Tuesday, May 2, 2017

How to Fix a Relationship: 4 Questions You Have to Ask

How to fix a relationship when it is clearly broken is very hard and will involve asking tough questions. The challenge is that coming up with the best questions to ask to repair a relationship might be hard even when you are thinking clearly.

Even if you really want to know how to fix a relationship, most of us hate to confront difficult questions. We’d rather avoid asking questions and pretend that problems don’t exist.

The problem with taking this approach is that relationship problems will not go away on their own. It takes work to fix a relationship. Let me be blunt here- if you fail to put in the effort after you are aware of a problem, then you are shirking your responsibility.

So, here are the 4 questions you need to ask if you want to know how to fix a relationship:

1. What do you want to get out of the relationship?

This question is crucial and needs to be answered in the beginning of the relationship. The reason this question is crucial is because clarity is important for knowing if you and your partner are going to be compatible.

2. When during our relationship were we the happiest together?

The next question toward learning how to fix a relationship will help determine how each party looks at the relationship. If you each have a different idea of which point in the relationship you were happiest together, then it is likely that this might be when things started to go south.

3. What parts of the relationship can you point to that you are currently not satisfied with?

Question three for how to fix a relationship is one that you need to answer with a gentle spirit. This means you don’t want to make this into a blame session or let yourself become too emotional. All you’re trying to do here is figure out where each of you stands, and answering this question will help determine that.

4. Where do you see the relationship going in the future?

The final question toward knowing how to fix a relationship is to learn what direction each party thinks the relationship is going. The answer to this question will be helpful in knowing what shape the relationship is really in. If you both believe the relationship is headed in the wrong direction and is in danger of failure, then knowing this is necessary in order to fix what’s broken.

Explore additional tips regarding how to fix a relationship or how to get your ex back and end your frustration and loneliness for the last time at http://ift.tt/2pWmabQ


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