Thursday, August 23, 2018

I’ve felt like dirt since sleeping with my mom’s friend

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A male Canada age 18-21, anonymous writes: My mom has known “Kat” since they were children. She considers Kat to be her best friend, and this woman was even listed as my godmother in mom’s will. Recently Kat came to visit us after being gone from our lives for a couple years. While Kat and I were alone she made several comments about how I’d grown since she last saw me. She asked about me having sex at college, and joked about my father being quite the stud in his day. This led to her questioning if I was as hung as my father. I let her squeeze me through my jeans. One thing led to another, and somehow I ended up in bed with her. Since sleeping with this woman I’ve felt like dirt. I feel like I’ve betrayed my mother somehow. I also feel like a freak for having sex with a woman who practically helped raise me. My mom knows something’s wrong because I can’t talk to her. It’s bothering me a lot. Should I just confess the truth to mom, or suffer with my mistake quietly to protect mom’s friendship?

View related questions: best friend

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A male reader, Code Warrior United States + ♥, writes (23 August 2018):

Code Warrior agony auntWhat a sleazy thing for the two of you to do.What should you do? Tell Kat that you feel like shit about it. Then decide between the two of you whether it’s worth destroying your mom’s trust. If Kat doesn’t treat it seriously, then she doesn’t value your mom’s friendship, so you tell your mom. If she’s really concerned about telling your mom, then decide between you whether you want to and how to go about it. If you both choose to tell your mom, expect it to blow up in your faces. Regardless of what path you choose, whatever suffering the two of you feel along the way is well deserved and I have ZERO sympathy for either of you.

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