Monday, May 8, 2017

Powerlessness and Sex

sexlessThe past couple of weeks on Sexy Marriage Radio we have covered a tough subject that impacts many couples … sexless marriage.

While I don’t have real numbers on how many couples in our audience are dealing with this in their marriage, I do know that based on the email responses we’ve received there are many hurting couples.

In case you count yourself among this group (or even if you don’t) and you’re interested in my take on this topic, here you go.

A couple of posts to read:

Sexless Marriage

Intimacy and the Sexless Marriage

Sexy Marriage Radio Episodes:

SMR#286: Sexless Marriages

SMR#287: Sexless Marriages – Power and Control

This issue may not seem to impact you and your situation if you are currently married and having sex on a regular basis – but the dynamics we cover in Episode 287 still are at play in every sexual relationship.


The post Powerlessness and Sex appeared first on Simple Marriage.

Article from: Simple Marriage, by Corey

Read more here.

Love relationships advices? continue reading here.


from Just Senior Singles