Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Art of Right Timing in Communication

You’re in penguin adorned pajamas headed to bed, then your partner starts to talk about their day.

Gritty stuff, but you are already half asleep, thinking of the two paragraphs you will read before being out like a light.

Out of caring, you valiantly try to keep track of the conversation, but you are already 30 minutes past your melatonin spike and starting to drift.

Ideal time for a conversation? Not so much.

Picking the right time, and sometimes place, can be the difference between being heard and your words missing their mark.

Thinking we have communicated but did not, creates resentment and frustration.

This applies to, “Hey, do you mind grabbing some milk on the way home?” as well as to, “I could use some thoughts about how to care for my mom after her surgery.”

Many times a day we speak and believe that our message was delivered. It is unfair to assume that just because you said it, it was heard and integrated. This is especially true if you are trying to communicate during periods of chaos or activity.

We also listen and believe we will process and remember what was said to us, even as we attempt to answer a text and feed the dog at the same time.

If your attention is not there, be honest and ask if you can discuss that at another time, with a specific time determined e.g., “Please give me five minutes, and I can come back with my full attention.”

People are forgetful and deluged with information every day.

Based on how they interact with it, determines how much they remember.

Find the best method for remembering something. If you want me to drop your clothes at the cleaners, leave them by the front door as well as talk to me about it and double check to ensure I heard you.

George Bernard Shaw, recipient of the 1925 Nobel Prize for Literature, said, “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”

Optimizing for right timing considers some basic factors:

  • What kind of conversation is it?
  • What do you need from it?
  • How much time do you need?
  • When is the best time for both of you for it to take place?

Do you need your partner to deeply remember what you said, including any actions that result, or do you just want to talk and need active listening, empathy and kindness?

Considering mood, even if you have your partner’s full attention, is crucial. Starting a conversation about buying a new car, while you partner just found a banking error will likely not lead to a new car out of the family budget. Give it a few days and then revisit.

When you do find the right time, here are some tips for optimizing the moment.

It may feel silly at first so go ahead and laugh, that makes a connection too:

  • Make eye contact and hold it for at least 10 seconds.
  • Reaching out and touching your partner, even just a brush on the sleeve or your hand on their heart, creates a connection.
  • Engage with words. A simple “hi” works and “I’m glad we have a few minutes to talk,” works too.

Create routine and structure around making time to talk.

Perhaps you take 15 minutes every evening to go over the day and talk about the next one. Deeper issues can be tackled as well as determining who is picking up the kids from school. Identify how you will work to create the routine together and find ways to keep each other accountable. If you have conflicts, reschedule the time, but avoid skipping it. That too becomes a habit.

Some ideas:

  • Give the time a visual cue. Put a note on the fridge, a cheesy decal that makes you smile on the bathroom mirror or if tech is your thing, make it an event in your calendar so it shows up on your phone or computer.
  • Tell your children and other family members that the time is set aside for you and unless there is something critical, it will remain sacred.
  • Find a place in your home that is comfortable to sit and see each other undisturbed, even if you ban the other household members from the kitchen and you set up two camp chairs.
  • Bring a beverage or dessert to the conversation and make that part of your ritual.
  • Take an evening walk together.

Right timing at its heart is an exercise in empathy and understanding.

What do I need and what does my partner need?

Do they look tired?

Am I just piling on what is already a full pile?

How can we make room for us in the pile?

Creating a safe space build on trust is important and allows each of you to say not now when needed or I need more without threatening the confidence in the partnership.

Asking to have your big and small needs met is a great first step, but setting each other up for success in meeting those needs is the second.

SANDRA FISCHER is the creator of Relationship Reveal: 64 Cards for Discovery, Skill-Building, and Growth, a new card game that gets to the heart of what matters in happy, healthy relationships.

Sandra writes for businesses, creates fiction and consults in communications, people development and optimizing organizational effectiveness. With 25 years of experience working for companies including Microsoft, Amazon and AT&T, her experiences have been as unique and broad as managing the homepage for to developing an online marketing campaign for a literary novel launch.

Article from: Engaged Marriage, by Dustin

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5 Top Reasons Why People Are Turning To Relationship Advice Online

When your relationship is on the rocks, you may wonder if you can save it. You may wonder if there is anything you can do to bring back the love of your life to you. Sometimes, it takes more than just talking with each other to sort things out. Sometimes, it takes someone outside the relationship to bring you back together. If going out and seeking help doesn’t seem like the answer, this is when you need to find relationship advice online.

The Internet has so much information on it that it is of no surprise that you can find relationship advice online. There are many websites available that can lend you a hand and help in repairing your relationship or figuring out what certain things mean in a relationship.

5 Top Reasons People Use Relationship Advice Online

There are five primary reasons why people are turning the Internet to seek relationship advice online. Many of them are for social reasons, other reasons for convenience. Either way, no doubt the number of people seeking relationship advice online is climbing. So what are the reasons people are turning to the Internet for advice?

First, there’s a stigma that comes with seeking outside advice for relationship issues. For many people, it’s letting people know that you are having problems. When you see a therapist, you have to go inside their office to get counseled. People may be afraid that they’ll run into a person they know as they go in or out of the building their therapist is located in. With getting relationship advice online, there isn’t the social stigma associated with seeking professional help.

Second, relationship advice online is a way to keep problems in the relationship private. If both you and your significant other are private people, using an online relationship therapist keeps the problems within your household and the person or people behind the computer screen.

Third, there’s no need to get ready for your appointment. You can stay in your pajamas with your hair curled up and get the advice you need to work out your relationship problems.

Fourth, seeking relationship advice online can save you time. Not only do you not have to get ready for the appointment, you can also not worry with getting ready to leave the house. It saves you time and gas because you don’t have to deal with traffic.

Fifth, you don’t have to pay enormous fees to see a therapist. Instead, you may pay a low monthly fee or get free relationship advice online. When you go out to a therapist, you are likely to pay more than $ 50 per visit. In this failing economy, who has that kind of money to spend, even if it’s for a good cause?

How can you get relationship advice online? You can get relationship advice online by joining a live feed or chat room. When you do it this way, you are likely to pay a small fee but you get the advice you need from people who care. You can also obtain relationship advice online by signing up for weekly or daily e-mails from a website. You can also get multiple e-mails from different websites, which means you aren’t limited to one therapist if you choose not to be.

Are you thinking non-stop why you and your ex broke up? There is hope you could even win your ex back and recapture his or her heart, mind and soul? Find out how using this unconventional method works like magic and why thousands have benefitted when they visit


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Friday, April 28, 2017

The Top Dating Tips For An Amazing First Date

The top dating tips can be yours if you look for them. There are many resources available if you are interested in having a great dating life. You can try several things and should not commit to one dating style.

One of the top dating tips has to do with making a first date something to remember. First impressions make a difference, and you may not have a second chance at them. So when you go out on a first date, do take the issue seriously.

You have to watch the conversation and keep it interesting, yet general. You do not want to talk about anything too personal on a first date. You never, ever want to talk about past relationships on any date.

Sometimes your past should be your past. Doing this is a sign you are not over it yet and that is a big turn off to a woman.

Another top dating tip is to groom yourself, but not to go too far with it. Be casual, but be presentable, too. Know where you expect to go, and dress in a way that’s appropriate for that.

If you are doing something that involves a lot of physical movement, you will not want to be in a suit, or dress. Clean clothes that fit the date are plenty fine. Showing up in dirty clothes comes across that you do not care about the date you are going on.

utilize the top dating tips to make sure you have a first date to remember. Keep things low key, don’t get too serious too soon. Just plan ahead to have a good time and then go and do it. Keep your expectations low. That way perhaps you will have a chance at more dates with the same person.

A Free Special Report is available with a wealth of information for anyone would would like to learn more about Tips on Dating.

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Have You Ever Thought About Secretly Taking Off Your Condom During Sex?

According to a paper published in the Columbia Journal of Gender and Law, the non-consensual removal of a condom during sex, a.k.a. ‘Stealthing’, is gaining popularity amongst online groups, Reddit threads, and forums. According to a lot of women, this behavior can easily be categorized as “sexually abusive”, “rape-adjacent” and a “grave violation of dignity…” Reason being? The overwhelming fear of unwanted pregnancy, STDs, HIV, and AIDS, mixed with confusion, betrayal, and shame is strikingly similar to that of a victim dealing with sexual violence. That, and having the agency of choice being taken, forcibly, out of your hands. Since there’s such a raging debate about this across the interwebs, we asked 8 Indian men to weigh in on this now-trending topic and here’s what they had to say…

1. “I’m not as badass as you think I’m, especially when it comes to taking risks in bed” — Karan, 27 

2. “Haven’t ever done that. In my mind, it has always got to be consensual. And, yes it would totally be violating my partner and breaking her trust…” — Amit, 26

Have You Ever Thought About Secretly Taking Off Your Condom During Sex?© Durex

3. “Never done it, man. Although have thought of doing it (if I’m being totally honest)” — Rahul, 28 

4. “Is this even a serious thing? Any dickhead who does that should be ashamed of his dick and his head…” — Shyam, 29 

5. “Damn disgusting!” — Arjun, 24

Have You Ever Thought About Secretly Taking Off Your Condom During Sex?© coloribus

6. “I believe this is some dumb shit some woman on the internet has cooked up!” —  Sebastian, 33

7. “Have never done it. My sexual encounters have always been consensual. Although it can be violating because one doesn’t know if the guy is clean or disease-free (HIV, STD etc) or has no self-control which might result in an unwanted pregnancy.” — Kunal, 26

Have You Ever Thought About Secretly Taking Off Your Condom During Sex?© ads of the world (dot) com

8. “I wouldn’t call it a violation but I’ve done it once. Only because I didn’t have a condom on me! Though, she did realize it after a minute or two, but never really cared. For the record, she’s my horniest catch yet, lol.” – Karl, 26 

Article from: RELATIONSHIPS, by Mr. Batliwala

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Senior Dating Sites – Tips For Finding Love Online

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Thursday, April 27, 2017

3 Top Reasons Relationship Depression Starts and How to Overcome It

Did you know that depression in a relationship is quite common? It usually means that something is wrong in the relationship that one or both people acknowledge but do not know how to change the problem. When depression in a relationship happens, it’s essential that it gets fixed or the relationship may completely dissolve. Many bad relationships are the cause behind relationship depression.

How Does Relationship Depression Start?

What causes depression in a relationship to begin? Actually, there are three main causes as to why relationship depression begins. They include:

(1) Letdown Feelings – Many times relationship depression begins when one person has been let down by their significant other. Their dreams have not been fulfilled and they no longer feel hopeful staying in the relationship.

(2) Loss of Control – It can also occur when one person is too controlling over the relationship. The person becoming depressed in the relationship has to do things a certain way including selection of clothes, cooking, cleaning the house, etc. Too much power is given to one person and the other feels insignificant. Thus relationship depression begins because the dominated person has no control over his or her own life.

(3) Pretending – Sometimes, when a relationship begins, people don’t act like themselves. They tend to hide who they are for fear of rejection or opening up. If you are like this, it’s likely that you feel that revealing who you really are will make your partner leave you. When you aren’t yourself, you lead yourself into a relationship depression. After all, the relationship is based on a lie and no one can lie about who they really are without becoming depressed.

You Can Stave Off Relationship Depression

A person who is depressed in a relationship will need considerable help getting over it. There are ways this can be done and it will take patience. If you know someone who is in a relationship depression, here are some things you can do.

First, be around for them. It’s important to be a friend and listen to them whenever they are ready to talk. They need to feel like someone is on their side so do so for them.

Second, help them out physically around the house. They don’t feel like doing much when they are depressed and this goes for chores too. Lend them a hand until they feel up to doing things once more.

Third, make sure they get up out of bed. While this may seem easy to you, when a person is suffering depression in a relationship, they are going to need a little extra push.

Fourth, remember to love them unconditionally, with no strings attached. It’s normal to feel frustrated by the relationship depression but they have to know that you are not upset with them by the situation, only about the situation itself.

Fifth, find some outside help. Often times, just talking about the problem that’s causing the relationship depression can help. Other times, people will need medication to overcome their depression. Don’t be afraid to seek out help if you feel it goes beyond what you can do.

Teecee Go writes articles focusing on love, romance and save relationship helping people get back with their ex. Get the best information you need to overcome relationship depression You can get your partner back using the unconventional method, the fact is thousands have benefitted by visiting


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Lying: A Case of Fiction Addiction?

bigstock--164498414“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” – Mark Twain

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.” – Abraham Lincoln

Is lying a case of “fiction addiction”?  Since the idea of alternative facts and living in a post-truth world have been in the headlines of late, it seemed a good time to explore this topic.

The Origin of Lying

Think about the first lie documented in spiritual texts. In the Old Testament, Adam and Eve were told by God that if they ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they would die. They ate, they lived. When asked if they had munched on the apple which had them hiding their nakedness (which may be a metaphor for being revealed and vulnerable psychologically as well), Adam passed the buck to Eve who he said tempted him to eat the fruit. Eve then blamed the serpent for tricking her.  The truth is each of the players made choices and the chain of events proceeded.  Wondering if the tree was planted in plain sight so that Adam and Eve could be tested or beckoned. Consider that many people succumb to the temptation that is deliberately placed before them and expected to refrain from indulging.  This is not meant to be offensive to anyone’s spiritual beliefs, but rather an assessment of a written tale.

Why we lie can vary from person to person.

  • Fear of repercussion
  • Desire to look more impressive
  • Wanting to fit into a specific social norm or group
  • Belief that it will get us what we want
  • Habit
  • Covering over inappropriate behaviors
  • Creating a persona
  • Poor self-worth
  • Seeing what can be gotten away with
  • Wanting reality to be different than it is
  • Testing relationship boundaries
  • One-up-manship (can you top this?)
  • Rebellion against authority
  • Biding time until a justification or defense can be created
  • A passive-aggressive way of speaking up
  • Denying responsibility for choices
  • Poor self-esteem
  • Compulsion to hold power over another

Knowledge is power. When we are the keeper of information, we seem to hold power over another. Consider a partner who is unfaithful. He or she is aware of breaking the agreement of monogamy and may experience a sense of guilt and remorse. When asked if infidelity has taken place, an instinctive reaction may be to lie to cover those emotional states, protect what they fear to lose in the initial relationship or the new one. By withholding the truth, that imbalance of power can be maintained.

Set a good example. If you expect honest interaction with those in your life, it is important to be in integrity. The first of The Four Agreements, written by don Miguel Ruiz highlights the value of speaking truth.

“Be Impeccable with your Word: Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love.”

Make your relationships a safe place for honesty. If someone tells you the truth, how do you respond? Do you accept their feelings or dismiss them? Is there room for a difference in perspective or do people need to agree with you to keep the peace?

A few examples:

Susan was married to Chris. She had grown up in a family in which truth-telling was valued and trust was a core value. When she did something that she thought, her parents wouldn’t approve of, at times she found ways to justify her actions but didn’t think of them as lies. When they found out, they expressed concern but not overt disapproval. They wanted her to make her own choices and mistakes if need be but reinforced the importance of honest reporting of her actions.  Still, she valued their approval and there were things she didn’t tell them, wanting to maintain her stellar position in their eyes. She had not yet learned the difference between secrecy and privacy.; the former is an indication of a shame-based, if-you-knew-this-about-me-you-would-disapprove-or-abandon-me paradigm and the latter reflects each person’s right to sovereignty.

Chris was raised in a family in which his safety depended on lies and power plays. His father was an actively drinking alcoholic who was unfaithful to his mother and controlling and violent with Chris. He learned that he needed to create a confident (and at times arrogant) persona to survive. When the two of them got together, Susan was determined to stay in Chris’ good graces since his anger at times took a threatening turn, so she would withhold information particularly in interactions in the business they owned together. When he discovered her fabrications, his reactions were sometimes in excess of the ‘offense’. She justified her prevarications in her own mind since she felt she didn’t have the business acumen to successfully interact with costumers in a way that elicited a win-win. He had years of experience in various businesses and expected that she would model her own actions after his since it was not her forte’. She did not possess the ability at the time to admit those shortcomings and adapt her style to suit the needs. She found herself spiraling downward as he was escalating.

Melinda was a precocious pre-teen whose concerned parents brought her in for treatment after she engaged in behavior that alarmed them and the school. Appearing far older than her stated age, she told her parents and therapist that she should be able to make her own decisions without what she perceived was her mother’s and father’s unnecessary oversight. They volleyed back that although she perceived herself as being more mature than her age would indicate, she did require their guidance since she was making poor choices and lied to them and her teacher. One such example was that she justified being lethargic in class because she drank too much caffeinated soda the night before and couldn’t get enough sleep. When called on it in the session, she admitted that she didn’t want to tell the teacher that she stayed up playing computer games.

When Lying Becomes Addictive

The American Society of Addiction Medicine, defines addiction as: “a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations. This is reflected in an individual pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other behaviors.”

Is lying an addiction? Pathological lying is defined as: “s a chronic behavior characterized by the habitual or compulsive telling of lies.” One who engages in this behavior has come to believe the stories they tell and often can’t differentiate between truth and fabrication.  The desire to maintain appearances and power can instill that chemical high that occurs in any addictive process; whether it is experienced as the thrill of getting away with something or protecting one’s own position.

How Do We Treat the Addiction?

The first step, as is so in any case, is to admit the problem and the impact it has on the person’s life, asking “Does it make my life unmanageable?” From that point, a cost-benefit analysis is in order. How does it serve vs. harm? Each time the temptation to lie arises, take a moment to consider a line in front of you. On one side is truth and on the other un-truth. At each instant, there is a choice about which side of the line to stand. If you find yourself crossing the line, there is always an opportunity to pull back to safety. Have an accountability partner with whom you check in. The rewards are multi-fold in terms of elevating self-esteem and enhancing relationships.

Article from: Relationships & Love – Psych Central, by Edie Weinstein, MSW, LSW

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Is She Pretending To Be A Virgin?

Given the liberality of sexual mores nowadays, you would think a girl’s virginal status (or non-virginal status as the case may be) a non-issue. Oddly enough, however, some girls actually fake being a virgin.

There arose in the 1990s an abstinence-only or virginity movement in the United States. It was part of the influx of right-wing religious propaganda into mainstream society. Thankfully, the movement never got anywhere. However, the idea was ripped from its original social and religious moorings and is now in the realm of the post-modern.

In this mode, all a girl has to do is pretend to be a virgin. The practice is loosely associated with vague notions about body autonomy and the ability to control and define one’s identity. In one sense, I am sympathetic to it. The concept of virginity, as we now have it, is Medieval in origin. It is not so much about the physical act of breaking the hymen as it about the symbolic purity of the “untouched” woman. For the sisterhood to rise up in revolt against a male-defined concept of their sexuality is understandable.

If a girl has a first-time sexual experience that was completely unsatisfactory or that led to a relationship that was awful or abusive, I think it’s perfectly fine for her to discount the event and continue to identify herself as a virgin—as someone who has not really had sex. But a line must be drawn. It is ridiculous, in my view, for a girl who has had more cock in her than a public urinal to go around saying she’s still a virgin.

In addition to the honorable motives mentioned above for re-virginization, there is the desire to indulge fantasy. Some girls have gotten it into their heads that pretending to be a virgin is a turn-on to guys. They think they will get more male attention if they live out an elaborate game in which they play the innocent girl seduced and ravished by the domineering rake. I suppose there is something to do this. Its effectiveness would depend on the look of the girl.

So how can you tell if she is pretending to be a virgin?

There is no sure fire way of doing so. The presence or absence of a hymen is no proof of virginity. Some girls bleed; others don’t. Indeed, it is actually possible for a girl to have sex and still retain her hymen. I once deflowered a girl who had had previous sexual partners. There was no proof of it on the bedsheets and she only found out herself after a post-coital run to the bathroom.

The best way to tell if she is faking her virginity is to remain alert for inconsistencies in her behavior. Do not fool yourself into thinking you can learn anything by the way she dresses. A virgin can dress as provocatively as the most shameless slut. This fact came home to a friend of mine who was dating an actual twenty-something year old virgin. Her penchant for wearing short skirts that barely covered her ass cheeks and high heels drove him to near madness.

Awkwardness is the thing to watch for. Among the many myths about virgins, the one about their awkwardness in discussing sex or hearing discussion of the subject is the only one that bears truth. Real virgins tend to fidget, cast down their eyes, and remain silent in a shy way when anything related to sexual intercourse comes up. The action is instinctive and is therefore hard to fake. If the girl you’re dating has suggested she’s a virgin and yet seems perfectly at ease talking about sex, she is probably faking it.

Article from: TSB Magazine | Dating and Lifestyle Advice for Men, by Christopher Reid

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13 Traits of Insecure Men that Make Girls Run the Other Way

Maybe your man is highly secure, or maybe he’s secretly insecure. Here are 13 traits of insecure men in order find out the truth once and for all.

Men aren’t some superior gender who are impervious to insecurities. Men are people, and that means they’re bound to have insecurities and personality flaws. I know you want your man in shining armor to come and take your hand, but even he will have some issues of his own.

Now, having insecurities isn’t a negative thing, actually, I think it’s impossible to be completely secure with yourself. But there is a line between having them and letting them control your life.

Have you ever had a jealous boyfriend? Well, jealousy is an insecurity. Now, we all can become jealous, however, sometimes that emotion can absorb us and make us say and do crazy things.

I once knew a girl who’s boyfriend locked her in his closet while he went out to the club – that’s an extreme insecurity, and well, is also wildly abusive. Geesh, if that’s not one of the biggest traits of insecure men, then I don’t know what is. But the point is, you can see how these insecurities can also affect your life as well. [Read: 15 subtle signs of a controlling boyfriend you can’t ignore]

Here are the traits of insecure men

Some of these traits, like jealousy, can masquerade around as love. Like, “of course, he’s jealous – he loves and doesn’t want to lose me!” But take a closer look. These are the traits of insecure men that you should be mindful of. [Read: Are insecure men ever worth dating?]

#1 He’s highly protective. When Twilight came out, I thought Edward was the hottest guy. He was protective, he took care of Bella, he was her man. Now, I find this extremely possessive and overprotective. This is a huge warning sign. If he won’t let you walk to the grocery store alone because he’s worried you may get hurt, this guy needs to take a chill pill.

#2 He wants to change the way you look. He doesn’t like the way you look. Okay, he does, but he doesn’t want other people to like the way you look.

So, he’ll tell you that he doesn’t like the way you dress, he’ll tell you to change your hair – all these things are a form of control. He wants to make you, how he thinks you should look. Nah, that’s not going to happen. [ His insecurity + 7 other things a guy will never admit to you]

#3 He doesn’t have many friends. Yeah, which, I sadly understand. I personally wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who claims everyone as their own personal property. You end up being an emotional slave to them, walking on eggshells, just so you don’t hurt their feelings.

This is highly selfish, and really, should be a strong warning sign that something isn’t right. [Read: 12 common guys’ insecurities that girls don’t know]

#4 He needs to make it known that he’s with you. While this isn’t always one of the traits of insecure men, it sure can be. I mean, you’re in a relationship, but he needs everyone to know that. He needs it to be on Facebook, Instagram, any social media where another man may see you… he wants to be in every photo. When you introduce him to people, he has to announce that he’s your boyfriend. Why? Because he’s claiming territory.

#5 You’re his entire world. Of course, it feels amazing when a man is in love with you and sees no one else but you. But then there’s this moment when you realize that you’re the only thing he sees, but literally, the only thing.

You’re basically his private property, you’re his world. He owns you, he’s possessive – which at the beginning, you found attractive, but now it’s too much.

#6 He’s jealous of other men. If another man looks at you or hits on you, he’s up in arms. He becomes defensive, wants to fight the guy, or blames you for what happened. The guy simply can’t handle the thought that other people find you attractive. Ugh, like, grow up, man. [Read: 17 big signs of a jealous and possessive boyfriend]

#7 He monitors what you do and where you are. He wants to know what you’re doing every second of the day, where you are, and who you’re with. He needs to know your agenda because, if not, he assumes you’re off hanging out with another guy… cheating on him. This guy needs to control every breathing moment. If he could watch you sleep, he would.

#8 He brings up your exes. Maybe you and your ex have a decent relationship, but he doesn’t see it like that. What he sees is that you still have feelings for your ex. Is that true? No. You worked hard to develop a healthy friendship with your ex and you have every right to do so. He’s insecure because he feels that he could lose you to your ex.

#9 It’s all about the guilt. That’s how he’ll get you to do things for him. And it’s one of the huge traits of insecure men. If you didn’t see him today, he’ll call you saying that you never see him and that you’re neglecting the relationship.

If he’s doing these guilt trip moves, it’s because he wants to try to control you and your relationship. He’s selfish and wants to keep you in his grasp. [Read: Guiltfree ways to handle the guilt trippers in your life]

#10 He’s social media sensitive. Okay, we all stalk each other on Facebook and Instagram, that’s normal. What’s not normal is him making comments to you personally about photos you take with your friends or why you didn’t tell him you went for coffee with an old friend from school. He uses your social media to see if you’re lying and hiding things from him because he’s insecure.

#11 He has a horrible dating experience. All his past relationships ended with him being cheated on, or them leaving him. None of his past girlfriends cared about him and they all treated him like shit. At least, that’s what he tells you. In reality, he was overly demanding, required constant attention, and needed to be babied. [Read: Why men feel emasculated – 3 big reasons]

#12 He needs your attention constantly. If you can’t see him every day, he thinks you’re not interested in him or you’re seeing someone else. In reality, you’re busy with school and work but he doesn’t see that. He tells you, you’re neglecting the relationship and you don’t care about him. In other words, he’s insecure. [Confession: I’m a boyfriend who’s too clingy and needy]

#13 He threatens to breakup with you. Whenever you have a fight, he tells you he wants to break up with you and that you’re not good enough for him. This is all a ploy to get you in his grasp. If he tells you that you don’t love him, you’ll try harder to make him happy. He’s insecure, controlling, and manipulative, there’s nothing more to it.

[Read: Emotional manipulation: 14 ways people try to mess with your mind]

Now that you know what the traits of insecure men are, the next time you’re on a date, look for these traits. I’m not saying you should run away if you see one of these, but usually, if he has one of these traits, he’ll have a couple more. So, in that case, run.

The post 13 Traits of Insecure Men that Make Girls Run the Other Way is the original content of LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Article from: LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships, by Natasha Ivanovic

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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Enjoy life

An old story – but worth sharing again…

A boat docked in a tiny Mexican village. An American tourist complimented the Mexican fisherman on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took him to catch them.

“Not very long,” answered the Mexican.

“But then, why didn’t you stay out longer and catch more?” asked the American.

The Mexican explained that his small catch was sufficient to meet his needs and those of his family.

The American asked, “But what do you do with the rest of your time?”

“I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, and take a siesta with my wife. In the evenings, I go into the village to see my friends, have a few drinks, play the guitar, and sing a few songs. . I have a full life.”

The American interrupted, “I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help you! You should start by fishing longer every day. You can then sell the extra fish you catch. With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger boat.”

“And after that?” asked the Mexican.

“With the extra money the larger boat will bring, you can buy a second one and a third one and so on until you have an entire fleet of trawlers. Instead of selling your fish to a middle man, you can then negotiate directly with the processing plants and maybe even open your own plant. You can then leave this little village and move to Mexico City, Los Angeles, or even New York City –  From there you can direct your huge new enterprise.”

“How long would that take?” asked the Mexican.

“Twenty, perhaps twenty-five years,” replied the American.

“And after that?”

“Well my Friend, That’s when it gets really interesting,” answered the American, laughing. “When your business gets really big, you can start selling stocks and make millions!”

“Millions? Really? And after that?” said the Mexican.

“After that you’ll be able to retire, live in a tiny village near the coast, sleep late, play with your children, catch a few fish, take a siesta with your wife and spend your evenings drinking and enjoying your friends.”

And the moral is:

Know where you’re going in life….you may already be there.

The post Enjoy life appeared first on Simple Marriage.

Article from: Simple Marriage, by Corey

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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Can You Improve Your Relationship?

Love is a strange thing. It makes us blind of many things we would usually complain about, but now totally get ignored during the first phase of a relationship. We only want to see the good things of our partner and not the bad stuff. But once love cools down to become a normal day to day thing, we start noticing those little things that nag us more and more. Some people have no problem accepting them and continue to see only the positive things in a partner, while for others these little issues turn into problems and that is the moment a relationship might need improvement to make it last for a long time. Improving your relationship can be a simple process or a major undertaking depending on how deep the problems actually go. Fact is however, if you want to improve your relationship you will need to invest time and efforts to make it work.

Improving your relationship requires honesty, consideration, and being open for change and to accept change. Without being open for change and adjustment there is not much hope for an improvement of a relationship. A relationship is not a one-way street and you cannot expect your partner to do all the change just to please you – you have to adjust and change, too.

Here are some important things you will need to consider to improve your relationship.

– Recognize the current state of your relationship and decide that it is worth investing more into the relationship and to take it to the next level (a level where those small little issues are not be an issue)

– Remove distractions and obstacles to relationship success. If you are not honest to your partner, the relationship will not last. Start removing “dead bodies” from “the closet” and concentrate on your relationship.

– Appreciate your partner and let him/her feel the appreciation. Show your emotional “investment” into the relationship and be open to be “invested in”.

– Communicate openly and honest with your partner. Show respect and listen to concerns or thoughts coming from the opposite site as well. Again, a relationship is not a one-way street.

– Enjoy life together. Do things together. Do things that both partners like to do, but also support efforts even though it might not be your thing. But do not force your partner to “enjoy” things you enjoy and vice versa. A relationship does not mean that you need to spend 100% of the time together, there is still room for being an individual with own interest.

These are just a few of the things you can do in order to put out a foundation for a successful relationship. Again, be open, but also respect that your partner is a human being with his/her own will. Adjust where necessary, communicate things you like and do not like and your relationship can last for a very long time.

Chris Puetz is owner of the Love and Relationship forums “Love Discussions” where you can find relationship advice and people who listen to your concerns.


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A Few Quick And Simple Ideas To Enjoy Senior Dating Successful

Senior dating can be very challenging. For many people who have experienced a significant life event or found themselves in the dating pool when they didn’t expect it, there are many reasons to avoid it. Dating for older people is not the same as for younger people and entering the dating scene requires that a person have a clear idea of what they expect from their dating experience for it to be fun and fulfilling.

Setting realistic expectations is an important step in enjoying senior dating. Many people think that they want to get into a relationship after they have experienced a loss or significant life event when, in actuality, they just want someone to spend some quality time with. Maybe you want somebody you can go to the movies with, or enjoy activities with because you have never really done these things by yourself before. Learning to be alone can be difficult.

Having interests in common with your life made in very important. But, you don’t need to make a lifetime commitment to share interests with a person. Dating is best translated as spending limited periods of time with a person that you share interests with, without the expectation of moving the relationship to the “next” level.

When people get older a long term relationship relationship becomes less the focus than for many younger people. Many of us have spent our lives caring for others and when we enter the dating scene, we are not looking for a long term relationship. We are comfortable with the habits we have formed and a really good date ends with a bowl of ice cream and our favorite book with a cat in our lap. Staying “up” and “on” are not on our list of priorities.

Expecting to meet a senior that has no baggage is not realistic. People start collecting emotional and physical baggage from birth. By the time they reach senior dating, most have enough baggage to fill a freighter. Meeting a person that is great to spend time with and not expecting perfection is a key to enjoyable dating experiences as a senior.

If being set up on dates did not work when you were young, it is not going to be better now. Children always think they can set up parents because they have lived with them their whole lives and think they know them the best. However, our children don’t really know us. In many cases friends don’t really know us that well either.

There are several ways to meet dates that will be fun and meet your expectations once you know what you are looking for. Most of the time, when you are involved in activities in your local area, you will meet very interesting people to date or spend time with.

There are many websites available that offer senior dating opportunities. When you are considering using one of these sites, use the same types of caution that you tell your children to use. Check the site carefully to make sure that they are reputable. Don’t give out any personal information to a stranger on line. Remember that someone you meet online is a stranger. If you are going to meet someone you have contacted online be sure that you meet at a neutral location like a coffee shop before you make a commitment to meet for a lunch or dinner. And, most importantly remember to watch out for red flags. Independent people who are “wealthy”, fantastic looking, and smart will have the money to pay for their own coffee.

To get yourself register for senior dating , you need to search for one of the best senior dating sites on the Internet. There is hope for all people getting a date today, so what are you waiting for?


by Fæ

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Monday, April 24, 2017

Shy Guys Need Good Dating Tips

If you are shy and having a hard time with dating there are several dating tips for shy guys that can help you come out of your shell and date, while having a great time.

Being shy does not always have to be a bad thing. This can mean you do not have to have the spotlight or be the center of attention to feel comfortable. Shyness can actually be a good trait and one you can use to your advantage.

If you are shy, you should capitalize on it. When a female is talking to you, listen to her and make sure you understand what she is saying. You do not want to be too quiet however.

Make sure that the conversation is going both ways and there is not too much awkward silence. Just try and be involved in the conversation at the appropriate times and in the correct way.

If you find it hard to come up with topics when you are talking to a woman, try to get to know about things going on in the world. This way you can have something to say that may even be of interest.

But do not jump in and talk about something you don’t know anything about. In such a case it’s best to be truthful and let your date know. Perhaps in this way the woman may actually tell you about certain things. No one can be expected to know it all anyway.

One other great dating tip for shy guys is not to be too worried to be all out there. If you are by nature reserved, you will just look fine to others. Do recall, though, that it is not a bad idea to get out of your comfort zone now and then. At the same time don’t pretend that you are someone you are not. Women see through that right off the bat.

So even if you are shy, there are many dating tips for shy guys out there that can aid you to get to be a bit more sociable and have great dates.

There is a whole collection of articles and resources on Dating Tips, and they can be found at If you want to learn more about Internet Dating Tips,visit Online Dating Advice and claim your Free Special Report.


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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Brexit Update—The Snap General Election

Most political observers were surprised by British Prime Minister Theresa May’s announcement last Tuesday that the country would go to the polls once again for a snap general election—to be held June 8th.

Mrs. May has repeatedly cited the Tory victory in 2015 and the need for stability as Britain negotiates its way out of Europe as reasons for not holding another election. She now invokes the same notion of stability as the most pressing reason for the June poll. The twists, turns, and contradictions of the PM aside, her political calculations are quite clear, and they have nothing to do with opposition parties or the upcoming Brexit negotiations.

The main opposition Labour party lead by the sheepish and ineffectual Jeremy Corbyn is likely to suffer its biggest defeat since 1983. The center-left Liberal Democrats, who were utterly crushed at the last election, may be able to make a comeback; but they are more likely to flip Labour seats. The UK Independence Party, the primary instigator of last June’s EU referendum, is spent as a political force. The SNP will continue to dominate Scotland but has nowhere to go outside of that British nation. The Greens are unlikely to add to the single seat held by the ever-spirited and increasingly persuasive Caroline Lucas.

In other words, Mrs. May has no real worries at home. Her only trouble lies abroad.

Since triggering Article 50, matters have not proceeded as easily as promised. Striking a trade deal with Europe was at the center of the Prime Minister’s effort to rally the country behind her government’s intended negotiating positions. However, the EU has stated that it will not even begin trade talks until Britain pays a 50 million euro exit bill and agrees to the final terms of the country’s separation.

What this means is that Britain may not have a trade agreement with the EU before it leaves in 2 years. Trade talks tend to be long and difficult; and they are not made any easier when accompanied by lingering political bitterness among the parties involved. It’s now impossible to know when Britain will have a trade agreement in place with the European Union.

Given her humiliating limitations in Europe and her near perfect freedom in Britain, you could not be blamed for asking what the prime minister is up to with this snap general election.

In my view, the poll is nothing more than raw political calculation. May seeks to expand her Conservative majority so as to re-shape both the party and the country in her own image after Britain leaves the EU.

It is inevitable that the Government will encounter difficulties and setbacks as it enters into actual negotiations. Reports of broken promises and serial defeats will take its toll on May’s popularity. By holding a general election now, while she’s high in the polls, she’ll be able to secure a solid Conservative majority for the next 5 years, which will take her to the other side of Brexit negotiations and allow her to legislate freely in a post-EU Britain.

Although I am reticent to do so because of my antipathy to the Tories, I must acknowledge the wisdom of this action. It actually creates more long-term stability than would have otherwise been possible. The only downside is that a larger Conservative majority is likely to galvanize the independence movement in Scotland. And if the SNP gets its way, Theresa May’s gambit will be all for nought.

Article from: TSB Magazine | Dating and Lifestyle Advice for Men, by Christopher Reid

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Who Are You Praying to Change in Your Marriage?

Blog post title + woman praying with light shining on herI’ve been aiming this year to pray more and encouraging y’all to do the same. Specifically, I’m hoping we can grow into praying more intentionally, more openly, and more fervently for our marriages and marriage beds.

So then I started thinking about how I prayed so often during the worst years of my marriage. In case you haven’t been following me long, let me explain that my husband and I had some bad years of marriage, during which I wasn’t sure we were going to make it. Thankfully, we have moved past those difficult years and are in a season of genuine commitment and happiness that makes every one of those moments worth it.

But the truth is that we really didn’t have to go through all those moments. It took way too long for me to listen to what God wanted to tell me.

Because here’s an example of what my typical prayer looked like during those flailing years:

Dear God, I know that You brought me to my husband and that You believe in marriage. You want us to have a holy, thriving marriage. But we’re in a mess, and I’m so unhappy. I have tried talking to him nicely, then more forcefully, and even pleading with him, but he isn’t listening. Lord, please save my marriage. Help us get back on track. Tell me what I need to say to get through to him. Help him to see what I’m going through and to do what he should be doing to build our marriage. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Sounds good on the surface, right? I start by remembering that God brought us together and that God Himself is the maker of marriage and wants us to thrive. Then I’m open about my struggle and explain where things are for me. I ask for God’s wisdom in talking to my husband and for a change of heart. I even finish with “in Jesus’s name” (see John 14:13-14).

But read between the lines and you’ll see what I’m really asking: God, change him.

Even when I asked for wisdom on what to do, it was really so that I could get my husband to see my side of things. I wasn’t asking for the ability to hear his side or to view him in a better light or even for the desire to meet his needs.

When I look back now, I think: No wonder God didn’t answer that prayer — it was so selfish!

You know when things started changing in my marriage? When I focused on fixing me. When my prayers sounded more like:

  • God, even though I believe he needs to change, start with me. Point out my faults and help me to fix them.
  • Lord, show me how to love my husband with 1 Corinthians 13 love. Guide me into becoming patient, kind, honoring, selfless, and forgiving. 
  • God … just help me.

Many of you have been praying for your marriage, and specifically your sexual intimacy. You have poured out your heart to God and you’ve begged for help. But, given my own experience, I have to ask: Who are you praying to change in your marriage?

If the answer is anyone but myself, then you might need to rethink your approach.

Jesus told this parable in Luke 18:9-14:

To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’

“But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’

“I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

Are you “confident of your righteousness” compared to your husband? I certainly was. And frankly, maybe you are far more righteous. To this day, I think I was 70% right about what I was arguing my marriage. But I was a supremely self-righteous wife, which made me a sinner in God’s eyes. One who needed to stop looking at the speck in someone else’s eye and notice the plank in my own! (See Matthew 7:3-5.)

As some have said, “You can be right, or you can be married.” You can’t always be both. And since you gave your vow and have that ring on your finger, I think you already picked married.

Now the question is where do you need to change to make things better in your marriage? To reach harmony in your relationship? To improve not only the sex itself, but the intimacy that sex within marriage should have? How can you make your marriage a safe place for your mate to express their concerns and find support?

Even if they are 80% the problem, how can you stop looking at that 80% and focus on the 20% God really wants you to work on? By the way, you’ll often discover by the end of it all, you’re more than 20% of the problem.

I was a 100% wrong. Not in the relationship necessarily, but I was 100% wrong in believing that he was the one who had to do the changing. When I let my prayers become about God working on me, He started answering. In big ways.

I need to do more of that. Because God’s work in me isn’t finished. I still think I’m right more often than I should, and I’m far from having perfect, Christ-like love for my husband. But God has changed me. Because I asked Him to.

Who are you praying to change in your marriage?

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns” (Philippians 1:6).

Article from: Hot, Holy & Humorous, by J

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Saturday, April 22, 2017

What Makes You Feel Feminine?

Do you feel feminine?

I think God gave women a special kind of grace and beauty that is especially attractive to their men.

What Makes You Feel Feminine? - Do those things often.

What do you do that makes you feel feminine? Paint your toenails? Wear pretty undies? Sing songs in the shower?

Do those things often and ask God to help you grow in your appreciation of  your own brand of femininity.

Femininity is a strength, not a weakness.  Catherine Malandrino


Prayer Prompt: Ask God to help you to appreciate and grow your sense of femininity.

This Month’s Marriage Challenge: Be present in conversation with your husband. Pay attention and listen well.

 We Are THAT Family: 4 Conversations That Can Change Your Marriage Memorize these four sentences (and high five your man).

 SeedTime: How to manage bills with a bill payment schedule Four simple steps to stop the late payments.


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Article from: The Generous Wife, by The Generous Wife

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Marriage Help: How to Help Your Relationship Survive The Financial Crisis

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. ~Victor Frankl

You don’t need me to tell you about the dire state of the American economy and the reverberations being felt around the world. While you’re probably well aware of how this is directly impacting your bank account, home value, and nest egg, there is a hidden casualty that doesn’t seem to be getting any press: Marriages and relationships are buckling under the stress of these uncertain, stressful economic times.

Money is a sensitive and complicated issue for many couples. Arguments and power struggles can easily result and couples often feel blindsided by how a once strong relationship can be pulled apart by conflicts over finances. Here are five steps you can take to help your relationship survive this economic crisis.

1. Make the decision to keep your relationship a priority

It is easy to lose sight of the importance of your relationship during tough economic times (or during any stressful period). Many loving couples lose their way when worries about job security and money begin to take center stage in their relationship–intimacy is temporarily compromised when you or your partner become overwhelmed by fear; the very bond that supports your union can be weakened when your fears become a mainstay of your relationship.

Becoming conscious of this danger is essential to the health of your marriage or relationship. Make it a habit to check in with each other and acknowledge the importance of your relationship–you both need to make a conscious effort to help your love transcend the hurdles you face. With a little planning you and your partner can create “no-worry-zones” throughout the day–protected moments where you both give one another permission to only think about each other, about the positive aspects of your relationship. Think of these as temporary pit-stops that can allow you both to refuel the relationship.

Remember, if you’re anxious about money and/or job security, it will take effort and practice for you to be fully present with your spouse or partner in these moments.

2. Acknowledge and accept changing roles

We all play different roles in our relationships (and in our lives). For instance, you might be the “go-to person” during times of trouble; or maybe you’re the joker who makes everyone smile.

Often changes in family income bring about changes in the roles that were a natural part of your relationship–the bread-winner who took pride in supporting her/his family may now have to apply for unemployment (or take two jobs just to make ends meet); The full-time parent may now be forced to leave the children in someone else’s care and search for work. Beyond defining us as individuals, many of our assumed roles give particular meaning and value to our lives–and we can feel shaken at our core when stripped of these roles.

Share your struggles with your spouse/partner and supportive others if you are having difficulty transitioning into a new and unwelcome role in your life.

3. Find new ways to connect and enjoy one another

Your income and resources may change drastically during a financial crisis–or you may live with chronic anxiety that your finances can drastically change at any moment. Money that you originally allocated for vacations, dining out, gifts and other leisure activities may suddenly be needed to pay the mortgage or rent, be used for food, and utility bills (or saved for future expenses). Your relationship needs to change with the changing tides of your finances.

The challenge is for you and your partner to seek out new ways to connect and enjoy each other without the constraints of limited finances. You’ll need to adopt a new mindset for this to occur and you’ll each need to sacrifice. As your inspiration think of the starving artist or broke college student who are able to create meaningful relationships despite being financially destitute. Try to forget the trappings that money brings and head back to romance basics: holding hands, long walks, movies, games (is anyone up for charades?), making each other laugh…brainstorm together on how to have inexpensive, low- to no- cost fun.

4. Learn to ask for help/seek support from each other

Denial and stoicism aren’t useful, especially if you’re feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Unfortunately, some couples keep their collective heads in the sand and act like it is business as usual until something drastic happens–well, something pretty drastic is happening, so now may be a good time to get your head out of the sand.

All too often couples don’t share their fears with one another–this is especially the case for men. It’s so common it’s become a cliche: the stoic male who’d rather not talk about his feelings (especially emotions that make him feel helpless and not in control); the male who doesn’t access his partner for support but instead pulls away and attempts to deal with problems by himself, leaving his spouse/partner feeling isolated, confused and alone. And, while this pattern is more typically seen in men, there are women who also withdraw in the face of stress.

There’s no way to sugarcoat this: It’s dangerous for you and your partner to begin withdrawing from each other–you’ll now be faced with the anxiety of a troubled relationship on top of everything that’s playing out across the global economy.

5. Understand how you each cope with stress

Lack of financial security creates anxiety in all of us. As your anxiety level escalates during these uncertain times it becomes easy to displace your reactions to stress onto your partner.

No matter how healthy your relationship or marriage is, it is common for conflict to escalate when you and/or your partner are under stress. Ideally couples will learn to rely on one another to get through the difficult times that are part of every life. The reality, however, is often different.

A brief example of how financial stress negatively affected Vince and Karen:

Vince recently lost his job as a systems analyst at a large insurance company. In order to make ends meet, he needed to find work quickly and took a job making significantly less money. For the first time in their marriage, money was extremely tight. Rather than seek out Karen for support, Vince became more withdrawn and began to feel inadequate as a husband–his self-esteem is tightly wrapped around his ability to support his family. Confused by her husband’s behavior, Karen began to confront Vince about his “bad attitude.” Repeated conflicts replaced the once peaceful terrain of their marriage.

Part of the problem for Vince and Karen (as well as for many couples) is that they each have very different coping styles when faced with stressful life events. Vince withdraws and ruminates (rather than seeking support from others) and this triggers a fear reaction in Karen who begins to worry that their marriage is in trouble.

Is there a solution to this dilemma?

Become mindful of each other’s coping style

Often a marriage or relationship is damaged not by the stress itself, but by the way in which you and your partner cope with stress. The more information you have about how you both deal with the pressures of life (your typical patterns of coping), the more understanding and empathy you will have for one another during relationship rough patches.

Is your relationship worth protecting?

To discover more relationship tips, visit and sign up for Dr. Nicastro’s FREE Relationship Toolbox Newsletter. As a bonus, you will receive two free relationship reports.

Richard Nicastro, Ph.D. is a relationship and intimacy coach.


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Want to Find True Love? Stop Believing These 4 Relationship Myths

pexels-photo-67511A lot of people believe relationship myths and this is partly Hollywood’s doing. Movies, TVs, and books tell us certain storylines about love, and we want to believe them. It’s comforting to think someone is out there waiting to complete you and fulfill all your wants and needs. But is it realistic? Not so much.

There’s also a feeling of individuality behind modern relationship myths. In centuries past, children were strategically married off by their families for economic and status reasons. Now, in the Western world, people choose their mates. But this doesn’t mean that relationship myths actually help anyone. In some ways, they make dating and coupling harder. To find true love, stop believing in these four relationship myths.

1. There’s only one soul mate in the world for me.

As tragically pleasing as this idea may seem, if you fervently believe there is only one soul mate in the entire world — who is waiting just to meet you — you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. First of all, you’ll miss out on anyone else who wants to date you (because they’re not this mythical figure), and the potential joy of that relationship.

Keeping yourself closed off and pining for a soul mate is like being in a state of perpetual adolescence – you can’t learn how to be in an intimate relationship with another person if you never try. And then suddenly you find yourself actually wanting to put down the soul mate fantasy and start a real relationship, but you have no practice or no aptitude. Plus, you may still carry that idealized soul mate image in your heart, which will doom a new partner. How can they possibly measure up?

2. If we truly love each other we should never fight.

Conflict in a relationship is normal in all relationships and a sign that growth is trying to happen. It’s a way to express strong emotions, and the hope is, as we become older and wiser we fight fair and with awareness.

If you find anger rises up fast for you (you may even feel physical sensation before you can name it as anger), bringing conscious awareness to your anger by taking a few breaths before it overwhelms you is a good start. Also saying internally, “anger is present” can help turn your anger into a useful tool for communicating and strengthening a relationship.

If you believe being truly in love means never fighting, you’re denying reality in a way that’s going to come back and haunt you. When something needs to be expressed between people but is forced down and suppressed, it comes out in other ways—usually passive aggression, or depression. Anger that is subverted manifests in the body, as digestive problems, headaches, and poor sleep. Accept that in any relationship, you will fight with the other person at some point. Learning to fight respectfully and fairly actually generates new energy between people.

3. My partner will never be attracted to anyone else.

Monogamy is a fairly recent concept in human evolution. Think about all the times in your life, even in a single day, that you feel attracted to other people, be them people on the street or faces in TV commercials. You might not even be aware that you’re attracted to these people, just that a pleasant feeling that arises — and it’s human nature, there’s nothing wrong with this.

In the course of your relationship, it’s highly possible your partner will attracted to someone else, whether they tell you this or not. There are entire pornography markets devoted to married audiences, and these are a positive development, because they admit reality — people are attracted to others, outside of their monogamous relationships.

But if your partner is not acting on their attractions, then what’s the problem, really? Insecurities (about body image, wealth, status, intelligence) are part of having an ego. Chances are your partner has their own list of fears and insecurities too. Make sure you’re communicating about them with each other as a way of going through this human dilemma together.  

4. My partner needs to meet all my relationship needs.

This myth persists despite all evidence to the contrary including centuries of divorce, murder and adultery. No one person can meet all of your relationship needs — your needs change over time, and you might not even know what they are at first.  

Asking someone else to “complete” you is not going to work for either of you.  If you told someone every possible thing you needed from them, and then, through some hidden superhuman ability they were able to give it to you, you’d probably be bored with that in a month or two, or think they were trying too hard.

All you can do in a relationship is bring your best self forward, over and over. If you’re lucky, your partner will do the same, and the relationship will get what it needs — and give back to you both.

Article from: Relationships & Love – Psych Central, by Clinton Power

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