Wednesday, August 23, 2017

How To Save My Relationship Using The Secrets

Are you working a lot of hours? Is your partner feeling lonely? What about you, are you feeling like your partner is never available for you when you need them? Are you wondering “how to save my relationship”? Here are 7 strategies you can use on how to save your relationship.

Number one, do you actually want to save your relationship? Is your partner ready to do the work it takes to save your relationship? Any relationship may be saved but it is going to take some work and if either of you is unwilling to do anything that it takes to save the relationship there could be little hope that you will be able to make it work.

If you think that by staying in the relationship because it is convenient or because of your children will be enough, the truth is nothing could be further from the truth. If you seriously want to know how to save your relationship it will take a promise from both of you. You both need to feel that the relationship is truly worth the work to save it.

Do you know what the real problem or problems are in your relationship? Knowing what the symptoms are and what the real problem is, is not always the same thing. What is causing the problems? Are you fighting? Just ignoring each other? Why? Figure out what the biggest problem is and you will be much nearer to fixing it.

Some examples could be that you think an affair is the problem but the truth is that this is just a symptom of the bigger problem. An affair may be caused by lack of intimacy which can lead to somebody straying. The actual problem then is the lack of intimacy in the relationship and the affair was just a symptom of the problem. While you may be able to get past an affair, if you won’t take the time to deal with the problem of lack of intimacy, you could just run into other symptoms such as porn. In other words you have to deal with the core problem if you really want to save your relationship.

Once you have figured out what the real problems are you can begin to talk to your partner about your feelings. Listening to your partner is also key at this point. You have to both be willing to talk about your concerns and what you want to get from this relationship. If your partner says things that hurt, you have to consider that they are merely trying to let you know what it is that might be causing them pain. He or she is not trying to hurt you but just wants you to understand their side of things so that you can start to make the relationship better.

Now if you think that you understand what the actual problem is you may be able to begin to work on some strategy to resolve them. Take action steps toward making the situation better. Have you spent any time together lately, just the two of you? Go out on a date the way you did in the beginning. Come up with new things to do together weekly and make certain you both take the time to choose what you want to do.

Take some time talking before you go to bed at night and listen to what you both have been through. More than anything when you are talking to each other, seriously take the time to listen and understand how your partner is feeling about the day they had. It may be boring to you but they have lived it and may just need you to understand.

Lastly you need to know that learning how to save my relationship is going to be an ongoing work in progress. You may be fine one day and feel like you are going backwards the next. If you need to make an apology, just do it. Laughter and tears make the best bonds in any relationship so have fun and be there for one another.

If you actually do want to save your relationship at the very least take the time to think about what you can do and take what I have given you here as a place to begin.

Learning the secrets for how to save my relationship can be easy when you know how. Get a step by step plan for getting an ex back and start using it immediately to repair your relationship.


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from Just Senior Singles