Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Should I become famous to get close to him?

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from Dating and Relationships Guides
A female Japan age 22-25, anonymous writes:

I am interested in a celebrity

I only see him at events but i talk to.him on social media everyday.I met him at an.event and he knew who i was and some details about me, is it okay that im interested in him?I write him letters sometime too, is it possible to.let him not just interested in him as a celebrity?shoukd i just try becoming famous to get close to him? ??

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A male reader, N91 United Kingdom + ♥, writes (22 August 2018):

N91 agony auntAnd what would you plan on doing exactly to become famous?If you have spoken to him in person and you speak daily on social media and he’s never shown a romantic interest then I’d say it’s pretty clear that you’d be wasting your time trying to become famous with the primary goal of dating this guy. Many celebrities date people that aren’t famous and I think if he was interested in you romantically then he would have no problem asking you out even though your names not up in lights. I’d say he’s just being polite to his fans. Get the fascination out of your head, it’s not going anywhere.

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A male reader, WiseOwlE United States + ♥, writes (22 August 2018):

You’ve met him and he didn’t offer you any means of personal-contact. I don’t think he’s interested. You’re a fan, and maybe that’s as far as it goes.If your only interest in him is to idolize and adore him for being a celebrity; I think he has met enough women who’s only interest in him is for that reason. I’ve always judged whether people were interested in getting to know me by their requesting some means of contact when we’re together in-person. That’s the golden opportunity.Don’t you think all women tell him they’re not interested in him as a celebrity? I think he’d make some attempt to try to get to know you aside from your letters and messages. There must be dozens of women doing and thinking exactly what you are.Try to meet guys that don’t require as much trouble to get to know and date. You have so much competition from other fans trying to date a celebrity. Someone with very little time, and too many other women after him.

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