Monday, July 31, 2017

How Can I Save My Relationship Before It Is Too Late?

If you know that your relationship is experiencing problems then you may be asking the question of how you can save your lationship before it reaches the point of no return. If you really love your partner but have been experiencing excessive conflicts and misunderstandings, then it is time to take steps to resolve these issues before it is too late. Proper assessment of your relationship is a sensible first step because once you realize what the real problems are you can seek the answers to how you can save your relationship.

How to save my relationship is a question that can be asked of people that have experience in helping you with the right advice and suggestions. Guidance counselors, your local clergyman or close friends that have long standing relationships will perhaps give you the right answers. If you are ready to seek advice it may be pertinent to do it alone first without your partner knowing that you are in a quandary of being terrified that your relationship can dissolve.

In most relationships it is the first few months which can be the easiest or the most difficult, and this varies from couple to couple as well. Some people may find the beginning difficult while they are adjusting to their partner’s habits and ways of doing things. Others may find the beginning of the relationship a lot easier and find it more difficult keeping the relationship bonds strong as time passes. Whatever the situation, you will find that it takes hard work, and when problems arise the answers to how can I save my relationship will need to be sought out.

Effective communication between partners is very essential in order to understand each other. After you discuss the problems with each other with no satisfactory conclusion, then you can seek further advice from your family, friends or from a relationship therapist. If you need help with strengthening your relationship because you feel you may be drifting apart then there are many books and other great resources with guides on how to save a relationship and even more information can be sourced from the internet.

Seeking the advice of a professional relationship counselor is normally the last resort and you can make an appointment with them to ask the question; can you help to save my relationship. Both partners should attend the counseling sessions which cannot only solve the crisis but also be an effective tool to improve your relationship. When you are with a counselor you have the chance to openly discuss your relationship problems in order to find out an appropriate solution.

Far too many couples drift apart before attempting to try and rescue the relationship although there is so much help from seek help from many quarters. You may be the first to ask how to save my relationship and recognizing that there are really problems is a great first step. If you value your relationship highly then it is certainly worth fighting for!

Are you desperate to get back with your ex? The Magic of Making Up will give you the help you sorely need to win back an ex. The Magic of Making Up can jump-start your chances of saving your relationship and of getting your ex back.


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from Just Senior Singles

Check out your landscape

If you are at all like me, there are times in life when I take a break a examine the landscape of my life. This used to not happen too often because, I’m afraid to admit, I was scared to find the answer.

What if all I was working towards wound up being meaningless?

What if I found out I was nothing more than a handy-man for my family? Only being kept around because I could fix things? Or help buy things? Or take care of the kids so my wife could go out with her girlfriends?

These are sobering questions to ask yourself – but even scarier to seek their answers.

I want to let you in on a secret, and an answer to these questions – and I’m going to give this too you man to man.

You teach people how to treat you!

I you feel you are being treated in any way like I feared from above, you’ve likely taught others how throughout the years. While this news may feel like I’ve just punched you in the gut, the great news is this — you can teach them differently.

This teaching isn’t what you say.

It’s what you do. How you live. And how you love.

Far too often, us men are too isolationistic.

This is especially true when we are struggling, or going off the deep end, or throwing a fit. That’s when you need other men in your life who can walk alongside you, listen to your thoughts and tell you their experiences going down the same road – or listen to your craziness and tell you with all the empathy in the world to “calm down!”

This is why the Husband Mastermind Groups exist.

Real men, doing real life alongside one another.

This isn’t a gripe session group. It’s not a share all your darkest fears group. It is a group of men who’ve decided they are tired of trying to figure out life as a husband, father, friend, employee alone.

The next round of Husband Mastermind Groups begin in August. If you are interested in joining a group, shoot me an email and let’s begin the conversation.

There’s a process to joining, because I’m not just looking for men who are interested. I’m looking for the right men for each group. It’s not about numbers, it’s about fit.

Is this you?

Shoot me a message and let’s talk.

The post Check out your landscape appeared first on Simple Marriage.

Article from: Simple Marriage, by Corey

Read more here.

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from Just Senior Singles

Book Review: Finally Out

There are many things that make life challenging for homosexual men, and coming out is certainly one of them. However, coming out late in life has its own unique set of challenges.

In his new book, Finally Out: Letting Go Of Living Straight, Loren A. Olsen draws upon his own experiences as a self-described late-blooming gay man and psychiatrist who often treats men like himself. His book explores the question: Why do some mature men find it so difficult to come out?

“All memories are but reconstructions, but what I can affirm without qualification or reservation is that, until I was forty, I had no idea I was gay. Before that, I suffered from a sense that things weren’t quite right inside me,” writes Olsen.

Like many homosexual men, Olsen struggled with a disconnect between his rational thought (that men should love women) and his feeling thought (that he is attracted to men). It is this feeling of being somehow different that often supports the inner conflict that gay men face.

Yet, despite this feeling of differentness, many gay men live a straight life for years before ever coming out. 53.4 percent of the gay men Olsen surveyed during his own research had been married to women before. And according to a 2006 study of men in New York City which was published in Annals of Internal Medicine, nearly 10 percent of “working class” and immigrant men who labeled themselves heterosexual reported having sex with other men.

The fallout of this disparity – created by the conflict between who they are and who they think they should be – is self-hatred.

“Sexuality is far more complex than body parts. It includes sexual fantasy, sexual behavior, sexual preference, sexual orientation, and sexual identity; it also includes emotionality and romance. At times, these forces contradict each other even within the same individual,” writes Olsen.

What is often misunderstood – due to what Olsen calls “willful ignorance” – is that gay men are born and not made. Pointing to the fact that in identical twins, if one twin is gay, a much greater likelihood exists that the other twin is gay than in the case of fraternal twins, he describes homosexuality as a result of multifactorial inheritance. According to Olsen, when a genetic predisposition combines with the right environmental conditions, certain traits – like homosexuality – can develop.

In Olsen’s case, it was his father’s death – which he witnessed at the age of three – and the lack of a role model that laid the foundation for his feelings of being an unfinished man.

Yet from religious condemnation, to moral and social shaming, to being denied health insurance coverage, there are many reasons for a gay man to remain closeted.

“As a mature gay man with a same-sex attraction, despite being well liked in my heterosexual community, I barricaded myself emotionally,” writes Olsen.

Holding on to the secret of being gay, however, is much worse.

“Secrets are like abscesses waiting to be lanced so the pain will disappear,” writes Olsen.

Coming out then, is often a matter of not just facing secrets, but also of letting go of the idea that you should be someone, or something that someone else has constructed for you.

Three helpful steps that Olsen offers are: take control of the ideal self and make it your own; learn to see yourself as you are, avoid exaggerated self-criticism; and look inside yourself for strength and confidence.

Coming out at a later stage may also coincide with midlife. As one looks back upon life finding the shame, stigma and secrecy no longer appealing or even possible, he may want to explore a greater range of social, and even sexual roles that are complex, ambiguous and uncertain. It is also here that men often confront the stage that Erik Erikson called “integrity vs. despair,” asking themselves if it is possible to find integrity rather than despair in a new life as a gay man?

Yet midlife, Olsen says, is also a time to grow. Men in their sixties report sexual satisfaction comparable to men in their forties, and confront – and ultimately shatter – the stereotypes of what it means to be gay. As

“What I discovered as I grew older was that I had made two false assumptions – that I am powerless, and that others had unlimited power over me. I discovered that the meaning I was looking for was in fact within me,” writes Olsen.

Filled with insightful research, powerful examples, and a compelling narrative, Finally Out is a much needed resource for gay men – one that informs, inspires, and ultimately encourages gay men to claim their rightful place as respectable members of society.

Finally Out: Letting Go Of Living Straight
Loren A. Olsen MD
Oak Lane Press (2017)
Softcover, 260 Pages

Article from: Relationships & Love – Psych Central, by Claire Nana

Read more here.


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from Just Senior Singles

Are Some People Meant to Be Alone? 13 Signs You’re that Person

Everyone is inherently different. If you gave relationships a try and they just don’t work, you might be left wondering, are some people meant to be alone?

Sometimes there are people you meet that just make you ask, are some people meant to be alone? My husband is really into man drama shows. You know the ones on the Discovery Channel where people survive in the wild by themselves.

From one episode to the next you hear about all of their “struggles,” and all I can think is, “Well, it was your choice, idiot, who wants to live out in the middle of nowhere?” But, then I get in a fight with just about everyone in my life and think, now I get that living alone thing.

If you ask if some people are meant to be alone, you probably don’t mean out in the wilderness, Naked & Afraid, or any of the other dumb things people do for reality shows. You probably ask whether there are some people who just don’t meld right in relationships.

Are some people meant to be alone: 13 revealing characteristics

We all know that person on their way out of a third marriage, and we think to ourselves, “Dude, just stay single.” In reality, do those types of people ever learn to get along? I mean, what is their issue?

I am not saying that relationships aren’t hard work, but I have yet to be in one that isn’t worthwhile enough to get through the rough spots, even when they get super rough.

If you are the person I talk about, the one that can’t seem to find a happy medium, or even a happy in a relationship, then I guess yes, there are some people who are meant to be alone. How do you know if you are one of them?

#1 You believe that it is better to be right than happy. It took me close to two decades of relationships to realize it is not better to be right than happy. A hard lesson to learn. Sometimes it is better to just keep your “rightness” in your head and acquiesce instead of holding out for the win.

If you worry about being right, then you likely spend a good chunk of your time proving it. What a waste of energy. If you can’t give in, you might as well give up finding someone. [Read: 8 ways to stop being a self-centered person]

#2 You believe there is no surrender in a battle. If you are a “fight to the death” type of person, then you aren’t going to be in a stable relationship. If all is fair in love and war in your head, you constantly wage battle. At some point, your partner will get tired of the cheap shots, anything to win attitude, and complete lack of empathy you display.

If you always go in for the kill, you kill any relationship you could potentially have.

#3 You like things a certain way, period. We all like things a certain way. I like to make the bed and then get out of the shower, put on socks, and make sure that my feet are completely clean when I enter.

But, if my husband gets off of work and barely has enough time to shower, then I say what the hell. If you always have to have things a certain way, then you are going to be very tiresome to someone who isn’t as into “the right way” as you.

#4 What’s yours is ours, what’s mine is mine. If you keep secrets or things to yourself or act selfish, a relationship is not going to be easy.

You put your own things aside for the good of a relationship, and if you can’t contribute or share, ever, then you are someone who is best solo. [Read: 12 signs you’re being really selfish in the relationship]

#5 You aren’t willing to compromise, ever. Compromise is the cornerstone of any good relationship. Trust me, if you are a strong-willed person, then compromising is not a thing that comes naturally. But, it should come.

People never willing to meet someone halfway will always be on the opposite end of a good relationship, which means they might just be meant to stay single. [Read: Compromise in relationships and the art of giving without losing]

#6 No one will control you. If you think contributing to a relationship is tantamount to someone “controlling” you, then you might be better off alone.

When someone cares about you and your wellbeing, they make suggestions about how you should live your life, where you should be, or require you join the team effort. If that is equal to control, then don’t let someone control you. But, that negates a successful relationship.

#7 You like your “alone” time way more than having any “together” time. If it isn’t just about your belongings, but your finances and time that is all yours, then you are meant to be alone.

We all enjoy some time alone *at least you should for a healthy sense of self*. But, if you enjoy being alone far more than being next to someone, then it is time just to call it and realize that it is okay if you are meant to be alone.

#8 You don’t need anyone and prove it. We all like to be independent and figure things out on our own. If you have a chip on your shoulder and don’t need anyone and prove it time and time again, then there is no reason anyone wants to be in a relationship with you.

There is no “I” in team, so let someone help you once in a while even if you don’t like it for a successful relationship. Or, stay single. That is okay and your choice! [Read: What you need to know for how to live a happy life]

#9 Other people’s problems irritate you. If you don’t even want to deal with your own issues, let alone someone else’s, stay single. When you share your life and bed with someone, you share some of yourself, which means being there when they need support or a sounding board.

If you aren’t interested in being in anyone else’s entanglements, welcome to the club, who does? But, unless you want to be in a club of one, then you should care about someone else’s problems every once in a while.

#10 You are controlling. If you think you must control every aspect not just of your life but the person you are with too, then you won’t have a successful and happy relationship.

Controlling people are difficult to live with because they are the only people that make decisions. Sooner or later the person you are with will want to have a say. When that day comes, if you don’t give in, they will give up on your union. [Read: 20 glaring signs you have a control freak in you]

#11 You are a loner, always have been, always will be. If you grew up all on your own and that is the way your role models lived too, then it is hard to turn that part of yourself off. Loners don’t need anyone.

But, to be in a successful relationship, you need someone. If not, they don’t feel invested in the relationship. You don’t have to handle everything alone, that is one of the perks of having someone else in your life. [Read: Why it’s normal to not be interested in dating]

#13 You don’t like chaos or company. If the only schedule you want to deal with is your own, then you probably aren’t meant to be in a stable relationship. When you live with someone, you work around not just their schedule but people important in their lives, too.

That means a lot of chaos and interruption in your schedule. If the slightest thing throws you into a tizzy, then you are better off staying on your own and doing your own thing. [Read: Selfishness in relationships – 15 ways to do the right thing]

Although humans are social creatures by nature for survival, that does not mean we were all meant to pair up for life, or at all. There are some of us just meant to be alone, and that is okay.

[Read: How to stay single until you’re seriously ready to mingle]

Are some people meant to be alone? Yes, there are definitely some people meant to be alone. If that is you, stop thinking it is a bad thing and embrace it!

The post Are Some People Meant to Be Alone? 13 Signs You’re that Person is the original content of LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Article from: LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships, by Julie Keating

Read more here.


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from Just Senior Singles

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Ban The Loneliness With Online Senior Dating

If you have ever thought that online dating is something for the younger generation then you are very much mistaken. It is no myth that there is someone out there for everyone and online senior dating is a way that you can have your second, even third chance at finding love or companionship.

If you are limited to when you can get out or prefer your home comforts this is a great way to meet others without actually having to leave and you can speak to people all hours of the day and night so when you are feeling at your loneliest you can be sure to find someone to speak to. Never again have to feel like the third wheel when you go out with friends and their partners.

Don’t wait for your friends to set you up with their relations or friends of friends. You will be much happier if you are able to state what you want beforehand so that only people who want the same as you will get in contact.

It is all well and good that you would want to respect the memory of a loved one for so long but this does not mean that the rest of your life should be spent without someone special in it. You will have the opportunity to speak with others who have been widowed and see how they have dealt with their grief and moved on. Finding others in the same situation can mean you finally feel understood and sometimes friendships can blossom into more.

You only need to know how to get onto the site and you will soon be whizzing from page to page as if it were second nature. The specialist sites for older daters will not have all the complex adaptations that some of the other sites have so you will not struggle even if you are an internet virgin.

Even if you are on a pension you will find that this method of meeting new people is much cheaper than the holidays set up for seniors and also means that you can get to know a persons likes and dislikes before and of course if you decide to meet them in person.

If you are feeling a bit rusty on starting conversations this is a great place to start allowing you to ease back into speaking to others of the opposite sex. Finding out about the person beforehand means that you will have more to talk about should you wish to meet up and you can find out so much information from profiles before you make the decision as to whether to make contact or not.

You will not have to pay for the initial profile set up. As well as this you can see who else is online so that you get an idea as to whether you will get along or wish to speak to any of the other site members.

The sites allow you to view others before making your decision as they are sure you will find someone you will want to make contact with who has similar interests or life experience to yourself.

If you think that all the good men and all the nice single women are taken then you should take a look at who is out there and what they have to offer. Everyone has a right to be happy no matter the circumstances to why they are single. This way they can get to know that someone special at any time during the day or night without having to leave their chair.

You can get more details on the benefits of USA senior dating. Widen your network of friends that share the same interests as you when you start senior dating .




from Just Senior Singles

The Truth About Spin

I suppose spin is as old as public debate. But the turn it has taken in the last couple of decades has gone beyond all bounds of reason.

Jockeying for advantage, trying to put yourself or your issue in the best light, minimizing the awkwardness of being proven wrong or mistaken, making every effort to throw your interlocutor or opponent off balance—these are some of the aims of spin. It is, in its most basic formulation, the employment of a range of rhetorical tactics to paint your opinion, belief, or position as the most and that of your opponent as the least desirable.

Spin has been used by politicians for decades; it has become almost a necessity in the age of television. The conditions of the latter require points to be made sharply and succinctly, so it has become the practice of candidates to say only what will promote and make appealing their message. We expect the same thing from their surrogates and from ideologically-driven television pundits.

Everyone with sense knows that politicos are forced into this way of doing business. There is simply not enough air-time for every interview, news conference, and live debate to turn into an open-ended seminar that addresses each issue in-depth. Given this fact, most people are willing to accept a modest amount of spin.

The more troubling development is the near pathological practice of spin by ordinary people in everyday life. People spin the most serious and the most trivial things to absolve themselves of responsibility or to avoid acknowledging the weaknesses or unsustainability of their position. The most absurd acts of spin are of course to be found on social media. It is the one place in which everyone with a user name and password can pretend to be an intellectual of the highest caliber.

Now spin is based on the ignoratio elenchi fallacy, which means ignorance of the nature of refutation. This fallacy arises from falsely assuming that the point at issue has been proved or disproved when it has in reality been ignored. We have created the rather ugly, and quite unnecessary, solecism “whatabouterry” to describe the ever-multiplying instances of this fallacy.

If you have been paying attention, or been at all alive this past year, you have no doubt seen the fallacy at work on your Facebook feed. Someone will point out some odd or dishonest thing said by Donald Trump. Within seconds one of his supporters will respond by citing something Hillary Clinton did that they did not like. Now even if the thing cited was proof of malfeasance on the Secretary’s part it would not disprove the wrongdoing of Trump.

But spin, as I suggested above, goes beyond politics. On every public question, the refusal to join issue, the failure of individuals to actually defend or revisit their position is making it increasingly impossible for people to actually advance arguments. The domestication of spin is killing thought and reasonable debate. People no longer bother to develop and reformulate their arguments. They instead rely on spin in a dishonest and pathetic attempt to capture and hold the moral high ground at any cost.

Article from: TSB Magazine | Dating and Lifestyle Advice for Men, by Christopher Reid

Read more here.

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from Just Senior Singles

Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Sky Is The Limit With Disabled Dating

No one wants to go through life without someone special to enjoy it with him or her. Being alone is no place to be. Disabled dating does not limit you. Although you suffer with some disability, you can still meet others like you. The Net has open doors to everyone including the disable to find ways to connect with others online that are searching for someone like you.

The Internet has introduced several disabled dating sites. Men and women have available guides to walk through the process of dating online. The disabled have love horoscopes or games. You can have fun with others and even find relief. Tips to help you deal with your disability are available. Solutions are offered to those with disadvantages to help them find romance.

Searching the Internet for someone of interest is the best way to find that someone special. First, you must locate a disable dating site, next, sign up and open an account online. Social networks such as the dating sites provide everyone with the opportunity to meet others despite of their disability. Opening an account with the disable dating sites will connect you to others.

Everyone can have fun at the disable dating sites. Friendly souls like you are waiting to meet you because they too are searching for true love, chat friends, friends, someone to marry, or for a long-term relationship. Dating sites typically offer you a safe place to enjoy talking with others. The social networks are easy to join to meet people like you. People from all over the world join dating sites.

Dating sites make it possible for you to find that perfect mate or prospects for dating. You can meet new friends or setup support systems with others to find relief from stress. These types of dating systems bring in people who understand and know what it is like to live life with a disability. Romance, love, friendship, it doesn’t matter you can find hope by searching for someone on disable dating sites.

Before you get started however you are encouraged to read the tip lines. These tips will provide you with helpful tools to stay safe in the online dating world. You can also find help that directs you on how to meet others online. Success stories and other information is available at the online dating sites. Forums are offered so that you can join others in communications to talk about your feelings, life, general topics, etc. You can talk about anything you like, only you are advised to respect others.

If you want respect, remember the key to getting what you want is to give it back. Disable dating sites allow you to play games with others online and have fun. You can talk about relationships in the game rooms, since there are Chat features. You can also swap recipes, discuss music, or talk about your disability with others at the dating sites.

Conveniently, disable dating sites connect you with others like you by providing you with browsing options. You can find people who are amputee singles, or singles that suffer Cerebral Palsy, MS, depression, paraplegic and so forth. To enjoy disable dating however you should read the rules posted on the dating sites and follow in accord.

Thomas Voullemier is an expert in online dating relationships. He dedicated many years of his life researching the disabled dating field and writing useful articles to effectively help thousands of disabled people around the world find love and friendship through his safe and secure disabled dating sites. Join now his disabled dating service for free and find your disabled soulmate within minutes.


Like senior singles dating? click here.


from Just Senior Singles

5 Things You Can Do Today To Save Your Relationship

It has been proven that healthy relationships are part of leading a fulfilled life and are one of the factors in your longevity as well. Keeping your relationship healthy means hard work because we are all individuals with different, ideas, dreams, personal needs and choices. Sharing your time in a strong relationship with your partner makes happy memories for you both, and this will be cherished as your relationship matures. A strong relationship is the sharing between two individuals, and this does not necessarily mean that both have to be of different sexes either.

Relationship bonds are formed between anyone, and age does not always play too much of an important role in all cases either. There are 5 ways to save your relationship and knowing them can help you solve the common problems that can arise.

Keeping a relationship healthy can be difficult at times considering that there might be a possibility of conflicts, and differences of agreements on many issues. These factors may be due to misunderstandings, ego or other problems like cultural differences for example. Sometimes anger, frustration and bitterness in your relationship can cross the point of no return, and thus a once strong bond can be shattered beyond any repair. When this occurs both partners at are affected perhaps one more than another. What is important to realize that damage can be repaired before it is too late. Knowing these 5 ways to save your relationship is definitely helpful, and may mean saving a rocky relationship while it is still possible.

1. The first advice is that you can both accept that there are problems that need to be handled in your relationship. These problems and issues need to be bought into the open and discussed between both partners. Seek methods in how these problems can be identified; and addressed in ways that are mutually acceptable. Compromise has already saved millions of relationships and this must be openly discussed between partners when there is conflict.

2. It takes two partners to make an argument happen. Both partners in a relationship need complete communication and interaction. If communication stops, then the reasons must be investigated behind it. This means starting a conversation with your partner allowing them to open up so that you can analyze where the problem lies, and then take the right steps to repair the damage or rift. Listening is important in communication, and understanding what you are hearing runs a close second. Your will be able to pick up hints and get ideas of where damage control is necessary.

3. Renewing your relationship and your passion for each other is important to prevent stagnation. Regular surprises and getaways together where you can spend quality time together are vital. This provides you with new experiences and memories, and also allows you to discover new facets in your partner that you may have never noticed in different situations. This renewal is important to come from both partners and thus regular alone time in different places is necessary.

4. Each partner must communicate their feelings to the other. Healthy relationships need natural attraction. This comes through sharing and allowing each other to show their true feelings. Sometimes the reassurance of your partners feelings is vital to make you comfortable that the relationship is still on a solid footing.

5. Make an effort to find advice and counseling. Sometimes it is necessary to seek outside assistance from friends, families, and even a relationship therapist. In some cases it feels impossible to express and communicate your feelings to your partner. Different people can give you different angles on the problems you are facing in your relationships, and give you solutions to problems you may never have considered yourself. Sometimes expert and experienced advice can only be obtained from a relationship therapist.

Having an understanding of the 5 ways to save a relationship and using them to your benefits can mean that you keep your relationship strong and lasting. If your relationship bond is really special, then it is really worth making every effort to rescue it when it is floundering in trouble waters.

Are you desperate to get back with your ex? The Magic of Making Up will give you the help you sorely need to win back an ex. The Magic of Making Up can jump-start your chances of saving your relationship and of getting your ex back.


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from Just Senior Singles

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Make Your Dating With Your Partner By Your Choice

How can you define love exactly? It has different meaning from every point of view but love that is romantic word. Love once happensif front person see you in that respective eyes because love is in air that is true statement obviously but whatever love is only love that makes you crazy often but whatever it is love is only love. You don’t know how you can describe love after all as it becomes difficult sometime to find your love as similar to you but it is quite hard to search as same matching with you. But anyhow it is said god has send everyone’s love on the earth just you need to identify them.
Just go with your love one in dating that is too wonderful and you feel as you are enjoying so pleasurably and got your heavenly destination. But dating with your chosen guys truly a heavenly experience and the time both of you spend with each other that makes you perfect as you think sometimes as well. So, whenever you decide for dating you must have to do many things very carefully. Dating is truly a great experience what you don’t expect sometimes as really amazing in real way. What you don’t hope and expect but you get more than your expectation in your dating as well.
Dating is found differently and among of all the most interesting one is senior singles dating and in it you find dating with seniors as both girls and boys are matured so, that they can understand each another’s liking and disliking as well as they are quite happy when they meet each other and share those beautiful moments as it make them feel so, glad to be at the place of paradise.
Another plus size dating that is also the great one where both male and female has different attitude and the dating becomes so splendid where both male and female spend their romantic day with each other greatly and perfectly. This is very interesting dating procedure as both couple enjoyswith each other and no any hesitation found at all and with most convenient way the couples for dating get ready to spend the moments beautifully exactly. So, fun and enjoyment all are celebrated together and thus, dating is perfect when you take its superb experience so, you should enjoy your dating with your spouse and must enjoy your whole day as much as you can.

Garcia Clevis is a professional content writer for idating4you and have more than 5 year of experience in writing. Click now to learn more about plus size dating by simple registering.



from Just Senior Singles

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Relationship Advice for Those Who Think All Men or Women Are the Same

If you are like many women who seem to experience the same problems with men from relationship to relationship, you are probably wondering if all men are the same. You have probably heard many times that “all men want the same thing.” Some women even come to detest men because of their experiences. Many men think the same about women.

But, if all men really want the same thing, then how do we account for successful relationships? Are they because the women in those relationships are less concerned with men’s behavior and so put up with more? Actually, quite the opposite. The women in those relationships have a high self-regard and would not allow their partner to mistreat them.

In fact, all men and women need the same things. We have survival needs such as those for air, shelter, water, food, etc. We also have emotional needs such as to love, feel loved, feel important, feel secure, and to feel like we belong. And sexual desire is not unique to men.

Some men have learned to get these needs met by being subservient, some by being dominant and some by being jerks Each of these kinds of behaviors attracts a different kind of woman. The reason for this is that some women have also learned to get their needs met by being subservient, dominant, outrageous, etc. Why else do you think they would behave this way?

What kind of man do you think a passive woman is attracted to–a domineering man, of course. Not because she likes his arrogant and controlling behavior, but because she knows how to be a partner for such a man. She knows how to get what she needs from such a man, even if at the same time she hates her relationship. She cannot stand him, but she will never leave him.

When these matched relationships do break up, both the man and woman find new partners who similarly match and thus repeat the same patterns in the new relationship. Having the same experience with men and women relationship after relationship, they conclude that all men and all women are the same.

These people think that their only hope lies in finding a man or woman who is exceptional and rare. They see good men or women as 1 in 1000. All the while, they are surrounded by men and women who are quite different from their usual partners. But, their attraction for these people is just not there. Equally, these people are not attracted to them. A man who is not domineering will have little interest in a passive woman.

For single people, the answer does not lie in finding a “rare” 1 in 1000 man or woman. For women, the answer lies in learning to become more like the women who have healthy relationships. They will then be attracted to healthy men and repelled by the unhealthy ones–a reversal of their usual trend. The healthy men will also be attracted to them. What seemed to be rare before will become abundant for the woman who has learned to live in a better way. The same answer is true for single men.

For people who are already in a relationship that they hate, the answer is neither to breakup nor to put up with the relationship. Breakup would just lead to continuing the same pattern with yet another person. Putting up with the relationship will just keep you miserable. Just as for single men and women, working with someone like a relationship coach will help you to change your way of relating to your partner. Your partner’s bad ways of getting what he or she wants will no longer work, but they will still be able to get what they need by adjusting to your new behavior. You change, they change, and the relationship changes. In this way one person changing his or herself really can change his or her relationship for the good and break out of a negative pattern and into a positive one.

Jack Ito PhD is a licensed psychologist and relationship coach. For 14 years he has helped more than 1000 men and women to have better relationships.
Get your relationship unstuck with the Relationship Coach newsletter and a Free Relationship Planning Guide. Visit the Relationship Coach Blog for daily relationship advice.


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How to Really Empathize with Someone

We tend to misunderstand empathy. We think empathizing with someone is consoling them. We think it’s helping them fix whatever problem they’re having. We think it’s giving advice.

If it were me, I’d pick a different career. If it were me, I’d end the relationship. If it were me, I wouldn’t think so much about it. Have you tried taking a real break? Have you considered that other option?

We think empathizing with someone is wondering how we’d feel or react in the same situation.

But empathy isn’t any of these actions.

According to psychologist and empathy researcher Lidewij Niezink, Ph.D, the latter is actually called an “imagine-self perspective.” Which means we focus on our own experiences as if we are in the other person’s shoes. Which is limiting. Because when we consider how we’d feel, think and react, we don’t learn anything about the other person—and we might even make erroneous assumptions about them.

Take this 2014 study as an example. In it, a group of participants completed difficult tasks while wearing a blindfold. Then they were asked how well they believed blind people could be at working and living independently. The participants judged blind individuals as less capable than participants in a different group who didn’t undergo the blind simulation. That’s because they were focused on what blindness feels like for them.

Instead, to really empathize, Niezink said, we need to ask ourselves the question: “What is it like for a blind person to be blind?” This is an “imagine-other perspective, focused on the experiences of others.”

Empathy is a relatively new word in the English language, according to Whitney Hess, PCC, an empathy coach who works with individuals and groups. It originates from the German word “Einfühlung,” which means “feeling into.” It originally described the vicarious response people have when viewing art, when feeling into someone else’s self-expression, Hess said. “That term over time was adapted to capture the ability that we have as human beings to feel into the emotional state of another person.”

In a nutshell, empathy is presence, Hess said. “It is being in the present moment with another human being feeling into their experience.”

Empathy is not figuring out the right words to say or trying to erase a person’s pain. It is not wanting things to be different than they are. It is not saying, “Cheer up! It’ll be better tomorrow,” or “Don’t worry about it! You’re beautiful. You’re brilliant. You’ll get another job in no time,” Hess said.

Niezink breaks empathy down into five layers, which together hold a container for the experiences of another person:

  1. Self-empathy: observing your own embodied sensations, thoughts and needs in order to differentiate self from other.
  2. Mirrored empathy (synchronization): physically synchronizing with the other person, by embodying and mirroring their movements, facial expressions and posture.
  3. Reflective empathy (emotion): listening fully to what the other experiences and reflecting that back until one is fully heard.
  4. Imaginative empathy (cognition): imagining the situation from as many different perspectives as possible and embodying these perspectives.
  5. Empathic creativity: all that is learned from the experience of others in order to act adequately. This might mean doing nothing, solving a problem or making a difference.

“Empathy is a practice,” said Niezink. “[Y]ou need to work on it, just like you do when mastering mathematics.” She suggested checking out her free e-book, which delves deeper into practicing the above empathy phases.

Hess stressed the importance of first empathizing with ourselves. This is vital. Many of us have a hard time sitting with someone else’s pain simply because we can’t sit with our own. We don’t take the time to understand or connect to our own range of emotions, Hess said. Maybe, over the years, we’ve learned to ignore, avoid or discount our feelings.

It’s also important that we distinguish between our own thoughts and feelings and the other person’s experience, Niezink said. “If we do not distinguish self from other, we might find ourselves projecting our own feelings and needs upon others.”

To practice self-empathy, separate observations from judgments, Hess said. She shared this example: A judgment is saying, “My boss doesn’t think I’m capable of doing a good job.” An observation is saying, “My boss gave me a low score on my performance review,” or “When we have our weekly check-ins, he rarely looks me in the eyes.” In other words, what have you witnessed? (After all, we can’t witness someone’s thoughts. As Hess said, at least not yet.)

After we’ve observed the situation, we can explore our feelings. For instance, “when I received a low score on my performance review, I felt disappointed, ashamed and confused.”

Another technique is empathic listening, which comes from Stephen R. Covey in his seminal book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. As Covey wrote, “The essence of empathic listening is not that you agree with someone; it’s that you fully, deeply, understand that person, emotionally as well as intellectually.”

That is, you go into the conversation with the aim to understand the person. Which means you aren’t focused on what you’re going to say when they’re done. Again, you are present with the person, paying attention to their words, gestures and reactions (this is exactly what Niezink means with reflective empathy).

According to Hess, it’s understanding that “whatever the person says, however they feel, whatever they need, is true for them.” This is how we genuinely empathize with someone’s pain or joy: We listen to and respect their truth—without judging it, without trying to eliminate it, without trying to change it.

This is not easy. But it is powerful. It is powerful to empathize, to create a space for someone that lets them be exactly who they are, that lets them feel fully heard and understood.

Article from: Relationships & Love – Psych Central, by Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S.

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Why You Should Be Prudent

It is advice that you will not hear often these days. We—especially the young—are encouraged to break all the rules, throw over convention, think outside of the box, do something new and different, be bold, wild, crazy, unpredictable. Such advice is offered under the assumption that too much caution and reflection lead to a stifled and boring life.

Most people do not follow this advice. Although Gen Y contains some of the diverse lifestyles we’ve seen for at least a century, comparable only to the post WWI generation, it is still a risk-averse group. The majority of Gen Y remains unmarried; they are least likely to own a home or to have stayed in one job for more than two years. Making a commitment to a person, taking out a mortgage and settling down in a neighborhood, finding a profession and sticking to it—these are all hallmarks of putting one’s life in the hands of another. But the statistics have more to do with the economic environment that under-30s have had to contend with than to some pathological reticence sweeping through it.

Gen Y folks have not taken these major life steps because they cannot afford to or do not have the option to. Gen Y suffered most from the Great Recession. The economic collapse left the job market permanently deformed. The young nowadays can only find short-term gigs, which puts marriage and home ownership out of reach.

But changed economic conditions do not mean that people must give up on living happy and satisfying lives. What is needed now is not arbitrary risk-taking or paralyzing caution, but prudence.

A great deal of sense has been knocked out of this word. Ever since Dana Carvey’s merciless mockery of George H.W. Bush’s use of the word, “prudent”, in the public imagination, has come to mean cynical and calculating caution—a justification for avoiding reasonable action.

In fact, the English word prudent, and the idea behind it, is derived from the Latin prudens, which means to act with sagacity, foresight, and shrewdness. Prudence in English means to act judiciously in practical affairs, to be discreet and circumspect. Far from any connotation of reserve, inaction, or avoidance, to be prudent means to act in a well-reasoned and decisive manner.

This is why words matter. They open up vistas of thought and action and give us ideas and suggestions of what is possible in life. To be a prudent person means only that you take risks that seem rational and that you have every reason to believe will pan out as you hope.

If you are someone with considerable talent as a writer, then it is prudent to leave what others consider a safe profession to pursue a life in journalism and authorship. If you have been bouncing around from job to job in your field without any hope of stable employment, it is prudent to start your own business and build it up into a success. If you have been living with a woman for years, love her deeply, and see the two of you making a life together, it is prudent to marry her and improve the material circumstances of your habitation slowly.

Being prudent is about taking wise and informed action. It is an attitude that is needed in all ages—none more so than our own.

Article from: TSB Magazine | Dating and Lifestyle Advice for Men, by Christopher Reid

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Polyromantic Relationships: A Guide to Simplify a Confusing Label

Polyromantic is a new term popping up in mainstream dating. Maybe you’re curious about what it is or ready to try something new.

The term polyromantic has gained popularity in recent months. Without knowing what it means, you may be thinking it has something to do with polyamory relationships. However, it’s not the case.

I know, all these ‘poly’ words start to look the same after a while, but, they have completely different meanings. So, pay attention! What’s great about the development of sexuality, is that we start to realize that not everything is so black and white.

11 things you need to know about polyromantic relationships

Of course, you have homosexual and heterosexual people, but is that it? We’re only given two options? Obviously, it’s much more complex than that. Human sexuality isn’t some coin you flip and whatever side it lands on, that’s it. Rather, sexuality is a spectrum. [Read: Sexually fluid – What does this even mean in the dating world?]

You have people who consider themselves heterosexual or homosexual, but you also have people more fluid in between the spectrum. It’s time to familiarize yourself with what’s in between. It ain’t only black and white, baby.

#1 Wait, wait. What is polyromantic? We have to nail the definition down before we can even go into the details of what a polyromantic is. Basically, polyromantic individuals are people attracted to different sexes. However, they do not believe there are only two sexes and/or genders.

Some people do not identify as either male or female, though, polyromantic people can be attracted to those that do not consider themselves male or female. [Read: List of sexualities – What you need to know about each sexual orientation]

#2 So, aren’t they just bisexual then? I get why you assume this. When I first learned about polyromantics, I thought the same. I thought, but they like both sexes, so they’re just bisexuals. But they’re not.

What makes them different from bisexuals are that bisexuals are attracted to men and women, while polyromantics are attracted to those who do not conform to either gender and/or sex. [Read: Pansexual vs. bisexual: How to tell the real difference]

#3 It doesn’t have to be sexual. Like with anything, you don’t need to be sexually attracted to everyone. I know, this may come as a shock. As a polyromantic, you can be attracted to many people. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s in a sexual way. You can be romantic without engaging in sexual activity.

#4 Don’t get it mixed up with pansexuals. This happens a lot. But, pansexuals and polyromantics are different. Pansexuals are individuals attracted to people regardless of their gender or gender identity. Essentially, they’re attracted to everyone, as ‘pan’ means all.

The best way to describe pansexuality is that they fall in love with the person, not the gender. Polyromantics are attracted to many sexualities, as ‘poly’ means many.

#5 These sexuality terms all have the same foundation. You may be slightly confused with all these terms: bisexuality, pansexuality, polyromantic. I get it, if you’re just starting to learn what this means, it can be overwhelming.

However, you should know that pansexuality and bisexuality are both forms of polysexuality *polyromantic*. All three terms, though slightly different, in the end, are all attracted to more than one gender and/or sex. [Read: Greysexual – What it is and the common qualities that define it]

#6 Know your prefixes. If still confused with all these different words, maybe by understanding the prefixes, you’ll grasp these concepts better. The only real difference between these words are the prefixes—these are what completely change the meaning of each one. So, know your prefixes. Bi *two or both*, pan *all*, poly *many*, omni *all*, ambi *both, can imply ambiguity as well*.

#7 Don’t know where you fit in? Humans love to label things. This is because we’re given so much information on a daily basis, we need to label and put them in categories for better comprehension. If you’re not sure where you fit, or you think you’re a polyromantic but you may feel you’re actually a pansexual. Listen, don’t pressure yourself. [Read: 14 steps to unfake your life and love being you]

#8 Does this tie into polyamory. Some people think pansexuality and polysexuality are connected to polyamorous relationships. Polyamory is when you engage in multiple intimate relationships. In other words, you date multiple people.

Of course, they all know and agree to your polyamorous lifestyle, so it’s not cheating. But polyamory is simply a form of relationship. Just because you’re a polyromantic, doesn’t mean you have to be with multiple people. Your sexuality and the type of relationship you want to have are two different things.

#9 Don’t sacrifice your happiness for your partner’s. If you’re doing this to make your partner happy, don’t do it. Put yourself first when it comes to open relationships.

If you’re not into the idea and if it doesn’t make you feel good, then don’t do it. Tell your partner how you feel and see where to take it from there. Because doing this to make someone else happy only causes more pain for you.

#10 Talk to someone who is polyromantic. If you’re curious about polysexuality or you think you may be a polyromantic, the best way to know is to speak to someone who is polyromantic. They, of course, have firsthand experience with diving into their sexuality. They’ll help you better understand your feelings and where you think you fit in on the spectrum of sexuality. [Read: 14 negative consequences of heteronormativity]

#11 No, you’re not weird. As you read this, you may be thinking, there’s probably something wrong with me, why can’t I just be straight or gay? Listen, sexuality isn’t an easy subject. Honestly, we really don’t know that much about sexuality.

We’re used to homosexuality and heterosexuality and even with these two definitions, people have problems understanding. So, no, you’re not weird. There’s an endless list of sexualities that’s getting longer and longer by the day. You’re not the only one who feels that maybe heterosexuality isn’t the only thing out there.

[Read: Just how many types of romantic orientations are there?]

Now that you’re all up-to-date and understand what a polyromantic is, introduce yourself to the polyromantic community in your city and go from there. If you feel you may be polysexual, it’s great. You’ve discovered one more thing about yourself.

The post Polyromantic Relationships: A Guide to Simplify a Confusing Label is the original content of LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Article from: LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships, by Natasha Ivanovic

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from Just Senior Singles

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Online Dating Tips For Kids

Don’t listen to what the naysayers of online dating have to say. As far as I am concerned, online dating is a very good and ideal way to date. As an online dating member, you don’t have to spend money on fancy dinners or tickets. Online dating enables you to date in your boxers… literally!

It doesn’t matter whether you are a strict Christian and so don’t want to mess up on the Internet with online dating. Many Christians have met and developed serious relationship thanks to Christian online dating. Christian online dating is a fun way to meet someone who has the same Christian faith as you do. Christian online dating websites are normally regarded as safe, so you don’t have to fret too much about security. But of course, it’s advisable to always take your time and do your own due diligence before you commit yourself to an online dating relationship.

Online dating does not demand any form of perfection. You don’t have to get a hair cut to go for an online date because it is mainly textual. You can be as natural as possible when dating online because of the textual nature of online dating. But note that all of this is about to change with the introduction of video dating.

As a man, online dating may require a little ingenuity and effort on your part to call the attention of a lady you like. You need to make sure that the first email you send to any girl in an online dating setting is witty and interesting enough to induce a response on her part. The reason why many men flop at getting a girl’s attention online is because they don’t make their first email to her interesting enough.

Many online dating services require that you divulge certain information before you can be signed up as a member. Make sure that whatever information you supply any online dating website is true because the website owners will run a background check on you to confirm the information. If any online dating agency is able to prove that you fibbed about yourself, you will be barred from using their services.

You can afford to be extra selective in your choice of an online dating site because there are numerous sites to choose from. Be careful not to join online dating sites that try to make their member base larger than it actually is. Let your instinct be a radar that guides you to the right online dating website when you are searching for one.

You can create a wonderful online relationship with someone by sharing tidbits of your life with them either through profile updates, instant messaging or photo sharing. Chatting with your online date can bring you closer to him or her. Take advantage of every service available to you on an online dating site to improve your online relationship.

Carefully scrutinize the profiles of any online date before responding to him or her. As a general rule, don’t believe everything an online dating profile tells you because some people tend to lie a lot about who they are.

Don Pedro offers interesting resources about Best Latin Online Dating Sites , and Free Online Dating Services Kootenai Idaho on the resource site at


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The Sexy Marriage Radio Academy


Five years ago Sexy Marriage Radio came on the air and began helping married couples “heat up the marriage bed.”

While I knew I was on to something with the idea of Sexy Marriage Radio – I didn’t know exactly what this show would become.

This week marks another milestone for our show.

The Sexy Marriage Radio Academy is now open for enrollment!

The idea of the Academy is to provide you with a way to receive more than the 30-minutes a week of help you currently get and offer you and your spouse the chance to go deep. To walk alongside Shannon and I as we coach and encourage you to overcome the struggles that may plague your relationship.

In the Academy you will get access to a monthly 90-minute coaching Q&A call, a quarterly webinar covering the topics that many couples face, a private Facebook Group to interact with us and the community 24/7, as well as member’s only tips and discussions. The Academy is launching this week and you can get in while it’s on the ground floor.

To join the Academy simply click the purple button below. You have the choice to pay monthly and cancel at any time. You can also pay up-front for the year and get two months free.

Join the Academy

See you inside!

The post The Sexy Marriage Radio Academy appeared first on Simple Marriage.

Article from: Simple Marriage, by Corey

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from Just Senior Singles

Monday, July 24, 2017

10 Tips For Senior Dating

We all have an inbuilt desire to be loved and to love. It is natural to crave the comfort of someone else, it is how mother nature intended it to be. These days there are many more ways to meet people than in the past and probably the most important is online dating, even senior dating sites are cropping up everywhere to fill this need.

The dating business is a big deal and for obvious reasons. It is convenient for a start and many people don’t want to meet people in clubs and bars, especially the more mature dating client. Sitting in front of a computer with a glass of wine and being extremely picky about who to choose appeals far more to me that a noisy bar.

When ever there are people there are always a few bad apples, don’t let them spoil your day or stop you taking part but be aware that there are some things to bear in mind when dating online.

1) The first thing that you have todo is setup an account on your senior dating site. Usually this is quite straightforward and you just need to enter a few details about yourself. One thing that I strongly recommend is a secure password, don’t use just a word, a hacker will crack that in a fraction of a second. Instead take a word, capitalize the first and last letter, then insert a number in the middle. e.g. Sen913ioR This will be relatively secure but at the same time easy for you to remember.

2) Occasionally free members try to get around making a payment on a web site by attempting to make direct connection with a person immediately via email. This means that you won’t possess the safety of the web site, they provide good protection with customer support personnel to assist you and all your personal details will be properly concealed.

3) Be wary of people who are reluctant to answer questions, don’t expect the story of their life straight away but they should be willing to answer your questions if they are not overly personal.

4) Do not at any time lend someone you found on the internet cash or reveal monetary information except if it is a reputable business. There are a few con artists around that will attempt to part you from your money. Good websites will have a fraud department.

5) Make sure that any meeting takes place in a public environment where there are lots of people around.

6) Let someone know that you are meeting this person, where you are going and how to contact you. This is especially important for ladies but should still apply to the men as well.

7) You can also arrange to telephone a friend at a particular time to let them know all is well.

8) Make sure that you get a recent photo, some sites have a date that the photo was taken on their website so this is done for you. Otherwise make sure that you get an up to date photo yourself.

9) Use your own gut feelings, your instinct is very powerful guide and you should listen to it.

10) I have tried here to make sure that you have some common sense drilled into you to make dating safer for you but please don’t be put off at all. The bad apples are few and far between, most people in most places are decent and you should not go into anything in a fearful manner.

I would point out however that the free dating sites are much easier for scammers to operate in. My advice would be to stick to the paid sites as they have the resources to filter out the bad people.

Now get out there and find the love of your life.

If you would like to find out more about senior dating, then visit Sam’s site on how to choose the best mature dating site for your needs.



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Is Your Relationship Suffering From Emotional Infidelity?

Emotional infidelity occurs when you or your partner become emotionally connected with someone outside your relationship, either in person or on the Internet.

How dangerous to a marriage or committed relationship is emotional infidelity?

One way of looking at emotional infidelity is that it is very dangerous, because it not only takes away time and energy from the marriage, but it can lead to sexual infidelity and possibly to the end of marriage.

Another way of looking at it is that it is a symptom of problems that already exist within a marriage. My experience with the couples that I work with is that, when the primary relationship is not emotionally and physically intimate, each person may be vulnerable to a form infidelity – either emotional and/or physical. Rather than blaming the affair for the problems, why not address the real problem?

Emotional affairs are compelling because it is so easy to be close with someone with whom you have no shared responsibility – no money issues, no children, no chores. It is easy to share your deepest feelings with someone with whom you have no conflict. It is easy to get the good feelings that you get when someone who doesn’t live with you and doesn’t see all your issues thinks you are wonderful. But it is a cop-out – an easy way out of dealing with the real issues at hand. And if this affair does lead to a break up of your marriage and into a new permanent relationship, the chances are you will end up with the same problems! So why waste your time? Why not deal with the problems now?

The primary problem that leads to emotional infidelity is emotional distance between partners. While emotional infidelity is a symptom of emotional distance within the primary relationship, the emotional distance is also a symptom of the deeper issues within the relationship. These deeper issues might be:

* One or both partners trying to have control through anger, blame, and criticism – which are overt forms of control.

* One or both partners trying to have control through care-taking, i.e. giving themselves up and taking responsibility for the other person’s feelings – which is a covert form of control.

* One of both partners withdrawing and resisting being controlled by the other partner.

* Neither partner taking emotional responsibility for his or her own feelings of pain and joy. Each partner abandoning themselves – with self-judgment and ignoring their feelings through addictions, and/or making the other responsible for their feelings.

* Power struggles that result from the control and resistance dynamic and an inability to resolve conflict.

The relationship system that develops, when neither partner takes responsibility for his or her own feelings, and when each partner tries to have control in overt or covert ways, grinds down the love until each person feels disconnected from their partner and lonely in the relationship. This is when they are susceptible to emotional infidelity.

However, these patterns do not disappear just because you move into another relationship. You take your overt and covert forms of control with you into any relationship, as well as your underlying fears of rejection and fears of engulfment that underlie these forms of control. These patterns don’t generally show up early in a relationship or in an emotional or physical affair, but that doesn’t mean they are gone. If your new relationship were to become your committed primary relationship, these patterns would again surface.

Why waste what might turn out to be a wonderful relationship by not dealing with your fears, controlling patterns, and self-abandonment now, in your current relationship? Instead of addictively looking to someone else to fill up your emptiness and take away your aloneness and loneliness, why not learn to do this for yourself so that you can break your dysfunctional patterns and become the loving human being that you are capable of being? Imagine the wonderful relationship you and your partner might have if both of you were to learn how to take responsibility for your own feelings and your own ability to love!

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including “Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?” and “Healing Your Aloneness.” She is the co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® healing process. Learn Inner Bonding now! Visit her web site for a FREE Inner Bonding course: or email her at Phone sessions available.


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Friday, July 21, 2017

Helpful Guides In Dating For Rich Singles

Having a successful career can leads you in the way of having a lot of opportunities to have a high caliber dating you merit.

However, being rich doesn’t come with spare time, unless you managed to win the lottery. a huge portion of your time is dedicated to work and running a successful career. Fortunately, there are guides for the wealthy and gorgeous singles to match up at last. There are a lot of sites online that will help you meet a loaded men or girls swiftly. A large percentage of these sites are free to join and have Bibs for you to meet your required dating partner. You can start by filling out a profile for others to see. This lets you tell about your self and show what you are made from. Once you have filled out the net profile, you may upload footage to show off. The more photos you place, the more variety you can show your potential dating partner to have a look at.

When you have updated your profile and photos, you’ll have access to all the features the site has to give. From there, it’s time to begin casual dating. You can search other people’s profiles, add favorites, and most significantly make contact threw e-mail. Casual dating doesn’t start by itself. You have got to be ready to chat with rich ladies and men confidently to have any sort of success.

It can be tough to interpret a top-notch dating web site from yet another bust. There are that many to make a choice from, but there are sites that have everything you might desire. When searching for rich dating, you would like to find a site which has wealth and beauty. The accommodation of these 2 facets will steer you to the time of your life. Finding an internet site that focuses particularly on what you’re searching for will help you to avoid frittering away time. It’s a waste of your time to chat to somebody that’s looking for something different than what you need. But having other millionaires and made men, horny and stunning girls on the same site can offer you lots of opportunity to find the qualities in a partner that you have been looking for.

Not every person you speak with will be a connection, but taking a look at web dating sites can accelerate the method of rich dating. You can cut down your selection and eventually speak to the individuals that have the qualities you need in your life… And with the assistance of the most highly rated internet dating sites, in a short quantity of time you may meet the lady or the person of your dreams.

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Heres An Exhaustive Guide To Sex Toys For Every Man andamp Woman Out There

Since we have promised you an ultimate guide that is what you will get today. An ultimate guide (not necessarily detailed for each product), for your ultimate pleasure. Definitely don’t miss the suggestions at the end designed based on your specific needs. 

Sadly, sex toys are still not considered a part of sophisticated conversation, which also restricts the knowledge we have of the available products and companies which produce them. Most of the sales of adult toys happen online in India even though there is a surprising number of offline stores (though they can’t legally sell sex toys in India) with a decent collection of the same in cities like Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Lucknow, Bangalore, et cetera.


Although in the international markets, toys for women are equally popular, if not more than men, but in India, it isn’t as big a deal. The reason being, demand equals production. But, we’ve got the best products right here:

Here's An Exhaustive Guide To Sex Toys For Every Man & Woman Out There© Thinkstock/Getty Images

Vibrators: Dildo, Luxury vibrators and egg vibrators ( strongly suggested *wink*).

Anal toys: These usually include vibrators or beads.

Ben Wa Balls: For strengthening your Kegel muscles ( also called, love muscles).

Others: Pumps, Strap-ons (for Lesbian or Bi experiences)


The most popular ones are strokers which are a tunnel-shaped, skin-textured toy that slides over your erect penis to perfectly simulate the feeling of intercourse. You might also know them by their other name i.e. Fleshlights which is also the brand that produces them.

Here's An Exhaustive Guide To Sex Toys For Every Man & Woman Out There© Amazon

C-rings (or cock-rings) are stretchy bands that attach to the base of the penis. It is not for a solo act. It heightens your sensation and prolongs an erection.

Here's An Exhaustive Guide To Sex Toys For Every Man & Woman Out There© Wikimedia commons

Penis pumps are vacuum suction devices which pull more blood into the vessels for a harder, possibly larger-than-normal erection and temporarily enhanced penis.

Here's An Exhaustive Guide To Sex Toys For Every Man & Woman Out There© Thinkstock/Getty Images

Sex dolls or sex doll faces or mouths or half a body. Various options are available.

Here's An Exhaustive Guide To Sex Toys For Every Man & Woman Out There© Thinkstock/Getty Images

Condom sleeves can be used to enlarge the size of the penis, for the pleasure of your partner.

Also, butt plugs if you wish to try something new. 

Here's An Exhaustive Guide To Sex Toys For Every Man & Woman Out There© Thinkstock/Getty Images

What do you need to know about these sites?

Most of them offer discretion in their billing services as well as delivery, which removes the embarrassment of buying the products.

Which Sites do you trust?

Adult Sex Toy India is one of the most trustworthy and first sites in India. While Onbedroom and imbesharam (whose brand ambassador is Sunny Leone) are the closest runner ups.

Which toy to start with?

Here's An Exhaustive Guide To Sex Toys For Every Man & Woman Out There© Thinkstock/Getty Images

You won’t know what works for you unless you have tried it, but the safest bets are Vibrators (please pay close attention to the sizes, maybe start with a bullet vibrator) for women and fleshlights for men or cock-rings (cheaper option).

Tip: TENGA products are the cheapest and a great first buy. Also available on Amazon India.

Which material should you look at?

Glass: Changes temperature pretty quickly. Won’t shatter when dropped. Gives the feel of metal toys.

Jelly Rubber: Cheapest. If can contain the harmful chemical, phthalates. It has been replaced by Skin-safe rubber.

Latex: For the real kinks and requires a considerable amount of maintenance.

Metal: It is non-porous, waterproof, skin-safe, compatible with all lubricants and extra durable.

Plastic: Velvety touch with metal firmness.

Realistic Feel: Has the texture of human flesh.

Silicone: Most popular material for sex products.

How to buy your first product?

There are certain specifications which need to be considered. Like, for men, these 3 specifications are most acute.

How it measures up: Not the overall length but the insertable length. Also, check the girth of the toy.  

How it feels: Always check the material you desire and keep the place of action in mind. If you prefer bathroom then make sure that your product allows water play.

Power and speed: Check the charging mode and the types of batteries. We would suggest you buy a product with multiple vibration modes.

P.S.: We discovered the most interesting product during research, it is this artificial hymen. Did we say interesting? We meant creepy.

Let’s make our Kamasutra obsessed ancestors proud and explore our sexuality with extreme but SAFE methods. And yes, PLEASE CLEAN THESE PRODUCTS REGULARLY.

Article from: RELATIONSHIPS, by Shulanda Singh

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