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The intimate and emotional Scorpio Moon sets the tone for a passionate evening, Aries! On Saturday afternoon, it slides into Sagittarius, a bright and optimistic sign that puts you in a good mood all weekend. The outgoing feel of this Moon in addition to Mercury retrograde finally ending gives you what it takes to charm just about anyone.
You have all week to enjoy the romantic and fun vibes of Leo season, but on Thursday, the Sun moves into Virgo, a much more practical and hardworking sign. Virgo season doesn’t mean the end of your love life by any means, but for the next month, work will have to come before play.
Your relationships are the focus of tonight, Taurus. The Scorpio Moon is sensitive and sexual, especially when you’re with your partner. As a matter of fact, for the rest of the weekend, the Sagittarius Moon is in the most intimate sector of your chart, making this the perfect time for amazing sex and closeness with someone else. If you’ve been having issues at home, Mercury retrograde has been exacerbating them, but this week it finally leaves its retrograde cycle! Mercury moving forward in Leo makes it easier to talk out any issues with those closest to you.
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At the end of the week, the Sun moves into Virgo, in the most romantic and easygoing sector of your chart. After an unsteady love life this summer, you can now enjoy the opportunities for flirtation and fun brought by Virgo season!
Tonight’s Scorpio Moon is in your chart’s work-and-responsibilities zone, Gemini, so you might be stuck at the office or be too busy to go out. Worry not, because on Saturday afternoon, the Sun moves into your sister sign, Sagittarius, and activates your chart’s relationship zone. The outgoing nature of the Sagittarius Moon puts you in a fantastic mood and brings you luck in your partnerships and hookups, especially with amorous Venus in the most romantic sign, Libra.
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This sensual mood is boosted even more when your ruling planet, Mercury, leaves its retrograde cycle and moves forward in social and fiery Leo this weekend! Enjoy the great sex, easy flirtation, and social vibes of this astrological atmosphere while you can, because when the Sun moves into Virgo on Thursday, the energy slows down and you find your life starts to center more around your home and your domestic life.
All summer long, the planets have been throwing challenge after challenge at all of your relationships, Cancer. But tonight’s Scorpio Moon in the most fun and romantic zone in your chart gives you a chance to go out and get lucky! Make the most of your Friday night, because the Sagittarius Moon on Saturday puts you in a more productive and work-oriented state of mind for the rest of the weekend. Sex and love are on hold until Tuesday, when the Capricorn Moon is in your chart’s relationships department.
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Mercury has been retrograde in Leo for some time, but it moves directly again on Saturday, resolving any communication issues. Leo is in your chart’s zone regarding pleasure and self-worth, so why not talk to your partner about what really turns you on? The Sun moves into Virgo at the end of the week, in your chart’s communication department, also making it a great time to find new ways to have fun in bed with your partner.
Tonight’s moody Scorpio Moon makes you want to stay in, Leo, but the warm Sagittarius Moon activates your chart’s zone for love, sex, and fun for the rest of the weekend. Spend Saturday night hooking up, and let the upbeat Sagittarius Moon’s energy help you go back for more and more until you’re all worn out.
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Mercury retrograde in your sign has been hindering your ability to communicate and feel heard, but it exits its retrograde cycle this weekend, allowing you to exercise your witty and flirtatious charm to its fullest! On Thursday, the Sun enters Virgo, marking an end to Leo season. But the party isn’t over, yet! Lovely Venus in its favorite sign, Libra, joins forces with chatty Mercury in your sign for the rest of the month to help you entice anyone who catches your eye.
Happy birthday, Virgo! Leo season is such a drag for you, especially with your ruling planet, Mercury, causing retrograde drama for the past few weeks. But tonight’s social and talkative Scorpio Moon helps you to get out and meet new people, and romantic Venus in Libra puts everyone in a more flirtatious mood, so take advantage of this energy!
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The rest of the weekend is slower, and you’ll be in the mood to stay at home with the Sagittarius Moon. If you’re partnered up, you can get cozy and close to your S.O. this weekend, but if you’re a part of the single crowd, indulge in some solo self-care. Mercury ends its retrograde motion on Saturday, instantly putting you in a better state of mind, and when the Sun moves into your sign on Thursday, it marks the beginning of Virgo season! Enjoy the next month of increased confidence and have fun in the spotlight!
You’re feeling sexy and indulgent with tonight’s Scorpio Moon, Libra, and with Venus still in your sign, you have no trouble finding someone to take home and having a very memorable hookup with (or just trying something new with your S.O., or by yourself). On Saturday, Mercury ends its retrograde cycle in dramatic, fiery Leo, while the Moon moves into outgoing and social Sagittarius. The warm energy from these planetary movements feels spectacular for your sign, so live it up this weekend! Whether it’s with your latest Tinder match or your long-term boo, your romantic and sexual interactions this weekend really look promising!
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Enjoy it while you can, because on Thursday, the Sun moves into Virgo, which could put a damper on the fun mood. In your chart, Virgo occupies the realm of isolation and your subconscious mind, which could create a lonely mood. Use Virgo season to get in touch with your innermost desires and fantasies, so that the next time you’re getting down and dirty, you can have even more fun.
You’re the most sexual and indulgent sign, Scorpio, so the Moon in Scorpio tonight can produce an especially hot n’ steamy mood. Emotionally, you’re feeling more clear-headed than usual and connecting with your partner happens super easily, inviting more intimacy and closeness between you two. On Saturday, the Moon moves into fiery Sagittarius, in your chart’s zone dedicated to sensations, self worth, and physical pleasure, which can inspire you to get off (either by yourself or with someone else) and incorporate all five senses while having fun.
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Mercury leaves its retrograde motion in Leo this weekend, so harnessing Leo’s bright, frisky, and charismatic energy to flirt with and charm anyone is way easier. Virgo season starts at the end of the week, bringing luck into your social life and helping you make all kinds of new connections this next month.
Tonight’s Scorpio Moon is an emotionally, watery bummer, but when the Moon enters your sign, Sagittarius, expect to feel bright and optimistic as per usual. A busy weekend for your love life is coming up, because Mercury ends its retrograde cycle in like-minded fire sign Leo, and Venus is still in social, flirty air sign Libra. This blend of air and fire energy works well in your sign, and encourages you to go out, socialize, try new things, and embrace budding relationships with people you’re not normally into! A night out this week could introduce you to a friend-soon-to-be-lover from a mutual friend, or a vacationing hottie could make a pit stop in your bedroom.
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The first day of Virgo season is on Thursday, marking a boost in your ambition and drive, especially in your career. Don’t just use all of this new energy at the office though! Take it to your next date night to leave a great impression with your paramour!
Tonight’s Scorpio Moon is social and active, so you can head out and easily find someone to take home tonight, Capricorn! The rest of the weekend holds a Sagittarius Moon, bringing low or lonely energy to your sign. Mercury has been retrograde in your chart’s sector of sex, intimacy, and in-depth relationships, so conversing with people in that area of your life has been haywire for a few weeks. The retrograde officially ends on Saturday, so expect more open channels of communication and a better exchange of thoughts with your partners and lovers!
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It’s a great time to try new things and express your wildest ideas, and when the Sun enters Virgo on Thursday, the most adventurous area of your chart is illuminated. If you can go against your rigid nature, this energy can help you incorporate spontaneity into your sex life and learn several new ways you can have fun with your partner.
It’s been a long summer so far, especially for your relationship life, Aquarius. So many obstacles have been thrown at you, but there appears to be some relief headed your way! Your sister sign, Leo, has been dealing with Mercury retrograde for a few weeks, but the cycle ends on Saturday and harmony is restored. This all happens in your chart’s relationships department, so smoothing over any problems is a breeze!
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There’s also an outgoing and lucky SagittariusMoon all weekend, so you have nothing to lose by asking for someone’s number at the bar or arranging a date with the next hottie that hits you up. On Thursday, things can get hot and heavy when the Sun moves into the sexiest and most intimate zone of your chart in Virgo. The first meetings and new connections you encounter this weekend could evolve into something more in-depth for the next month as Virgo season carries on.
Scorpio Moons are innately sexual and bring on the deep feels, but for you, Pisces, there’s a sense of adventure that accompanies all these emotions. Tonight, use that energy to try something new in bed or bring someone home who doesn’t normally pique your interest. For the rest of the weekend, the Sagittarius Moon is outgoing and fiery, and you find that your mood is just as upbeat and optimistic.
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Mercury ends its retrograde cycle in Leo this weekend, bringing a sense of mental clarity that seems to have been missing in your regular schedule and work life, and on Thursday, the Sun enters Virgo, activating the relationships sector of your chart. This, combined with planet of love, Venus, in the most intimate and sexual zone of your chart, provides a great atmosphere for creating or strengthening relationships in the bedroom. However, the astrological atmosphere is tilted towards commitment rather than superficial hookups, so if you catch feelings for last night’s fling, don’t be surprised!
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