Love is a strange thing. It makes us blind of many things we would usually complain about, but now totally get ignored during the first phase of a relationship. We only want to see the good things of our partner and not the bad stuff. But once love cools down to become a normal day to day thing, we start noticing those little things that nag us more and more. Some people have no problem accepting them and continue to see only the positive things in a partner, while for others these little issues turn into problems and that is the moment a relationship might need improvement to make it last for a long time. Improving your relationship can be a simple process or a major undertaking depending on how deep the problems actually go. Fact is however, if you want to improve your relationship you will need to invest time and efforts to make it work.
Improving your relationship requires honesty, consideration, and being open for change and to accept change. Without being open for change and adjustment there is not much hope for an improvement of a relationship. A relationship is not a one-way street and you cannot expect your partner to do all the change just to please you – you have to adjust and change, too.
Here are some important things you will need to consider to improve your relationship.
– Recognize the current state of your relationship and decide that it is worth investing more into the relationship and to take it to the next level (a level where those small little issues are not be an issue)
– Remove distractions and obstacles to relationship success. If you are not honest to your partner, the relationship will not last. Start removing “dead bodies” from “the closet” and concentrate on your relationship.
– Appreciate your partner and let him/her feel the appreciation. Show your emotional “investment” into the relationship and be open to be “invested in”.
– Communicate openly and honest with your partner. Show respect and listen to concerns or thoughts coming from the opposite site as well. Again, a relationship is not a one-way street.
– Enjoy life together. Do things together. Do things that both partners like to do, but also support efforts even though it might not be your thing. But do not force your partner to “enjoy” things you enjoy and vice versa. A relationship does not mean that you need to spend 100% of the time together, there is still room for being an individual with own interest.
These are just a few of the things you can do in order to put out a foundation for a successful relationship. Again, be open, but also respect that your partner is a human being with his/her own will. Adjust where necessary, communicate things you like and do not like and your relationship can last for a very long time.
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from Just Senior Singles