As social animals humans feel a basic need to come together in groups of all sizes. The most important of these social groups is the one on one relationship. While this relationship holds an incredible amount of sway over our lives, the intimate nature of it can make it unstable.
When problems do arise your first task is to identify where the problem is coming from. It can be difficult at times to see what is causing the stress on your relationship and might require you to address many issues your haven’t paid attention to before. This can be a painful process because you might be required to look at aspects of your relationship which you do not want too.
Once the problem is identified you must then establish your feelings on the situation. Rationality is what you must strive for here. Problems can and usually will lead to the rise of strong emotions, your do not want to suppress these, but rather have them work in tandem with rationality. By keeping a level head you put yourself in control of your individual situation.
Communication is key. A good relationship is built on a foundation of constant communicating. Your partner might see the problem to begin with. Its important to remember that during this initial discussion that you must be sensitive and understanding towards your partner who might have a tendency to feel attacked. This initial communication will help to put your both on the same page, making further discussion much easier.
When you do begin discussion with your partner you must harden yourself. When faced with the emotions that come from confrontation many people might use words which they don’t truly mean. Do not allow what is said to break the rational mindset you established before. You must also remember that while passion can lead to hateful words being used when they aren’t truly meant, there will be situations where you must take what is said to heart.
You must then reach a pivotal point. You must decide whether or not your partner feels that your relationship is worth saving. When faced with a problem a partner might come to an epiphany that the relationship, in their eyes, had ended long ago. If you truly wish to save the relationship its your job to either make them see that it isn’t over, or make them see the importance of your relationship all over again.
You can decide which course of action is best by looking at your past. If your relationship has withstood hardships before it is very strong. By reminding your partner of these hardships you can make them see that your relationship has something special. If you are concerned that you don’t have this inherent strength you must rebuild by going back to when you first met and bringing up those old emotions to rekindle the fire.
The road to rebuilding a relationship can be very hard to navigate, but you can make it easier by doing the few key things established here. A rational mind with a dedication to communication will help open up your partner and make rebuilding possible. While going through all the twists and turns of saving your relationship you must also practice intense understanding by not repressing your partner. With these simple steps the road to a saved relationship can be made a walk in the park.
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from Just Senior Singles