I see a lot of talk about alpha and beta males. Alpha males are leaders, they’re confident, they take what they want. Beta males are “nice guys” who put the needs of others first and often doubt themselves. One site I saw called alpha males “mature men” and beta males “immature men”. There are all kinds of books and websites dedicated to turning a beta male into an alpha male. Among other things, these resources promise us that alpha men get way more respect and sex.
Some versions of the alpha males are really about being a selfish jerk who cares about nothing but himself and especially about getting all the sex he wants. Others are far more balanced, portraying strong leaders who know how to get what they want without being a jerk. Beta males are always portrayed as simps who are liked but never loved or respected.
The problem with any and all of these is none of them portrays a man who is like Jesus. There were times when Jesus acted in ways that most would call beta. There were other times when He acted in ways that could only be called alpha. Of course, there are people who want to make Jesus into a mega alpha or a wimpy beta, but none of these works if you look at what the Bible actually says.
Jesus was a servant leader, which makes Him a total failure in the minds of those who seek to be alpha males. The problem is how those men think, not how Jesus acted. I for one am ignoring the whole alpha/beta debate and working to be more like Jesus. I suggest the same for all of you!
TMB Survey Results
Sexual Frequency: Desired and Actual – Yeah, most people want more than they are having – including most women!
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