuing her but it’s not good for her either.

She wants to move on with her life. Why are you pushing to be with someone who so clearly doesn’t want you to try? Listen to her. It’s not an attempt to get you to work harder. It’s her way of telling you that nothing will work.

#5 She even moved on. This is the best way to know if you need to give up on her. If she’s seeing someone else, your chance is gone. She’s not going to dump that person just because you decide to keep pursuing her.

If anything, it’ll make her more unhappy with you. Your advances are probably causing a riff in her new relationship and it’s making her upset. If you really want her to be happy, let her live her life. [Read: 10 signs your ex has really moved on from you]

#6 She keeps ignoring you. This is just a pretty universally obvious sign that someone wants you to stop. They’ll ignore you. Continuing to pursue someone who is flat out ignoring you is pointless.

She doesn’t want to talk to or hear from you. By not responding, she’s sending a clear message that you should stop and give up. Take this sign seriously and move on with your life.

#7 She’s blocked you on social media platforms. If it comes to this, you’re past the point of needing to give up. You can’t just keep pushing for someone so much that they actually need to block you from accessing their profiles.

Sure, she might unfriend you after the breakup but usually, she’ll only block you if you’ve passed the limit of trying too hard. So give up. Move on and restore some of that dignity. [Read: 10 credible reasons why she’s ignoring you]

#8 She’s blocked your phone number. Calling and texting repeatedly without a response and even being told to stop will result in this. Your number will get blocked and you’ll never be able to contact her via your phone again. Don’t let it get to that point. If she feels the need to block your number, things are so far gone you’ll never be able to get them back. It’s time to give up on her.

#9 She’s had other people tell you to stop. When your mutual friends or even your family are telling you enough is enough, it’s obviously time to listen to them. This is especially true if the message is coming from her. Asking people who are close to you to tell you to knock it off is really sad and a huge sign you need to give up. [Read: 14 telling signs it’s time to give up on a relationship]

#10 You feel like it’s time to give up. You feel exhausted and you feel like giving up. That’s probably the most obvious sign it’s time to give in. There’s only so much you can do to win someone back. If you’ve done everything you can, then you need to move on and find someone who wants you in their life.

 [Read: 16 clear signs it’s time to call it quits for good]

I know it’s difficult giving up on someone you love but sometimes, you need to. Once you start asking yourself, “Should I give up on her?” it’s most likely time to just move on.

The post Should I Give Up on Her? 10 Signs It’s Time to Let Go and Move On is the original content of LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Article from: LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships, by Bella Pope

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Sunday, August 20, 2017

What Is The Absolute Best Way To Get Your Ex Back and Save Your Relationship?

If you are like most people who have broken up with your lover but still want to get back together, chances are you are not too sure what to do next. You are not really sure what the next step you need to take is.

Well, this is very normal and expected. It is especially true if you have just broken up and is going through an emotional turmoil.

Most probably, you are now looking for direction. You are looking for someone to guide you. So, where should you look for help? Where are the best places to get save relationship advice?

Well, one possible way is to seek advice from friends. However, this is not necessary the best approach. Why is that so? Well, first, your friend may not really understand your situation and may not be in the position to give you good advice.

Second, your friend may not be a relationship expert and you should only take his/her advice with a grain of salt. Unless your friend is a relationship expert and is very successful with his/her own relationship.

The next place to seek help is through counseling. But that is probably more applicable to marriage relationship rather than BGR. If you are trying to save a BGR relationship, counseling is probably not a practical solution unless you are suffering from depression and is trying to use counseling to overcome it.

The other alternative is through the Internet. There are many relationship forums you can join and ask questions or just to share your woes. The advantage is that you get to keep your privacy. But the drawback is that you may not get accurate advice as you do not know whether the people who give you advice are qualified to do so. You will have to use your own judgment here.

If you are like most people who have broken up with your lover but still want to get back together, chances are you are not too sure what to do next. You are not really sure what the next step you need to take is.

Well, this is very normal and expected. It is especially true if you have just broken up and is going through an emotional turmoil.

Most probably, you are now looking for direction. You are looking for someone to guide you. So, where should you look for help? Where are the best places to get save relationship advice?

Well, one possible way is to seek advice from friends. However, this is not necessary the best approach. Why is that so? Well, first, your friend may not really understand your situation and may not be in the position to give you good advice.

Second, your friend may not be a relationship expert and you should only take his/her advice with a grain of salt. Unless your friend is a relationship expert and is very successful with his/her own relationship.

The next place to seek help is through counseling. But that is probably more applicable to marriage relationship rather than BGR. If you are trying to save a BGR relationship, counseling is probably not a practical solution unless you are suffering from depression and is trying to use counseling to overcome it.

The other alternative is through the Internet. There are many relationship forums you can join and ask questions or just to share your woes. The advantage is that you get to keep your privacy. But the drawback is that you may not get accurate advice as you do not know whether the people who give you advice are qualified to do so. You will have to use your own judgment here.

Saving a relationship is definitely not an easy task. And when you are feeling emotionally drained, it can be very easy for you to make mistakes that will push your ex further away.

However, if you believe that this relationship is worth saving, then don’t give up so easily. Although saving a relationship is not easy, it is not impossible either.

You might be worried about making mistakes. Well, some common mistakes can be easily avoided once you are aware of them. Anyway, hopefully, you have learned something useful in this article that will help you in winning your ex back.

Over the past few months, I have reviewed over 20 save relationship guides and have sieve out some of the best of the best.

To read a review of the top Get Ex Back guides on the Internet, click the link below.

Best Save Relationship Guides


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Breakups: How & When

Wise Readers,

I’ve long admired Dr. Terri Orbuch and her research on long-term love. In this episode of her show on Empower Radio, we’re discussing breaking up: when to do it, why to do it, and friendship in the aftermath. Thanks for joining!

Article from: Love Science-relationship advice, by

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Dating For Boomers – How To Enjoy Senior Dating Online

Senior citizens are taking advantage of senior dating online to combat lonely days and find that dear companion. Those days when you needed to meet at the Bingo club or Senior Citizens Community room are long gone.

All you need today is a home computer and an internet connection and you’re half way to romance. Senior dating online is an easy convenient way to enjoy companionship from anywhere around the world.

Millions of single senior citizens are perusing the online dating services today. They entertain the options of utilizing the speediest methods to romance; The Internet.

For many seniors learning and using the computer is an adventure. Reliving their youth is therapeutic and fulfilling and breathes exuberance into an often lonesome existence.

Initially, upon beginning to utilize any senior online dating web site, you’ll want to ensure the site offers a good security plan so you are not compromised in any way. You must realize that there are scam artists out there who will portray someone their not.

There are online senior dating services that have years of experience matching single seniors. These senior dating sites are set up specifically with seniors in mind and they ensure their web sites are properly looking after members interests.

Before signing up, be sure to peruse some sites and read online reviews. Most of the reputable senior dating sites offer free trials you can take advantage of.

Upon finding a few services that you’ll enjoy, sign up for a free trial. Create a free account, which is simple and takes about 5 to 10 minutes, depending on your internet connection and how well you know your way around a pc.

Meeting other singles online is simple; just examine some profiles until you find compatible members.

Joining a few sites will provide a better idea of your expectations from that service. Joining one online dating site might not meet your expectations and could make you feel as though you’re wasting your time. This is why it’s important that the site offers a free trial.

Every service isn’t the same; they all have the same general idea, but each one provides its own unique personality and various guidelines.

Senior online dating may be the beginning of a lasting companionship. But to remain safe, take it slow at first; don’t provide too much information about yourself, but enjoy your newfound online freedom.

This is a brand new adventure and think of the possibilities. Meeting thousands of senior singles dating from your area and beyond can bring a whole new world into your lif

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Saturday, August 19, 2017

Should You Get Involved?

I do not usually dwell on the same subject in both the weekly columns I write for this magazine. But recent events have compelled me to make an exception.

The Nazis behind the protest in Virginia last week have made it clear they plan to organize further demonstrations in the near future. This will inevitably bring out counter-protestors. The question is: should you get involved?

It is unlikely that the only people who will participate in such counter-protests will be from Black Lives Matter and other organized groups. The sight of white supremacists in their backyard tends to raise the ire of every decent, reasonable, and civilized person. Locals, when they hear of the Nazi incursion into their city, will take action on their own. If you live in or near one of the places visited by racist groups, you will need to decide whether you want to go out onto the streets and be part of the crowd that confronts them.

Most people, and you may be one of them (I certainly am), do not feel the urge to express their disagreement or repugnance of a person, group, or political action by being part of a mass protest or counter-protest. You may think it sufficient to express your disapproval through social media; that is the way that most people nowadays stand up for what they believe in.

But there is something especially vile about the resurgence of Nazism in America that may tempt you to go out and be part of the physical presence that confronts them. If this tracks with your way of thinking and feeling, I would encourage you to find out if there is a counter-protest planned in your area and make arrangements to join it.

You don’t need to do anything special. You need not make signs, nor engage in chanting or shouting when you get there. I get it. I too could not bring myself to do such things. Just being there, on the right side of the dividing line, is enough to make it clear to such hateful creatures that you and many others abhor what they are about.

The one thing you should not do is avoid such counter-protests out of concern that it will make you part of the problem, that standing up to Nazism somehow makes you just as bad as them.

As incredible as it may seem, more and more people are beginning to echo Donald Trump in finding equivalence between Nazis and anti-Nazis. In the minds of many otherwise sane and respectable people Nazis should not be responded to—ever. They should be allowed to rally, give insult, spread hate, and spew out their deranged views without protest, without the slightest peep from anyone who disagrees with them. To confront them where they are, in person, is the gravest trespass that any free-thinking person can commit. It is in fact so egregious that it makes the anti-Nazi, in aim, purpose, and deed the same as the Nazi. To go anywhere near the Nazi, according to these good Christian fellows, makes you morally indistinguishable from him. All hate is bad, and in protesting a group driven by race hate you become a member of a hate group yourself.

It is better, I suppose they would say, to limit your condemnation of Nazis to activities that can be performed from afar. When the Nazis are in the field, it is best to leave them the field. Making any effort to raise a voice contrary to theirs within the same space makes your division from them unseemly and much too graphic for the television cameras; it can only lead to more anger and despondency in the country, which (in some unclear, illogical, and indefinite way) makes what your group stands for as horrifying and harmful as what the Nazis stand for.

The bottom line, these same people seem to think, is that Nazis are bad, but they are a minority. It is best to let them alone when they rally in public. If we treat them as a weak and marginal force in American politics—and we must dismiss the evidence that their numbers and influence are growing as being still too insignificant to matter—they will fade into the background. But whatever you do, don’t go near them, don’t make a fuss, don’t stir up trouble (and trouble is never stirred until you show up), don’t form or encourage counter-demonstrations; it will only make you the same as them.

Now this is the most cowardly, idiotic, timorous, debased, and asinine thinking that could possibly emerge in a mind not actually insane. It could only be seriously considered by those who have swallowed the inherent stupidity and swinishness of Trumpism. Do not be put off involving yourself in a protest or counter-protest because you think it will make you no better than Nazis.

Article from: TSB Magazine | Dating and Lifestyle Advice for Men, by Christopher Reid

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Do Emotional Affairs Ever Stop? 12 Steps to Break the Connection

Becoming emotionally attached to someone is another story. So, now that you love this other person, do emotional affairs ever stop?

When it comes to cheating, I don’t believe those who cheat are bad people. Understand that people cheat for different reasons. Sure, some people just do it because they don’t care. However, many people cheat out of dissatisfaction with their current relationship. Cheating isn’t just physical, but emotional too. You know when physical affairs stop. But, do emotional affairs ever stop?

Just because you’re with someone, it doesn’t mean you’re happy. I know what you’re going to say, they should just leave their partner instead of cheating—which I completely agree. However, sometimes it’s not that easy to just pack your things and go. Basically, what I’m getting at is that you actually don’t know what’s going on in someone else’s life.

Do emotional affairs ever stop? 12 things you need to do

So, if you’re someone who’s cheated on their partner, I’m not judging you. Obviously, since you’re reading this, you got yourself into a bit of a sticky situation. You’re emotionally attached to this new person. Which wouldn’t be bad if you were single, but you’re not. From the sounds of it, you’re not going to leave your partner for this new person, thus you have to end this.

If you ask yourself, “do emotional affairs ever stop?” The answer is yes. Is it going to be easy? No. Why? Because you’re basically breaking up with someone you care about. But, you’re not really able to grieve because you have a partner. Get ready for some hard work, this ain’t gonna be easy. [Read: 18 subtle signs you’re having an emotional affair even if you don’t realize it]

#1 Understand you are cheating. If you didn’t have sex with the person, it doesn’t matter. Actually, I argue that emotional cheating is even worse than physical cheating. Why? Because you’re emotionally attached to someone else.

Your feelings of connection are not towards your partner anymore. This shows the lack of emotional connection to your partner, something you need to explore deeper. [Read: What’s an emotional affair exactly?]

#2 Not sure if it’s an emotional affair? It’s tricky when trying to figure out if it’s actually an emotional affair or not. Listen, if you feel guilty when you’re with the other person or have to be dishonest with your partner about what you’re doing and who you’re seeing, it’s an emotional affair.

Why would you have these feelings if this was just a friend? If it’s a friend, you have nothing to feel guilty or ashamed of.

#3 Don’t try to rationalize what you’re doing. No one wants to see themselves as someone who cheats. But you cannot try to rationalize what you’re doing. Own up to the fact that you’re cheating on your partner. Own up to yourself. You know exactly what you’re doing.

Sure, your partner may not be giving enough attention or working long hours, but express your feelings to your partner instead of going to someone else for attention. [Read: How to forgive yourself for cheating]

#4 Look at why you’re having an emotional affair. Why is this happening in the first place? If everything in your relationship went well, you wouldn’t feel the need to emotionally connect with someone else. The first step in dealing with your emotional affair is understanding why you’re having one. Sit down with yourself and really think about why you started this emotional affair. What are you not getting from your current relationship?

#5 What do you want from this emotional affair? What are you trying to gain from this emotional affair? Are you wanting to leave your current partner for this person? Do you want to feel validated?

You went into this affair because you are unhappy in your current relationship, but what was the end goal? Now that it’s progressed, what do you really want from this affair? Do you want to end this in hopes of keeping your current partner or do you want to end this affair and breakup with your partner? Think about it. [Read: Are you in love with someone else? 15 questions you need to ask yourself]

#6 If you don’t want to continue the affair, cut it. You need to end the affair. Now, this can be tricky depending on your relationship with this person. Is this someone you see all the time, work with, etc.? So, the best way to end it is to tell them. Don’t ghost them.

I mean, you can, but they deserve to know why you’re ending this relationship with them. Let them know that you feel you overstepped your boundaries and you need to remove yourself from this situation. Now, whether you still want to remain friends is your decision.

#7 You’re going to be emotional. Listen, once you break it off, it isn’t going to be a walk in the park for you. You can think of this like a breakup. You emotionally invested in someone and now you’re ending it. Now, it’s a little tricky because unless you told your partner what happened, you kind of grieve in silence.

So, if you choose not to tell your partner, then the best way to process this is to seek professional therapy and write your emotions down. [Read: Movies about affairs: Sexy smut or poorly portrayed]

#8 Though you may want to tell your partner. Now, I’m not forcing you to tell your partner, what you choose to do is your choice. Though if you feel guilty, it may be better to let them know what happened. I mean, they have a right to know what you were doing behind their back, as well as deciding whether or not they want to be with someone who did that.

#9 Your partner isn’t going to be happy. Now, I’m not going to sugarcoat this. Your partner is going to be hurt, really hurt. The worst thing to do is beg forgiveness from them and suffocate them with your tears. Give them space. They need time to process what happened and figure out the next step. They’ll come to talk to you when they’re ready, you just need to respect their space. [Read: You only cheated once – Should you confess or just shut up?]

#10 Look at what you need to change in your relationship. So, you’ve talked to your partner and they’re willing to give the relationship a second chance. Now they probably acknowledge that your relationship wasn’t going down a good path, which is a very good start when it comes to recovering from an emotional affair.

Now what you need to do is sit down with your partner and talk openly about the relationship. What needs are not being fulfilled from both sides because this isn’t a one-way street.

#11 Make a plan of how you two will fulfill each other’s needs. Maybe your partner works too much or maybe you’re not giving your partner the type of love they’re looking for. There are various ways to love someone. Perhaps the way you show love is not compatible with how they view love.

This is simply a communication issue that you two need to work through. So, sit down together and make a plan. Cut some hours from work, make a weekly date night, eat dinner together. Whatever needs to be done to fulfill your emotional needs. [Read: The practical steps you need to take to rebuild trust after cheating]

#12 Stick to the plan. Making a plan is one thing, but sticking to it is a whole other thing. If one of you is slacking when it comes to meeting those expectations, remind each other.

If you both are not meeting those expectations, then you should evaluate whether or not you both actually want this relationship to work. If not, sit down and talk about it. Maybe it’s better if you both moved on.

[Read: Emotional cheating and 10 really bad things it can do to your life]

Do emotional affairs ever stop? Only if you choose to do it. Now that you know what you need to do, it’s time you get started. Be strong, you have this.

The post Do Emotional Affairs Ever Stop? 12 Steps to Break the Connection is the original content of LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Article from: LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships, by Natasha Ivanovic

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Friday Flashback: Being True to Yourself is Good for Her

While this study was done on college age dating couples, some of the findings are certainly relevant to a wider group – including married folks of all ages.  For example:

Overall, the study found that both men and women who reported being more true to themselves also behaved in more intimate and less destructive ways with their partner, and that led to them feeling their relationship was more positive. In addition, they also reported greater personal well-being.”


“Men who were more true to themselves had partners who showed more healthy relationship behaviors.  However, there was no significant relationship between women being true to themselves and men’s relationship behaviors.”

Friday Flashback: Being True to Yourself is Good for Her

What I see in this is that being ourselves, being true to who we are at our core, is good for us and for our wife. Being true to ourselves can actually change how our wife feels and reacts, making her feel better about herself and the marriage.

Beyond that, the fact that men don’t react to a woman being true to herself is a bit disturbing to me. Those who did the study suggested the reason for this was societal gender roles. Maybe it would have been just as accurate to suggest men are more self-sufficient… or maybe more selfish?

Is it important to you that your wife is true to herself? How important is it, and how much are you willing to sacrifice to make it possible for her to do that more completely?

[This post first appeared March 22, 2010.]

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