Friday, July 14, 2017

Avoid Hot Button Words

Last month I explained why the words “panties” and “moist” might be good words to avoid with your wife. For many women, these are hot button words that make them feel uneasy or grossed out.

Avoid Hot Button Words

We all have hot button words and phrases. Some of these are hot buttons for most people or most individuals of one gender or age group. Other hot buttons are more individual. Your wife no doubt has at least a few hot button words or phrases, and I bet you know most of them. 

Diligently working to not speak her hot buttons is both wise and loving. Making no effort to avoid her hot buttons is unwise and unloving. Intentionally using her hot buttons to hurt or anger her is mean or worse. Poking her with a hot button may make you feel good or get her to walk away from an argument, but it’s doing those things at the cost of your marriage.

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