The over 50s dating for over 50s singles experience can be both gratifying and pleasurable. Following these five simple rules will help you in your journey to find the perfect mate.
Rule #1 – Mindset is the key to over 50s dating. Dating as an over 50s single is totally different than when you dated in your 20s or 30s and may have been looking to be successful. This time the dating scene requires a different approach, it’s different than any other type of dating.
Rule#2 – We all have families therefore we all have baggage. Most over 50s singles have been in long term relationships, often marriages, many with children and that means baggage. If you think you don’t have any baggage you haven’t looked hard enough. It is okay to have baggage, as long as when you start dating you leave it at the curb. There will be plenty of time to unpack it later.
Rule#3 – Your ex doesn’t belong on your first or second date. What I mean is… don’t discuss your ex on the first few dates, it’s a no win situation and will create a huge chill in the air. Go out on a few dates, get to know each other, reinforce all your great qualities. Then if you end up dating more long-term the topic will and should come up. You’ll need to take it real slow and start with the small baggage first. If you’re getting to much pleasure when taking about your ex, then pay attention to Rule # 4.
Rule#4 – Before jumping back into dating right away, take some time to ponder where you have been and where you are going. As one of the over 50s singles, this can be a great time to pursue the second or third phase of your life and get it right this time. So take an honest look at the past and learn how you can improve yourself. Take a look at the self help or even therapy options. It may be hard, but be clear about what you want, it will be easier than trying to change your partner… we all know that never works.
Rule #5 – Fun, Fun, Fun! Even though we tend to become serious as we enter the world of over 50s dating, it’s important to lighten up and have fun. As your focus shifts to finding your soul mate, you can probably still remember what it was like to date in your 20’s. Back then the intent was to find someone to be with the rest of your life, have a family and create a wonderful career. As one of the over 50s singles, you now have the chance to loosen up and begin to pursue the activities, interests and hobbies that you enjoy.
from Just Senior Singles