Saturday, July 1, 2017

Be The Change: Time Use

Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’ Into the future. ~ Steve Miller Band – Fly Like An Eagle 

I know I talk about time use all the time here. The reason for this is everywhere we go we see marriage problems caused by issues of time use. Bad time use choices can destroy a marriage, while poor time use choices will ensure it never grows and becomes the wonderful relationship is could and should be.  I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the divorce rate skyrocketed at the same time our society become chronically busy.

If you want a great marriage good marriage half-way decent marriage, you must make counter-cultural choices about time. Get this right and you’re well on your way. Get this wrong and nothing else you do will really matter in the long run.

I’m mentioning this as one of my 12 “You can be the change” posts this year because it has to start with someone. Plenty of couples talk about time use but few make real changes. Don’t talk about it and don’t wait for your wife to be on board; JUST DO IT! Make some wise unilateral decisions and change how you use your time. If your wife doesn’t follow your example in a few months, start making some noise about it.

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Article from: The Generous Husband, by The Generous Husband

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