We all have an inbuilt desire to be loved and to love. It is natural to crave the comfort of someone else, it is how mother nature intended it to be. These days there are many more ways to meet people than in the past and probably the most important is online dating, even senior dating sites are cropping up everywhere to fill this need.
The dating business is a big deal and for obvious reasons. It is convenient for a start and many people don’t want to meet people in clubs and bars, especially the more mature dating client. Sitting in front of a computer with a glass of wine and being extremely picky about who to choose appeals far more to me that a noisy bar.
When ever there are people there are always a few bad apples, don’t let them spoil your day or stop you taking part but be aware that there are some things to bear in mind when dating online.
1) The first thing that you have todo is setup an account on your senior dating site. Usually this is quite straightforward and you just need to enter a few details about yourself. One thing that I strongly recommend is a secure password, don’t use just a word, a hacker will crack that in a fraction of a second. Instead take a word, capitalize the first and last letter, then insert a number in the middle. e.g. Sen913ioR This will be relatively secure but at the same time easy for you to remember.
2) Occasionally free members try to get around making a payment on a web site by attempting to make direct connection with a person immediately via email. This means that you won’t possess the safety of the web site, they provide good protection with customer support personnel to assist you and all your personal details will be properly concealed.
3) Be wary of people who are reluctant to answer questions, don’t expect the story of their life straight away but they should be willing to answer your questions if they are not overly personal.
4) Do not at any time lend someone you found on the internet cash or reveal monetary information except if it is a reputable business. There are a few con artists around that will attempt to part you from your money. Good websites will have a fraud department.
5) Make sure that any meeting takes place in a public environment where there are lots of people around.
6) Let someone know that you are meeting this person, where you are going and how to contact you. This is especially important for ladies but should still apply to the men as well.
7) You can also arrange to telephone a friend at a particular time to let them know all is well.
8) Make sure that you get a recent photo, some sites have a date that the photo was taken on their website so this is done for you. Otherwise make sure that you get an up to date photo yourself.
9) Use your own gut feelings, your instinct is very powerful guide and you should listen to it.
10) I have tried here to make sure that you have some common sense drilled into you to make dating safer for you but please don’t be put off at all. The bad apples are few and far between, most people in most places are decent and you should not go into anything in a fearful manner.
I would point out however that the free dating sites are much easier for scammers to operate in. My advice would be to stick to the paid sites as they have the resources to filter out the bad people.
Now get out there and find the love of your life.
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