Friday, August 10, 2018

Two guys and I’m confused about which one to pick

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A female United States age 22-25, *3chelciemarie writes:

Hi guys!

I am starting to date again after the end of my 6-year relationship that ended last year. This has never been a problem of mine before, but I am currently seeing two guys. Guy 1: 10 years older (35), is decently successful in his career, and on paper is doing everything someone would want a guy to do. Which is that he basically wants to see me a lot. Any free time he has, he is asking me to see him or do things with him. (Lunch, drinks, dates, etc.) It’s honestly a little fast for me, and I also feel like he’s coming on a bit too strong after we’ve only been involved for a couple weeks now. Guy 2: Same age as me, works in the same field, a musician on the side (like myself). I started seeing him about 6 months ago, but it was strictly a hookup relationship (which is what I wanted at the time since I was still getting over my breakup). We ended up kind of drifting apart back in May, but then he started reaching out to start getting drinks/going on dates, around the same time Guy#1 came into the picture. My dilemma is that, I don’t really feel interested in Guy#1, and really would like to pursue Guy#2.But I feel like this could potentially be a bad decision because I don’t want to end up getting screwed over by Guy#2 , since Guy#2 is technically the riskier choice. Seeing how our relationship started, and how near the end of it (in May) I realized I started to like him and felt it was only a hookup type of relationship. He hasn’t really given me CLEAR signs that he is more a “Hookup type/Player”, but there are slight signs there, which I don’t want to completely overlook.I also feel like maybe I am not completely interested in Guy#1 because Guy#2 came around the same time, and maybe I’m not giving Guy#1 a fair chance?I don’t know, I just don’t want to make a stupid decision like I did in the past with my EX, because I really feel like I’ve grown and learned a lot, and I don’t want to put myself in a bad situation with Guy#2, even though he hasn’t completely shown me anything that “Red Flag” yet.Any advice would be appreciated. Should I give Guy#1 more of a chance, even though, I don’t feel that compelled to date him much?

View related questions: my ex

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A male reader, N91 United Kingdom + ♥, writes (10 August 2018):

N91 agony auntIf you feel like you have to weigh up the pros and cons of who to choose to romantically pursue then the answer is neither.Relationships form naturally, they don’t come by ‘who’s the better option’.

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A female reader, mystiquek United States + ♥, writes (10 August 2018):

mystiquek agony auntI agree totally with wiseowl. You shouldn’t have to agonize over someone. You either feel something for them or you don’t. If you have to ask other people or make lists ect..then neither one is really right for you. Its just that simple

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A male reader, WiseOwlE United States + ♥, writes (10 August 2018):

Usually in these “I can’t choose” situations you don’t have a true emotional-connection to either one of them. Opt-out when you can’t choose; because odds will have it that either is a bad-choice. Indecision is often our common-sense and logic telling us we are choosing something for all the wrong reasons. We live in a materialistic, social media-driven society; and it has somewhat obscured how we think and live. Entitlement overrules the heart, and you want something for all the wrong reasons.Try something old-fashioned. If you don’t feel anything deep in your heart that draws you; you’re just thinking below the waist.Just a little old-fashioned wisdom. Take it or leave it.

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