Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Way Back Wednesday – Honest to Goodness

(Originally posted April 15, 2014.)

Tell the truth.

I know we all see ourselves as basically truthful, but really there are all kinds of ways that error or deceit creep in.

We don’t always get all the facts accurately (sometimes this can’t be helped).
We don’t share all the facts.
We emphasize some facts and down play others.
We don’t share anything at all.
We delay sharing and maybe don’t even get around to it.
We gently color the way we share.
We make the truth sound funny instead of being honest about how serious it is.
We get too busy with other things so we don’t have time to talk.

Please understand I’m not calling any of us pathological liars. We’re just human and who in their right mind enjoys hard subjects and conflict.

Honest to Goodness - Be brave and tell the truth.

The problem is, being truthful is a part of building trust and intimacy. These are pretty significant building blocks in a marriage.

No, it won’t always be easy. Be sure to pick a good time for the both of you and speak the truth in love.

So be brave and tell the truth. You can do it.

Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.  Ephesians 4:25  ESV


Prayer Prompt: Ask God to nudge you when you fudge the truth.

This Month’s Marriage Challenge: Be present in conversation with your husband. Pay attention and listen well.

The Forgiven Wife: Remember Whose Daughter You Are Claim your place as God’s daughter. He delights in healing our hearts.

 Of the Hearth: 8 Practical Ways to Show Respect to Your Husband Practical ways to demonstrate respect for your man.


Image credit © David Castillo Dominici /
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