Sunday, August 26, 2018

6 Life Lessons That Can Be Learnt From Your Sister To Be A Better Man

You may fight, wreak havoc or bicker over the most useless things but if you have a sister, younger or older, there’s a lot you can learn from her. Besides the fact that she’s your kin and you share the same blood, she’s also someone who will constantly challenge and love you at the same time and help you grow as an individual. So, this Raakhi maybe reflect upon what all you’ve learnt from having a woman or a girl in your life as a constant and thank her for everything that you can, including the name-calling and the ass-kicking you may have indulged in, with each other.

Life Lessons That Can Be Learnt From Your Sister To Be A Better Man

Here are a few things only a sister can teach her brother, to make him a better man! How To Share

Ever heard the phrase ‘sharing is caring’? Well, it’s truly applicable if you have a sister for a sibling because what I am about to say next is the least bit sexist. Girls are inherently more compromising when it comes to sharing something. So be it the toys you both have custody over or space, she will teach you how to share and you will carry that lesson with you for life! I mean, you will be sharing a lot more with someone in the future, so it’s best to learn how to share from your sister!

Life Lessons That Can Be Learnt From Your Sister To Be A Better Man

How To Get Over A Breakup

Again, having a sister by your side while going through a heart break is an added bonus. Chances are she’s already gone through a heartbreak so there is no one better to empathise and be there for you than your own sister. Girls are also in tune with emotions, so if you can’t express your emotions elsewhere, you can definitely express them to your sister, who’ll probably make fun of you for crying later but for that moment, she’ll be there for you.

Life Lessons That Can Be Learnt From Your Sister To Be A Better Man

How To Deal With Not Getting What You Want, Always

Your sister could be your parents’ favourite or your dad’s favourite and she probably gets something more than you do, including their love. And that’s okay! Your parents love you equally I am sure but that’s what it teaches you that you can’t always have what you want and that’s life for you and also one of the most important lesson while growing up with a sister.

Life Lessons That Can Be Learnt From Your Sister To Be A Better Man

How To Handle ‘Women Problems’

Well, I learnt they aren’t really problems but a part and parcel of life. Living with a sister, you’ll get accustomed to living with PMS (which is a real thing and I learnt it the hard way), period cramps, puberty, hormonal changes women go through and times you really shouldn’t mess with her! It helped me understand women to a great deal and I’m glad that I asked her all the right questions!

Life Lessons That Can Be Learnt From Your Sister To Be A Better Man

How To Flirt With Someone

If you’ve ever crushed on someone while you were kids, I am sure you went and told your sister about it. Like the cute neighbour you couldn’t take your eyes off. Your sister would be the best person to relay that information to her because she would always help you in a 101 of flirting with girls or asking them out! If you’re confident in asking girls out today, it’s only because you have a sister!

Life Lessons That Can Be Learnt From Your Sister To Be A Better Man

How To Show Unconditional Love

Unconditional love is something you can’t learn but experience and if you’ve had a sister, younger or older, she’ll always show you unconditional love and protect you no matter what. In fact, showing love to people in your life, especially unconditional love, becomes easier because your sister has shown you that kind of love, always.

Life Lessons That Can Be Learnt From Your Sister To Be A Better Man

So, if you have a sister and have never thanked her enough for teaching you these importa nt and valid life lessons, it’s time to go meet her or call her and thank her in abundance!

MensXP Exclusive: KL Rahul

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10 Wingman Secrets Guys Won’t Tell You

They say that “those who can’t do, teach” and while it normally applies to teachers… the same can be said of wingmen and wingwomen. Those who can’t or won’t try to get laid can still go out there and help their friends achieve those goals.

1. He doesn’t necessarily call himself a “wingman.” Oftentimes, wingmanning happens organically. While it’s possible a group of guys huddle up at a bar and formulate some kind of strategy (or, more likely, someone swears a very serious oath that they’re going to help their friend out), oftentimes a wingman is just a guy who senses that his friend is into someone he just met and does his best not to get in the way.

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2. Wingmanning isn’t just about sex. He can wingman in the hopes he’ll help his friend get your number, or a date, or even a job in some cases. Wingmanning is just about being an active support system in a social setting and putting his friend’s needs above his own.

3. The wingman’s job is to be human potpourri. When you enter a house, potpourri is there to make things smell pleasant, but not too good. It’s supposed to fade into the background. It can’t be too conspicuous. If you see potpourri out, the illusion is gone. It’s like, “Yo, I thought only old people had potpourri in their house. Does your house smell weird? Is that why you need this?” Similarly, a good wingman shouldn’t be detected. He’s just there to give his friend a little push, but if he’s too obvious or overpowering, the whole thing falls apart. That’s not to say that if a guy has or needs a wingman, it’s because he smells weird (although that’s entirely possible).

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4. He needs to be complimentary, but keep his friend humble. On the one hand, a wingman needs to boost his friend up. But his job isn’t to be a hype man. It’s his job to help break the ice and bring out the best in his bud. He’s also got to keep his friend in check and step in if he says something douchey or gets ahead of himself. A well-timed joke to cut him down a peg, or a good-natured “embarrassing” story are important tools in a wingman’s repertoire. It keeps his friend down to earth and can even be pretty endearing.

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5. It’s also his job to take a hint. If you’re sending out signs that you’re just not interested, it’s also a wingman’s role to make sure that message sinks in for his friend.

6. Being a wingman doesn’t mean he’s taken. The obvious choice for a wingman is someone out of the game. They’re often married or in a committed relationship, but not always.

7. Anyone can wingman. It’s definitely not just a guy thing, by any means. You’ve probably wing(wo)manned yourself, or had friends wingman for you. Hell, even a dog can be a wingman under the right circumstances.

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8. Wingmen have to be able to make a quick exit. It’s not like he can follow the both of you around all night. Eventually, he’d just become a third wheel. A good wingman bows out during the night with a quick and reassuring, “No, you go on ahead.”

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9. Introducing two people is not the same as wingmanning. Wingmanning requires concentrated effort. Putting two people and running away makes you a successful matchmaker, but it doesn’t make you a wingman.

10. Wingmen aren’t necessarily making a noble sacrifice. Wingmanning doesn’t mean said wingman is giving up his night all for the sake of his bro (or bros… wingmen can wing for multiple people). He can still mill about at the party or club and meet new people. It doesn’t always mean you’re playing the supporting role of the buddy in a rom-com.

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Saturday, August 25, 2018

These ‘Billy Madison’ Blue Duck Memes Of Trump Coloring The American Flag Are Spot On

ICYMI, the internet is having a field day over photos of President Donald Trump apparently coloring an American flag completely wrong. You know, because the POTUS should probably know that the stripes on the flag are red and white — and not blue. Now, the Twitterverse, as it’s apt to do, has made the moment into a meme that’s just too spot on. Honestly, these Billy Madison blue duck memes of Trump coloring the American flag are everything you didn’t know you needed. Elite Daily reached out to the White House for comment on the photo but did not hear back at the time of publication.

It all started on Friday, Aug. 24 when President Trump and Melania Trump headed to Columbus, Ohio to visit the Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Part of that trip included talking with kids and coloring pictures of American flags, all of which was recorded by cameras. What could have been a pretty patriotic photo-op soon turned into a viral internet sensation when an eagle-eyed Twitter user named Talia (@2020fight) noticed that there was something amiss with the president’s rendition of the stars and stripes.

On closer examination, it was seemingly confirmed that: yes, the president of the United States had apparently colored in one of the flag’s stripes blue — instead of, you know, red or white. Elite Daily reached out to the White House for further comment on the President Trump’s flag photo but did not hear back at the time of publication. People were shook by Trump’s blue flag.

Twitter users couldn’t help comparing the blunder with a now-iconic scene from 1995 film Billy Madison. In one scene, Billy Madison holds up his drawing of a blue duck and explains to his his first grade teacher, “I drew the duck blue because I’ve never seen a blue duck before, and to be honest with you, I wanted to see a blue duck.” Unsurprisingly, an new internet meme was born.

Actor Chris Evans made the connection, and it seems as though people realized that the comparison is too perfect, or rather, too “quacktastic.”

Here’s the original scene for reference.

Mark Yount on YouTube

Is that spot on, or what?

Several Twitter users also noticed that President Trump appeared to be looking over at the other children’s flag drawings as if he needed help.

While POTUS and FLOTUS were at the hospital to learn more about the opioid crisis in the United States along with what communities are doing about it, much of that was unfortunately overshadowed by the question of whether the president — who is known for his comments on patriotism, mind you — knows that the 13 stripes on the flag are in fact red and white.

The White House has yet to respond to the hoopla surrounding the photographs, but this is pretty hard to explain away. Does Trump not know that the flag’s stripes are red and white? Or is he pulling a Billy Madison and just wanted to see what they looked like blue?

We may never know, but the internet is a wonderful thing, y’all.

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Thursday, August 23, 2018

I’ve felt like dirt since sleeping with my mom’s friend

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A male Canada age 18-21, anonymous writes: My mom has known “Kat” since they were children. She considers Kat to be her best friend, and this woman was even listed as my godmother in mom’s will. Recently Kat came to visit us after being gone from our lives for a couple years. While Kat and I were alone she made several comments about how I’d grown since she last saw me. She asked about me having sex at college, and joked about my father being quite the stud in his day. This led to her questioning if I was as hung as my father. I let her squeeze me through my jeans. One thing led to another, and somehow I ended up in bed with her. Since sleeping with this woman I’ve felt like dirt. I feel like I’ve betrayed my mother somehow. I also feel like a freak for having sex with a woman who practically helped raise me. My mom knows something’s wrong because I can’t talk to her. It’s bothering me a lot. Should I just confess the truth to mom, or suffer with my mistake quietly to protect mom’s friendship?

View related questions: best friend

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A male reader, Code Warrior United States + ♥, writes (23 August 2018):

Code Warrior agony auntWhat a sleazy thing for the two of you to do.What should you do? Tell Kat that you feel like shit about it. Then decide between the two of you whether it’s worth destroying your mom’s trust. If Kat doesn’t treat it seriously, then she doesn’t value your mom’s friendship, so you tell your mom. If she’s really concerned about telling your mom, then decide between you whether you want to and how to go about it. If you both choose to tell your mom, expect it to blow up in your faces. Regardless of what path you choose, whatever suffering the two of you feel along the way is well deserved and I have ZERO sympathy for either of you.

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‘The Big Bang Theory’ Is Ending After Season 12, So It’s The End Of An Era

The Big Bang Theory has been going strong for over a decade now. It’s been the foundation of an entire fandom whose culture revolves around comedy, science, and goodhearted fun. But even with the show’s legions of fans, The Big Bang Theory simply couldn’t go on forever. And it’s looking like the show will come to a close in 2019. That’s right; The Big Bang Theory is ending and everyone’s super bummed out about it.

Warner Bros. Television, CBS, and Chuck Lorre Productions released a joint statement that read:

We are forever grateful to our fans for their support of The Big Bang Theory during the past 12 seasons. We, along with the cast, writers and crew, are extremely appreciative of the show’s success and aim to deliver a final season, and series finale, that will bring The Big Bang Theory to an epic creative close.

According to Entertainment Weekly, The Big Bang Theory is the longest-running multi-camera series in TV history. So, this is definitely the end of an era.

The first episode of the 12th season is scheduled to air on Monday, Sept. 24. It’ll move to its regular time slot on Thursday, Sept. 27. The show will come to a close in May 2019.

Soon after the news was announced, Kaley Cuoco posted an emotional message on Instagram to thank all who dedicated their time to the show.

This ride has been a dream come true and as life changing as it gets. No matter when it was going to end , my heart would have always been broken in two. Drowning in tears, we promise to bring you the best season yet. To the fans, our crew, families, Chuck Lorre, Warner Brothers , CBS, and everyone who has supported us for so many years, thank you. We are goin out with a bang 💫

The rest of the cast — Jim Parsons, Melissa, Rauch, Mayim Bialik, and Johnny Galecki — have all remained mum on the cancellation so far. I doubt it’ll stay that way for long; they’re bound to make a statement at one point or another.

For now, though, fans can find comfort in their other social media posts about the show. Such as this one from Bialik that shows pretty much the entire cast having a blast on set:

And this one of her and Parsons filming for the show outside:

Fans have also used social media to express how they’re feeling about The Big Bang Theory coming to an end. Here’s what they’re saying at the moment:

So, it goes without saying that The Big Bang Theory will most definitely be missed. The show has clearly hit a nerve among fans and it’s left an indelible mark on television history.

For now, I suppose, fans can at least revel in the fact that their favorite show is historic and has its own spin-off, Young Shelton. Not many shows accomplish what The Big Bang Theory did, so you could say it’s going out with …a bang.

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16 Guys on Their Favorite Rom-Coms

Rom-coms are an under-appreciated genre. People obviously watch and love them, but they’re not exactly all over the ballot come award season. It’s also usually considered a genre marketed mostly towards women. But that sure as hell doesn’t mean that guys can’t have strong feelings on them. Because they do. They might not talk about it a lot, but they do.

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1. Forgetting Sarah Marshall

“It’s a really good breakup movie. It’s funny, it has a lot of heart, and I like that the lesson is that these two people needed to focus on fixing themselves first. They weren’t going to fix each other.” — Will, 28

2. Anything John Hughes

“My mom and I used to have movie nights when I was growing up, so I’m a sucker for anything John Hughes. We went through an 80s movie phase and all that stuff still makes me nostalgic.” — Alex, 27

3. Love, Actually

“I have no problem watching Love, Actually every Christmas. Even if I don’t really get why two people who don’t speak the same language would get married, it’s funny and the guy from The Walking Dead is in it.” — Scott, 28

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4. America’s Sweethearts

“Anything with John Cusack. [This] one with Christopher Walken where they’re making a movie but he debuts some crazy documentary instead, made me laugh a lot.” — Kyle,28

5. Titanic

“I wanted to say Titanic but apparently that doesn’t count as a ‘rom-com.’ [It’s] so good though because the first half of the movie is all romance and the second half is mostly action. ”— Seth, 28

6. “Say Anything”

It’s been a while since I’ve seen it, but it’s pretty great.” — Owen, 27

7. “The Wedding Singer”

“I know a lot of people hate this movie, but I have a soft spot for The Wedding Singer. The song he sings at the end makes me tear up every time.” — Nick, 27

8. Anything Nicholas Sparks

“I don’t own the movies or anything, but I’ll always watch them when my girlfriend tells me to. The nice thing is she thinks I don’t like them, so then I get to pick the next movie.” — Pete, 28

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9. “Hitch”

“It just ticks off the boxes for me. It’s goofy and light enough, but honestly I just think its that Will Smith can make anything watchable.” — Aaron*, 27

10. Anything Matthew McConaughey

“Remember when, like right before True Detective, Matthew McConaughey made a bunch of rom-coms? I saw all of them.” — Eric, 28

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11. Love, Actually

“I think what works for me about it is that it doubles as a Christmas movie. So you get a two-for-one when you need to watch something romantic around the holidays.” — Tom, 26

12. Jerry Maguire

Jerry Maguire. No question. It’s not just a good rom-com, it’s a good movie.” — Jake, 27

13. Just Friends

“I think [it’s] pretty underrated. It’s got a great cast, plus Anna Farris playing a crazy pop star. And it’s sort of cheesy but that’s part of the charm.” — Marc, 28

14. Serendipity

F*cking Serendipity! It’s so good. What a great premise. Plus, it taught me a whole new word.”— Kevin, 28

15. Sweet Home Alabama

“I think it’s one of the few movies where I thought maybe they won’t actually get together in the end.”—Max, 27

16. Notting Hill

“It’s a classic. Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant at the top of their rom-com game.”—Rob, 26

*Names have been changed

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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

WOW Airlines’ European Fall Flight Sale Is Perfect For An Affordable AF Vacay

It’s time to pack your bags and get going, because one airline is offering super cheap flights across the pond. Sure, it might be most ideal to travel to cities like London and Paris in the warm summer months when you can picnic outside the Eiffel Tower or sit rooftop on a bright red sightseeing tour bus. But air travel to Europe tends to be cheaper once autumn rolls around, and not to mention there aren’t as many tourists either. That’s why WOW Airlines’ European Fall flight sale is perfect for an affordable AF vacay.

There’s no time like the present to book your European adventure this fall, especially when you can fly for as low as $129 one-way on WOW Airlines. No, that’s not a typo. In September, you can fly from Newark-Liberty Airport to Amsterdam for as low as $159.99 one-way. If that’s too soon, October is still looking pretty good, too, with flights starting at $179.99 each way. Maybe Berlin and Brussels are on your must-see list? If so, you’re in luck because you can fly from Newark to the two European cities for as low as $159.99 in September and October.

If you don’t live in the New York City area, you can still snag a great deal during WOW Airlines’ European Fall flight sale. From Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, you can sneak off on a one-way flight to Barcelona or Dublin for $159.99 in September or $199.99 in October. If you live on the West Coast, you can get a one-way ticket from Los Angeles to Amsterdam for $179.99 in September and October.

For anyone living in the D.C. area, head off to Paris for fine wine, perfectly-aged cheeses, and a dreamy boat trip up the Seine River. One-way flights out of Baltimore-Washington International Airport to the City of Lights start at $179.99 in September and $199.99 in October. If you’ve never seen the Eiffel Tower sparkle against the night sky, I highly recommend it.

Iceland is still holding strong as a popular travel destination. If you’re hoping to catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights, you can book a one-way fare for $99.99 from D.C. to Reykjavik in September and October. Or, if you live in Los Angeles, you can fly to Reykjavik for $149.99 in September and $129.99 in October. That’s one of the lowest fares available during the WOW Airlines Fall flight sale.

Finally, for anyone living in Cleveland, there are handful of $129 flights to Paris, London, Frankfurt, Edinburgh, and other legit European cities. Travel is good during the months of September and October, but you’ll have to be flexible with your dates.

Honestly, what are you waiting for? Get yourself a quality rolling suitcase and book your European adventure ASAP. Oh, it probably wouldn’t hurt to dig up your passport and make sure it’s not expired. If it is, you’d better renew it immediately and maybe consider paying the rush fee to expedite the process.

WOW Airlines’ Fall flight sale includes travel from 14 United States cities to many other popular European destinations like London, Stockholm, Warsaw, and more. The latter half of the year tends to be pretty busy. It can be hard to schedule a time to take a trip with the endless holiday obligations. With super cheap flights like this, it’s time to clear your calendar and take that trip to Europe.

Book your flights now. Thank me later. Bon voyage!

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Should I become famous to get close to him?

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A female Japan age 22-25, anonymous writes:

I am interested in a celebrity

I only see him at events but i talk to.him on social media everyday.I met him at an.event and he knew who i was and some details about me, is it okay that im interested in him?I write him letters sometime too, is it possible to.let him not just interested in him as a celebrity?shoukd i just try becoming famous to get close to him? ??

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A male reader, N91 United Kingdom + ♥, writes (22 August 2018):

N91 agony auntAnd what would you plan on doing exactly to become famous?If you have spoken to him in person and you speak daily on social media and he’s never shown a romantic interest then I’d say it’s pretty clear that you’d be wasting your time trying to become famous with the primary goal of dating this guy. Many celebrities date people that aren’t famous and I think if he was interested in you romantically then he would have no problem asking you out even though your names not up in lights. I’d say he’s just being polite to his fans. Get the fascination out of your head, it’s not going anywhere.

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A male reader, WiseOwlE United States + ♥, writes (22 August 2018):

You’ve met him and he didn’t offer you any means of personal-contact. I don’t think he’s interested. You’re a fan, and maybe that’s as far as it goes.If your only interest in him is to idolize and adore him for being a celebrity; I think he has met enough women who’s only interest in him is for that reason. I’ve always judged whether people were interested in getting to know me by their requesting some means of contact when we’re together in-person. That’s the golden opportunity.Don’t you think all women tell him they’re not interested in him as a celebrity? I think he’d make some attempt to try to get to know you aside from your letters and messages. There must be dozens of women doing and thinking exactly what you are.Try to meet guys that don’t require as much trouble to get to know and date. You have so much competition from other fans trying to date a celebrity. Someone with very little time, and too many other women after him.

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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Your Sex Horoscope for the Weekend


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The intimate and emotional Scorpio Moon sets the tone for a passionate evening, Aries! On Saturday afternoon, it slides into Sagittarius, a bright and optimistic sign that puts you in a good mood all weekend. The outgoing feel of this Moon in addition to Mercury retrograde finally ending gives you what it takes to charm just about anyone.

You have all week to enjoy the romantic and fun vibes of Leo season, but on Thursday, the Sun moves into Virgo, a much more practical and hardworking sign. Virgo season doesn’t mean the end of your love life by any means, but for the next month, work will have to come before play.


Your relationships are the focus of tonight, Taurus. The Scorpio Moon is sensitive and sexual, especially when you’re with your partner. As a matter of fact, for the rest of the weekend, the Sagittarius Moon is in the most intimate sector of your chart, making this the perfect time for amazing sex and closeness with someone else. If you’ve been having issues at home, Mercury retrograde has been exacerbating them, but this week it finally leaves its retrograde cycle! Mercury moving forward in Leo makes it easier to talk out any issues with those closest to you.

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At the end of the week, the Sun moves into Virgo, in the most romantic and easygoing sector of your chart. After an unsteady love life this summer, you can now enjoy the opportunities for flirtation and fun brought by Virgo season!


Tonight’s Scorpio Moon is in your chart’s work-and-responsibilities zone, Gemini, so you might be stuck at the office or be too busy to go out. Worry not, because on Saturday afternoon, the Sun moves into your sister sign, Sagittarius, and activates your chart’s relationship zone. The outgoing nature of the Sagittarius Moon puts you in a fantastic mood and brings you luck in your partnerships and hookups, especially with amorous Venus in the most romantic sign, Libra.

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This sensual mood is boosted even more when your ruling planet, Mercury, leaves its retrograde cycle and moves forward in social and fiery Leo this weekend! Enjoy the great sex, easy flirtation, and social vibes of this astrological atmosphere while you can, because when the Sun moves into Virgo on Thursday, the energy slows down and you find your life starts to center more around your home and your domestic life.


All summer long, the planets have been throwing challenge after challenge at all of your relationships, Cancer. But tonight’s Scorpio Moon in the most fun and romantic zone in your chart gives you a chance to go out and get lucky! Make the most of your Friday night, because the Sagittarius Moon on Saturday puts you in a more productive and work-oriented state of mind for the rest of the weekend. Sex and love are on hold until Tuesday, when the Capricorn Moon is in your chart’s relationships department.

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Mercury has been retrograde in Leo for some time, but it moves directly again on Saturday, resolving any communication issues. Leo is in your chart’s zone regarding pleasure and self-worth, so why not talk to your partner about what really turns you on? The Sun moves into Virgo at the end of the week, in your chart’s communication department, also making it a great time to find new ways to have fun in bed with your partner.


Tonight’s moody Scorpio Moon makes you want to stay in, Leo, but the warm Sagittarius Moon activates your chart’s zone for love, sex, and fun for the rest of the weekend. Spend Saturday night hooking up, and let the upbeat Sagittarius Moon’s energy help you go back for more and more until you’re all worn out.

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Mercury retrograde in your sign has been hindering your ability to communicate and feel heard, but it exits its retrograde cycle this weekend, allowing you to exercise your witty and flirtatious charm to its fullest! On Thursday, the Sun enters Virgo, marking an end to Leo season. But the party isn’t over, yet! Lovely Venus in its favorite sign, Libra, joins forces with chatty Mercury in your sign for the rest of the month to help you entice anyone who catches your eye.


Happy birthday, Virgo! Leo season is such a drag for you, especially with your ruling planet, Mercury, causing retrograde drama for the past few weeks. But tonight’s social and talkative Scorpio Moon helps you to get out and meet new people, and romantic Venus in Libra puts everyone in a more flirtatious mood, so take advantage of this energy!

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The rest of the weekend is slower, and you’ll be in the mood to stay at home with the Sagittarius Moon. If you’re partnered up, you can get cozy and close to your S.O. this weekend, but if you’re a part of the single crowd, indulge in some solo self-care. Mercury ends its retrograde motion on Saturday, instantly putting you in a better state of mind, and when the Sun moves into your sign on Thursday, it marks the beginning of Virgo season! Enjoy the next month of increased confidence and have fun in the spotlight!


You’re feeling sexy and indulgent with tonight’s Scorpio Moon, Libra, and with Venus still in your sign, you have no trouble finding someone to take home and having a very memorable hookup with (or just trying something new with your S.O., or by yourself). On Saturday, Mercury ends its retrograde cycle in dramatic, fiery Leo, while the Moon moves into outgoing and social Sagittarius. The warm energy from these planetary movements feels spectacular for your sign, so live it up this weekend! Whether it’s with your latest Tinder match or your long-term boo, your romantic and sexual interactions this weekend really look promising!

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Enjoy it while you can, because on Thursday, the Sun moves into Virgo, which could put a damper on the fun mood. In your chart, Virgo occupies the realm of isolation and your subconscious mind, which could create a lonely mood. Use Virgo season to get in touch with your innermost desires and fantasies, so that the next time you’re getting down and dirty, you can have even more fun.


You’re the most sexual and indulgent sign, Scorpio, so the Moon in Scorpio tonight can produce an especially hot n’ steamy mood. Emotionally, you’re feeling more clear-headed than usual and connecting with your partner happens super easily, inviting more intimacy and closeness between you two. On Saturday, the Moon moves into fiery Sagittarius, in your chart’s zone dedicated to sensations, self worth, and physical pleasure, which can inspire you to get off (either by yourself or with someone else) and incorporate all five senses while having fun.

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Mercury leaves its retrograde motion in Leo this weekend, so harnessing Leo’s bright, frisky, and charismatic energy to flirt with and charm anyone is way easier. Virgo season starts at the end of the week, bringing luck into your social life and helping you make all kinds of new connections this next month.


Tonight’s Scorpio Moon is an emotionally, watery bummer, but when the Moon enters your sign, Sagittarius, expect to feel bright and optimistic as per usual. A busy weekend for your love life is coming up, because Mercury ends its retrograde cycle in like-minded fire sign Leo, and Venus is still in social, flirty air sign Libra. This blend of air and fire energy works well in your sign, and encourages you to go out, socialize, try new things, and embrace budding relationships with people you’re not normally into! A night out this week could introduce you to a friend-soon-to-be-lover from a mutual friend, or a vacationing hottie could make a pit stop in your bedroom.

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The first day of Virgo season is on Thursday, marking a boost in your ambition and drive, especially in your career. Don’t just use all of this new energy at the office though! Take it to your next date night to leave a great impression with your paramour!


Tonight’s Scorpio Moon is social and active, so you can head out and easily find someone to take home tonight, Capricorn! The rest of the weekend holds a Sagittarius Moon, bringing low or lonely energy to your sign. Mercury has been retrograde in your chart’s sector of sex, intimacy, and in-depth relationships, so conversing with people in that area of your life has been haywire for a few weeks. The retrograde officially ends on Saturday, so expect more open channels of communication and a better exchange of thoughts with your partners and lovers!

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It’s a great time to try new things and express your wildest ideas, and when the Sun enters Virgo on Thursday, the most adventurous area of your chart is illuminated. If you can go against your rigid nature, this energy can help you incorporate spontaneity into your sex life and learn several new ways you can have fun with your partner.


It’s been a long summer so far, especially for your relationship life, Aquarius. So many obstacles have been thrown at you, but there appears to be some relief headed your way! Your sister sign, Leo, has been dealing with Mercury retrograde for a few weeks, but the cycle ends on Saturday and harmony is restored. This all happens in your chart’s relationships department, so smoothing over any problems is a breeze!

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There’s also an outgoing and lucky SagittariusMoon all weekend, so you have nothing to lose by asking for someone’s number at the bar or arranging a date with the next hottie that hits you up. On Thursday, things can get hot and heavy when the Sun moves into the sexiest and most intimate zone of your chart in Virgo. The first meetings and new connections you encounter this weekend could evolve into something more in-depth for the next month as Virgo season carries on.


Scorpio Moons are innately sexual and bring on the deep feels, but for you, Pisces, there’s a sense of adventure that accompanies all these emotions. Tonight, use that energy to try something new in bed or bring someone home who doesn’t normally pique your interest. For the rest of the weekend, the Sagittarius Moon is outgoing and fiery, and you find that your mood is just as upbeat and optimistic.

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Mercury ends its retrograde cycle in Leo this weekend, bringing a sense of mental clarity that seems to have been missing in your regular schedule and work life, and on Thursday, the Sun enters Virgo, activating the relationships sector of your chart. This, combined with planet of love, Venus, in the most intimate and sexual zone of your chart, provides a great atmosphere for creating or strengthening relationships in the bedroom. However, the astrological atmosphere is tilted towards commitment rather than superficial hookups, so if you catch feelings for last night’s fling, don’t be surprised!

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What should I do about this married, flirting floozy?

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A male United States age 51-59, anonymous writes:

I have a friend and shes always says she love me. Shes married to She once said I love you more then you know what is she trying to say to me. She flurts with me to. I dont know what to do.

View related questions: flirt, I love you

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A female reader, Youcannotbeserious United Kingdom + ♥, writes (19 August 2018):

Youcannotbeserious agony auntEasy. Unless you want trouble from a disgruntled husband, you laugh it off and ignore it. When she says “I love you”, laugh and say something like “Of course you do. ALL the ladies love me.” If you are in any doubt about how you should react, you should ask HER HUSBAND and see what HE thinks.

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A male reader, no nonsense Aidan United Kingdom + ♥, writes (19 August 2018):

Here’s what you do: do not flirt back and try not to be around her unless it’s necessary. Keep some distance, and if she goes too far tell her you’re not interested. Don’t say the L-word back. Perhaps she is flirty and open with her feelings by nature. Perhaps she is trying to find an escape from an unhappy marriage. Perhaps she’s just a tease. The point is that she isn’t available so if this is worrying you, it’s just not worth being around it.I wish you all the very best.

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A female reader, YouWish United States + ♥, writes (19 August 2018):

YouWish agony auntI’m with Aunty BimBim. Tell your wife that this married woman is harassing you, and that you’re not interested.If she doesn’t take the hint from your wife, then it’s time to stop being a nice guy. If she tries it again with you, tell her that you are not and will never be interested, and that if she doesn’t leave you alone, her husband will know what she’s up to.

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A female reader, Aunty BimBim Australia + ♥, writes (19 August 2018):

Aunty BimBim agony auntYour question doesn’t mention if you are wanting to stop her doing this or if you want to know what she means by saying these things or if you don’t know how to take her up on her offer, if that’s what it is.I think you should have a chat with your wife and ask her to help …. if you are wanting this woman to stop with the flirting your wife will be able to do a few things, like laugh in her face or give her the evil eye ….If you are wanting to know what’s meant by these declarations of love your wife, as another woman, will be able to interpret for you, or …if you are wanting to indulge in some hankypanky by telling your wife now she will be able to help you pack your stuff rather than wait for her to find out about your cheating AFTER it starts and it all gets very messy indeed.Please come back and let us know how it goes.

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Ivanka Trump Vs. Donald Trump Jr.’s Body Language Reveals They’re A Lot More Similar Than We Think

To be a part of the Trump family, confidence is key. As one of the most public, not to mention controversial, families in the world right now, everyone is expected to make speeches, attend meetings, and help host annual traditions. This has to be an intimidating feat at times, and Ivanka Trump versus Donald Trump Jr’s body language shows that the two siblings can handle whatever is thrown at them.

When comparing Ivanka and Don Jr. side by side, it’s easy to target differences. However, upon closer inspection, many will find that these two have a lot more similarities that we might have missed. From their work ethic to parenting style, it looks like this brother-sister duo might be much more of the same than we initially believed.

Elite Daily spoke with body language experts Blanca Cobb and Traci Brown, author of Persuasion Point: Body Language and Speech for Influence, to hear their thoughts on what these siblings’ body language says about them. The two oldest Trump siblings have a lot on their plate, and their body language can say so much about how they can handle the stress. According to the experts, these two Trump siblings have some major similarities — and one big difference. Check it out.

They’re Both Confident In Meetings

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Don Jr. and Ivanka may have different career roles at the moment, but their daily routine is still fairly similar. As high profile individuals, they have to put their best foot forward to spearhead meetings and get points across.

Ivanka is a bit more in the spotlight as one of Donald Trump’s senior advisers, so it makes sense why she’s openly engaging with her audience. Cobb notes that Ivanka’s upraised finger suggests she’s highlighting an important point, while Brown sees it as a power move. “We see Ivanka in a rare threatening moment with her finger pointed,” she says. Don Jr. on the other hand is sitting seriously, but still keeping strong eye contact with whoever he’s listening to, with an expression Brown calls “stone face.”

“When men do this it’s received that they’re angry at something outside of them,” she says.

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Clearly they’re both confident in these board room settings. Not only do they exhibit strong eye contact, but their facial expressions definitely mean business.

They Both Hold Their Own At The Podium

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In addition to board meetings, the Trump family definitely made it clear that they don’t shy away from the stage. Both Ivanka and Don Jr. were key throughout their father’s 2016 presidential campaign. In order to promote Trump’s presidential run, the two often made speeches and took the stage to address the crowd. According to Cobb, the two are similar in conveying points and using their space at the podium. She says,

Both brother and sister use their hands to express how they’re feeling and to emphasize what they’re saying.

She adds,

[For Don Jr.] talking with your palms up and spread wide in front of you signals that you’re feeling confident and you’re being open with your thoughts.

Cobb also notes Ivanka’s confidence standing behind the podium and in front of a wide-reaching audience. While Don Jr. uses his hands to convey emotions, it appears that Ivanka is engaging the crowd through eye contact and warm facial expressions.

By leaning forward and smiling, Ivanka gives the impression that she’s engaged to the audience. And with the placement of her hands, which are at either end of the podium indicates that she’s feeling confident.

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No fear of public speaking from these two, not that I’m surprised.

They Both Have Similar Family Values

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While the Trump family may have their schedules filled with work events, board meetings, and speaking engagements, it’s still nice to know that both Ivanka and Don Jr. take time out of their days to spend time with their children. The White House holds traditional events each year, from the Easter Egg Roll to the Thanksgiving Turkey Pardoning, and clearly both Ivanka and Don Jr. love spending these holidays with the kids.

“Donald Jr is very attentive to his daughter and enjoying the moment,” Cobb says, noting the way he leans down to be closer to her. “When you lower your body to get on your child’s physical level then you’re showing sensitivity. That you want to be a part of their world.”

Similarly, Ivanka is crouching next to her daughter to let her see the turkey. Both she and Don Jr. are exhibiting warm and sincere body language towards their children.

“Ivanka leans down and gets close to her daughter to share a sweet moment,” Cobb says.

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While these two older siblings may have different careers and are two very different people, their similar body language proves that family bonds still run strong.

They Have Very Different Dynamics With Their Father

There is one major difference between the Ivanka and Don Jr., and that’s their relationship with their father. There’s no doubt that Donald Trump is proud of both of his children, but according to Brown, Donald Trump seems to have a bit more affection for his daughter Ivanka.

As opposed to Don Jr., Trump is openly engaging with Ivanka and is touching her much more intimately.

“I think it’s very evident that they each have a very different relationship with their dad,” Brown says. “Donald Sr. is more disconnected with Don Jr. than he is with Ivanka. He’s shaking her hand with both of his, that’s how we know.”

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As ever, I guess, a family resemblance only goes so far — and when Don Sr. enters the picture, all bets are off.

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